What is non-invasive co2 carboxytherapy. Non-invasive carboxytherapy - what is it, the possibilities and dangers of the technique Carboxytherapy effectiveness

Carboxytherapy for the face is one of the most effective and safe procedures for facial rejuvenation. It is in many ways reminiscent of mesotherapy, but is a completely independent technique. The use of carbon dioxide in cosmetology allows not only to rejuvenate the skin, but also to slow down its aging.

Price of facial carboxytherapy

The cost of the procedure is based on the amount of carbon dioxide used. The CO 2 consumption depends on the number of skin folds; the more skin folds you need to smooth out, the higher the price. Rejuvenation in the eye area will be cheaper, and the most expensive will be the elimination of wrinkles over the entire surface of the face along with the neck.

Cosmetologist services are most often not paid for separately, but are included in the general price list.

The minimum price of carboxytherapy for the face in Russia for 1 session is 2,500 rubles.

Carboxytherapy facial price, rub.
Eyelids 2500-3000
Face 5000-6000
Face + neck 7000-8000

In Ukraine, facial carboxytherapy can be performed for at least 1000 hryvnia.

Carboxytherapy facial Price, UAH.
Eyelids 1000-1500
Face 2000-2500
Face + neck 3000-4000

The price in the tables is given for 1 session, but in some cosmetology clinics it may be indicated for 1 injection. Therefore, only a doctor will help you create an accurate budget, having calculated the required number of injections in advance.

Since one visit to the clinic may not be enough to solve the problems of aging of the body, the above amounts should be multiplied by the number of sessions.

Description of the “carboxytherapy facial” procedure

This is a modern cosmetic procedure for facial skin rejuvenation, the essence of which is the introduction of a small volume of special carbon dioxide into the epidermis. For this purpose, purified carbon dioxide or carbon dioxide is transparent, practically odorless, and has a high density (formula CO 2).

The principle of the technique is to artificially create hypoxia in tissues and cells - that is, a lack of oxygen, which develops when there is a large amount of carbon dioxide in the body. In this case, he experiences stress, which triggers self-healing processes.

When the level of CO 2 in the body increases, the blood vessels dilate, blood flow improves, collagen is produced faster, which helps tighten the skin and eliminate various cosmetic defects - pimples, acne, blackheads, etc.

There are two types of carboxytherapy. One of them - non-invasive, and it does not require injections; it uses special masks containing carbon dioxide. This option is ideal for those who are afraid of injections.

The second way is injectable, it involves injecting CO 2 into the shallow layers of the skin using a syringe. It has a very thin sterile needle, small diameter and is not suitable for those with overly sensitive epidermis.

What are the benefits of facial carboxytherapy?

The carboxytherapy procedure for the face has many effects, but the most striking of them is rejuvenating. Basically, this technique is developed to eliminate age-related and expression wrinkles on the face, especially in the area of ​​​​the corners of the lips, eyelids, and wings of the nose. Its primary task is to restore elasticity to the skin, thanks to which it will not sag very much even as the body ages.

The beneficial properties of facial carboxytherapy are as follows:

  • Collagen production. After several sessions, it forms in tissues much faster and in much larger volumes. Thus, a natural frame is created that prevents them from deforming.
  • Destruction of fat cells. Thanks to this, the volume of the cheeks is reduced, the face becomes thinner and firmer, and looks younger. First of all, this is relevant for overweight people who want to lose a few kilograms.
  • Skin regeneration. This process is started due to active blood circulation in the tissues, which, receiving the necessary nutrition, are restored much faster. They more easily tolerate the negative effects of the sun, wind, low temperatures, poor-quality water and cosmetics.
  • Detoxification. Usually they “hide” in pores, which expand under the influence of carbon dioxide, which greatly facilitates the process of cleansing them. At the same time, fat and other impurities are removed from the face, unsightly shine disappears, and the skin acquires a healthy color and smoothness.

Indications for the use of carbon dioxide are double chin, fat deposits, acne, scars, acne, spider veins. Its administration is also useful for dark circles under the eyes, in cases of mild facial asymmetry, old burns and scars, poor skin turgor and unhealthy complexion.

Important! The more often carboxytherapy is performed, the brighter and faster the results can be seen.

Contraindications for facial carboxytherapy

To eliminate the risk of deterioration in health, you should tell your cosmetologist in advance at the initial appointment about all problems. It is he who makes the decision on whether the patient is allowed to undergo the procedure or not. Unambiguous contraindications are age under 18 and after 70 years, as well as exacerbations of any chronic diseases.

List of contraindications for facial carboxytherapy:

  • Lactation. The negative impact of carbon dioxide on milk quality has not been scientifically proven. It is only assumed that it can worsen its taste and lead to the baby’s premature abandonment of it.
  • Pregnancy. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure at any stage of pregnancy. Moreover, this cannot be done in the last, third trimester, as there is a risk of premature birth.
  • High blood pressure. It is worth postponing carboxytherapy of the face until it normalizes for those whose level exceeds 140 per 100 units. In this case, we are already talking about hypertension, requiring treatment.
  • Inflammatory processes. Cystitis, pancreatitis, tonsillitis and any other diseases in which the size of any internal organs is increased are contraindications for the procedure. If you ignore this point, your health may deteriorate.
  • Impaired kidney and liver function. This is due to the fact that during carboxytherapy they have an increased load, since they are forced to remove carbon dioxide from the body. Since their work is impaired, these organs cannot do this fully, which often leads to excessive accumulation in the body and an increased likelihood of intoxication.

Among other contraindications to facial carboxytherapy, special mention should be made of a recent heart attack or stroke, epilepsy, and severe anemia.

How is facial carboxytherapy done?

The procedure is carried out in a beauty salon; hospitalization is not required. In total, it lasts from 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the size of the treated area. Since pain almost never occurs, local anesthesia is very rarely required. For those who are interested in how often facial carboxytherapy can be done, it must be said that it is enough to perform it 2-3 times a year in courses.

Non-invasive carboxytherapy facial

Carboxytherapy without injections for the face involves treating the skin with special compounds. Such masks come in liquid and fabric forms that require application to the skin. The procedure is absolutely painless.

Can be used in courses 5-6 times twice or thrice a year. This procedure can be carried out at any time, the main thing is that the skin is first cleaned of impurities.

Approximate progress of non-invasive carboxytherapy of the face:

  1. Using a special milk or gel, fat and makeup residues, if any, are removed from the face. To do this, use a cotton pad, which is used to wipe the desired areas.
  2. At this stage, light peeling is carried out using cleansing scrubs, after which the skin is wiped with a dry cloth.
  3. Next, apply a mask to the face and leave it for 15-30 minutes.
  4. After the above-mentioned time has passed, the product is carefully removed and its remnants are washed off with warm water.
  5. To close the pores, rub the skin with ice.
  6. At the end, the face is thoroughly dried with a towel and, if necessary, lubricated with moisturizer.

The procedure is carried out wearing sterile gloves, and the patient is wearing a disposable cap and gown. During the entire session he is in a chair or on a couch with his head raised.

How is injection carboxytherapy performed on the face?

Preparation for this procedure looks almost the same as for non-injection carboxytherapy for the face. At the beginning of the session, it requires thorough cleansing of dirt, removal of cosmetic residues and lubrication with antiseptic compounds to avoid infection. In some cases, you may need pain relief with a cream, which is applied in a thin layer and left until absorbed for 2-3 minutes.

The order of the procedure looks something like this:

  1. Remove fat and decorative cosmetics from the face by wiping it with a cotton pad soaked in cleansing milk.
  2. The skin is treated with antiseptic solutions necessary to prevent infection from entering the puncture sites.
  3. An anesthetic cream is applied to the skin if it is very sensitive.
  4. Next, the face is rubbed with fingers to warm up and improve blood circulation, the syringe is filled with gas and microinjections are made.
  5. The needle is carefully inserted not very deep into the tissue, avoiding disruption of the integrity of the capillaries, in order to avoid bleeding.
  6. Then the face is again treated with antiseptics and soothed with cream.

Note! To consolidate the result, a special serum can be used, for example, CentrellahEGF.

Results of facial carboxytherapy and care rules

You can see improvements in the condition of your skin after your first visit to a cosmetologist. The most striking effect of facial carboxytherapy becomes noticeable when the full course is completed. It can be observed for 4-6 months, then the procedure is recommended to be repeated to prevent wrinkles and other cosmetic problems.

In some cases, for example, if the selected doctor is poorly qualified, bruises, contusions and swelling may appear on the face after injections. The inexperience of a specialist can lead to puncture of capillaries, bleeding, redness, itching and irritation of the skin.

After a session of injection carboxytherapy, 2-3 days are required for rehabilitation. For 6 hours, it is forbidden to touch the skin with your hands, especially dirty ones, to use any cosmetics and to wash your face. It is important to avoid visiting the sauna, swimming in hot water and sunbathing for 24 hours. During this period, if redness, swelling and itching appear, it is recommended to apply Panthenol to the face twice a day.

Note! Those who have chosen non-invasive carboxytherapy do not need rehabilitation, but in the first hours the treated skin should not be wet.

Real reviews about facial carboxytherapy

According to reviews of carboxytherapy for the face, this rejuvenation technology is completely safe, extremely effective and has no analogues. Many consider it a type of mesotherapy, but this is a completely incorrect comparison. Most often they speak about it in a positive way; there are practically no negative opinions.

Nina, 38 years old

Not long ago I learned about the existence of such a technique and was so impressed by its results that I decided to try it on myself. I went to a popular clinic in Moscow, which was far from the cheapest, and chose an experienced doctor, a man. I completed a course of 6 sessions with him with a break of 3 days. He did everything perfectly, there were no complaints about pain. The result is still lasting, the wrinkles near the lips and nose have almost completely smoothed out, the skin no longer hangs like an old woman’s, there were no side effects.

Sofia, 29 years old

Despite my youth, I have a ton of wrinkles on my face. I also carried out mesotherapy, did lifting, all this helped only conditionally, there was nothing particularly to be happy about. Compared to these methods, this procedure is super effective, it helps the first time, is completely painless, although I had more than 20 injections, and most importantly, it gives you youth for a long time, for at least six months. It has only one drawback - the price is above average. While not all clinics offer it, I had to look for a suitable specialist, and this despite my residence in Moscow.

Angelina, 45 years old

At my age, I did not expect that many fine wrinkles would disappear after several sessions of carboxytherapy. And so it happened, the procedure did not live up to my expectations, of course, it helped in some way - the skin tightened slightly, the complexion improved, but I did not notice any global changes. They made masks for me, I think maybe that’s the whole point, that they have less effect than injections, so now I’ll try injections, maybe they will be better.

Photos before and after facial carboxytherapy

How to do facial carboxytherapy - watch the video:

Comparing photos of women before and after carboxytherapy, the difference turns out to be simply huge. This procedure is highly effective, but only an experienced doctor, a professional in his field, will help you get the desired results and avoid complications.

Carboxytherapy: what is it? and how to get rid of joint problems using a rejuvenating procedure?

Joint diseases belong to a common group of pathologies that threaten human health and lead to loss of ability to work. Complex treatment can stop the destructive effects of the pathological process. To achieve the best results, doctors use both traditional and innovative original techniques. One of which is gas injections, the injection of sterile carbon dioxide directly into the problem area. All physiological processes occurring in the body are associated with this chemical element, so the substance cannot cause harm. Experts rank carboxytherapy among the safest and most effective procedures.

Mechanism of action of carboxytherapy

Degenerative-dystrophic changes developing in the joint elements provoke pain. Discomfort occurs due to oxygen starvation and nutritional deficiency. With prolonged hypoxia, tissue and muscle fibers shrink. Excessive overexertion leads to spasm; pinched nerve endings react to this condition with pain.

Targeted injection of carbon dioxide into spasmodic muscles around inflamed joints increases the lack of oxygen, plunging the body into stress. To eliminate the imbalance, the biological system activates resources, directing them to the problem area. Carboxytherapy is focused on the ability of blood to transfer oxygen to cellular and tissue structures. After initiation, the concentration of useful gas in weakened joint elements increases several times.

Pros and cons of the procedure

Benefits of carboxytherapy for treating joints:

  • blood circulation and lymph flow increases;
  • spasm is eliminated;
  • pain syndrome disappears;
  • nerve endings are released;
  • swelling goes away;
  • metabolism and local immunity are activated;
  • the regenerative process starts;
  • stiffness decreases;
  • the production of collagen, which is responsible for the condition of articular cartilage, increases;
  • the shock-absorbing functions of joints increase;
  • toxins, waste and other deposits are removed from cartilaginous structures;
  • the symptom of weather dependence is relieved;
  • the general condition of the body is normalized.

The waste gas is removed from the body by the lungs and kidneys in a few minutes, and oxygen continues its beneficial activities. A long-term therapeutic effect helps to stop the progression of pathological changes, giving a chance to avoid surgical intervention.

The advantages of carboxytherapy also include: the safety of the raw materials used, minimal discomfort, the absence of a rehabilitation period and age restrictions, achieving a positive result after a single procedure. If sterile conditions are observed, the risk of infection during manipulation is zero.

Carboxytherapy has one drawback - injections of carbon dioxide do not completely eliminate problems. The technique is effective only in combination with other medical measures.


Studies have proven the high effectiveness of carboxytherapy for osteochondrosis. Moreover, the procedure copes with the symptomatic manifestations of the disease in different parts of the spine: cervical, thoracic, lumbosacral. Patients noted positive changes after completing a course of pneumopuncture, which were expressed in the disappearance of vestibular disorders, normalization of the functional abilities of the joint elements of the spinal column, and elimination of pain. The method helps to get rid of numbness in the area of ​​damaged segments and restore sensitivity to the skin.

You should resort to alternative treatment only in the remission stage.


Carboxytherapy is a relatively safe procedure, but it has certain contraindications, which include:

  • period of gestation and lactation;
  • history of myocardial infarction;
  • mitral heart disease;
  • heart failure;
  • epilepsy;
  • deep vein thrombosis;
  • ischemia;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • dysfunction of the respiratory center and the process of hematopoiesis;
  • psychoneurological disorders;
  • pronounced manifestations of dermatological diseases in the injection area;
  • necrosis and suppuration of tissues;
  • incompatibility of medications taken.

Ladies who are pathologically afraid of injections should avoid injections. In this case, the body's reaction may be unpredictable.

If the patient is prone to increased sensitization, a mandatory consultation with an allergist is indicated.

Method of carrying out

Carboxytherapy is carried out by a qualified physician who has a certificate for the right to practice this technique and documented evidence of quality control of the input raw materials. To avoid possible complications, before the procedure, the doctor interviews the patient to collect anamnesis.

Having made sure that there are no contraindications and maintaining sterile conditions, the specialist proceeds to the following algorithm of actions:

  • Prepares the tool and the required amount of component.
  • Thoroughly cleanses the surface of the skin.
  • If the patient has a low pain threshold, conduction anesthesia is performed.
  • Injects the required microdoses of the drug precisely around the pathological focus.
  • Re-treat the skin with an antiseptic solution.

Manipulations are performed using a diffusion gun equipped with a thin disposable insulin needle. Special nozzles allow you to quickly and almost painlessly inject a chemical element, control the depth of penetration and dosage. The necessary parameters are determined by a specialist individually. Gas injections are made into soft, spasmodic tissues close to the problem joints. To enhance the therapeutic effect, the painful area is evenly worked centimeter by centimeter.

The duration of the treatment course is determined depending on the degree of pathological abnormalities. On average, this is 5 – 12 sessions with an interval of 1-3 days. After the procedure, a depot of active substances is formed, the beneficial effects of which last for 6 months.

Doctors welcome the annual appeal to a universal method.

Following actions

Over the entire history of the use of this unique technique, no serious complications or significant side effects have been observed. In some cases, a burning sensation in the area of ​​penetration, local hyperthermia, and trembling were noted. Manifestations associated with the individual characteristics of the biological system and the reaction to a sharp increase in blood circulation disappear after a short period of time. Accidental damage to blood vessels is possible, leading to capillary bleeding and small hematomas, but the situation does not pose a danger to the patient’s health.

As the gas dissolves, with light pressure on the skin in the injection area, a slight click is heard (subcutaneous crepitus).

No rest or special medical care is required after the procedure. To further stimulate blood flow, it is more beneficial to take a walk or perform simple exercises.

Carboxytherapy originated in 1932 in France. Carboxytherapy has been used for more than 80 years at the famous health resort in Karlovy Vary. This physiotherapeutic method is a reliable aid to the body in the fight against hypoxia. Tissue hypoxia - lack of oxygen - can have different roots. Austria, Hungary, Italy, Russia, Slovakia, France not only use the carboxytherapy method, but also conduct in-depth scientific research on this method.

Stress, living in a metropolis, unloved work, digestive problems, congenital and acquired diseases, lack of sleep, lack of understanding of others - all this leads to spasm of arterioles - the smallest vessels that carry oxygen to the cells.

How does carboxytherapy work?

Carbon dioxide, which is normally produced by our body and is a natural product of metabolism, is introduced into tissues in a certain concentration and receptors that perceive this gas as severe hypoxia give an urgent signal to the precapillaries to supply the tissue with oxygen. That is, carboxytherapy gives a signal for better blood circulation at the capillary and cellular level. Changing the pH of the skin to a more alkaline side gives an analgesic effect and relieves precapillary spasm. Hemoglobin actively releases oxygen to tissues.

TO What effects can be expected from carboxytherapy?

  • Rejuvenation by improving tissue trophism
  • Treatment of all types of vascular disorders - from dark circles under the eyes to rosacea
  • Reduction of cellulite and reduction of adipose tissue - when sufficient oxygen begins to occur powerful lipolysis- reduction of adipose tissue, since cellulite is based on impaired microcirculation
  • Normalization pigment formation
  • Volume reduction double chin and strengthening the oval of the face
  • Decreasing depth facial expressions wrinkles
  • Removal back pain symptoms, neck, collar area, joints
  • Improvement hair growth on the head
  • Treatment scars and stretch marks on the stomach and thighs
  • Improvement potency and sexual function in both men and women
  • General recovery body
  • Treatment psoriasis and scleroderma in their focal manifestations
  • Treatment varicose veins
  • Treatments trophic and diabetic ulcers

Method safety

Carboxytherapy - it is safe! Therefore, it has been used by doctors all over the world for more than 100 years and more and more new devices are produced. CO2 cannot cause blockages, damage, or anything damaging. The only complication is a bruise from the punctured vessel, which goes away like a normal bruise.

How does the carboxytherapy procedure work?

The skin is treated with chlorhexidine or another antiseptic and a series of gas injections are made under the skin or intradermally. For this, disposable needles are used as for mesotherapy, no anesthesia is required, the area of ​​distribution of 1 injection is 5 cm2 - therefore, the injection step is approximately 2.5-5 cm, depending on the zone. The amount of injected reptile per injection is 5-40 ml.

The number of treated zones is no more than 2.

What are the contraindications to carboxytherapy?

All contraindications, as for any physiotherapy, are acute infections both on the skin and of a general nature, increased excitability, epistatus, pregnancy and lactation, individual characteristics of the patient, which may include high expectations from the method.

How many carboxytherapy procedures do you need to do?

Carboxytherapy is a treatment, not a trick. The effect is noticeable immediately, but a lasting result depends on the course of procedures. A course of 5 pcs is the minimum amount, since with chronic hypoxia the tissue needs to be properly “fed”. Michelle Exertier's network has developed a special system for conducting a profitable course of carboxytherapy - blocks of 5 and 10 procedures.

  • Course from 5 procedures minus 20%
  • Course from 10 procedures minus 30%

How often should a course of carboxytherapy be repeated?

It depends on your lifestyle and whether you follow your doctor's recommendations for a healthy lifestyle. Carboxytherapy is a way to maintain health if you don’t have a lot of time for it. It will help you maintain youth and flexibility in your joints in 15 minutes a day. Carboxytherapy or "gas shots" are good for office workers or for those who have already acquired chronic back or joint pain.

How long does a facial carboxytherapy session last?

A facial carboxytherapy session is very short - from 15 to 40 minutes, so it is beneficial to combine it with other procedures for the body and face or use it as an emergency way to improve your health during stressful work conditions.

What cosmetic methods is carboxytherapy combined with?

Carboxytherapy of the face and body is and should be combined with other rejuvenation methods. Cellulite treatment together with body carboxytherapy greatly accelerates the weight loss effect and increases the amount of fat burned. Together with a bandage wrap or - they give a much more pronounced result.

Together with thread lifting, facial peelings or procedures, they provide a facelift effect comparable to plastic surgery. A cosmetologist will help you determine the scope and course of procedures. Everything is individual. But carboxytherapy can be carried out separately!!

Cosmetologists from the Michelle Exertier salon network in Zhulebino, on Smolenskaya and on Frunzenskaya will be happy to provide you with a personal free consultation and select the optimal home care and course of rejuvenation procedures or general strengthening of the body in a beauty salon.

Is it possible to do carboxytherapy once?

Perhaps in case of acute back pain, to relieve pain. But in other cases, we recommend doing 5-10 procedures for a lasting effect.

Does carboxytherapy treat hair loss?

Yes, all types of non-androgenic alopecia are treated with carboxytherapy and it also improves the effect of using antiandrogenic drugs.

How does carboxytherapy affect potency and does it treat other diseases of the genital area?

Everything related to innervation, constriction of blood vessels, chronic circulatory disorders, stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs - all of this is positively affected by carboxytherapy. When treating adhesions, it is also possible to use carboxytherapy in combination to improve the effect. Carboxytherapy does not cure infectious diseases, but it can be used for the rehabilitation of patients.

Aesthetic cosmetology is a constantly developing field of knowledge, which is largely integrated into medicine.

Many cosmetic procedures are aimed at improving the health of the body, which leads to an improvement in appearance and the elimination of aesthetic defects. Carboxytherapy has a similar principle of action. What it is and how to apply this method correctly, cosmetologists learned from medicine, which has been treating with carbon dioxide for more than 70 years.

Principle of operation and essence of the procedure

After the age of 30, along with a decrease in the ability to strengthen connective tissue, gradual degradation of the body as a whole begins. Due to natural aging and poor ecology, it can no longer regenerate and rejuvenate on its own. Not the least role in this is played by blood vessels, which work improperly and do not fulfill their function - delivering oxygen to cells and removing their waste products - in full.

As a result, the rate of cellular metabolism decreases, and oxygen starvation begins in the tissues. In conditions of lack of the main source of energy, cells “fall asleep” - they stop dividing and renewing, and the intercellular space is filled with waste from their vital activity. Internal processes are directly reflected in the appearance - the skin loses tone, sags, becomes unhealthy in color, and the fat layer grows much faster.

The principle of action of carboxytherapy is akin to the homeopathic postulate “Treat like with like.” Cosmetologists began to eliminate the consequences of oxygen starvation by artificially enhancing its cause about 15 years ago. During the procedure, medical carbon dioxide is injected under the patient's skin, which begins to act immediately after the injection.

Entering the blood, CO2 increases the oxygen hunger of cells to the limit. In response to this, the body begins to forcefully “dump” oxygen from the blood into the tissues. As a result, blood vessels dilate, blood flow to the skin increases, which causes the cells to “wake up” and begin to function in a qualitatively new mode.

By enhancing the production of ATP acid (metabolism stimulant), carbon dioxide is eliminated from the body through the kidneys and lungs 30 minutes after administration. The processes he catalyzes continue in his absence. Thanks to the production of new fibroblasts and normalization of blood and lymph circulation, the level of skin moisture increases, turgor improves, cells are cleansed, and the intercellular space is strengthened.

Carbon dioxide also has a positive effect on reducing body fat. It increases the sensitivity of beta-adrenergic receptors, which are responsible for natural lipolysis. In addition, CO2 is directly involved in the hydrolysis of lipids due to the activation of cyclic AMP (ATP derivative) and hormone-dependent lipase.

Video: "What is carboxytherapy and what results does it help achieve?"

Indications for testing

In medicine, carbon dioxide injections are successfully used to treat quite serious diseases, for example, osteonecrosis.

In cosmetology, carboxytherapy is indicated in the presence of the following defects and disorders:

  • flabbiness, withering and early photoaging;
  • cellulite;
  • hyperpigmentation of certain areas (including dark circles under the eyes);
  • shallow age and expression wrinkles;
  • local difficult-to-correct fat deposits.

Carbon dioxide treatment is mainly used for therapy and rejuvenation of the face, neck and décolleté, as well as reducing the volume of problem areas of the body - abdomen, hips, buttocks. The correction area may vary depending on the location of the defect.

How is the procedure done?

As with other procedures associated with direct effects on the body, carboxytherapy requires prior consultation with a specialist. After collecting anamnesis and stating the absence of contraindications, the doctor begins the procedure.

There is no need for anesthesia, but if desired, it can be performed with a mesoscooter. A prerequisite is disinfection of the injection site. This is followed by the introduction of carbon dioxide in various ways:

  • invasive method - with a syringe with a needle or a special device for carboxytherapy in the form of a pistol;
  • non-invasive or non-injection carboxytherapy involves exposure to carbon dioxide dissolved in cosmetic masks.

Video: "How is non-invasive carboxytherapy performed?"

Injections are made with G25 - G32 needles. Depending on the purpose, the gas injection is given to different depths.

After this, the doctor carries out repeated treatment with an antiseptic, and this ends the procedure. Its duration is about 20-30 minutes, depending on the number of correction zones. There is no pain during injection.

  • do not wet the injection site for 4 hours;
  • exclude thermal effects on the body for 6 hours;
  • Do not wear compression or shapewear immediately after injections.

Carboxytherapy for the treatment of cellulite and stretch marks

Treatment with carbon dioxide has proven itself to be an effective means of combating local fibrous-dystrophic changes in subcutaneous fat. Carbon dioxide eliminates lymph circulation disorders, normalizes microcirculation, removes toxins, fat and water, eliminates “nodules” and compactions of connective tissue (“orange peel”).

During treatment, superficial injections, which act against skin sagging, alternate with deep ones aimed at lipolysis. The introduction is carried out according to a grid scheme. The course includes 12 sessions, once every 4 days.

When exposed to stretch marks, CO2 accelerates their epithelization, evens out the color of the stretch marks with the skin tone, and ensures that the border of the stretch marks is at the same level with the general surface. Injections are made directly into stretch marks using multiple superficial punctures (a dose of 5 cm³ is injected to a depth of 1 mm). The course is 1 session every 14 days for 4 months.

Results and course of carbon dioxide injections

The result becomes visible after an average of 3-4 procedures and is expressed in a significant improvement in the local condition of the skin - elasticity increases, color becomes healthier, scars become whiter, wrinkles are smoothed out.

In order to combat the signs of aging, carboxytherapy requires 2-3 injections into each zone over a course of 5-6 sessions (2-3 per week). The effect is quite persistent and lasts at least 8-10 months.

Results of carboxytherapy: photos before and after the procedure

Contraindications and side effects

Local mild and reversible complications include hematomas, short-term hypermia, subcutaneous crepitus, burning at the injection site and a feeling of heaviness in the limbs at a dosage of more than 20 cm³.

Contraindications to carboxytherapy are:

  • myocardial infarction suffered less than 6 months before the procedure;
  • angina pectoris;
  • heart, pulmonary and renal failure;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • history of stroke;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • gangrene;
  • epilepsy;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • taking carbonic anhydrase inhibitors.

What procedures can be combined with?

Lipolytic mesotherapy - subcutaneous injections of drugs that stimulate the production of fibroblasts or promote the breakdown of fats - deoxycholate, collagenase,

A course for the purpose of rejuvenation will cost 150 USD, against cellulite - 720 USD, against stretch marks - 950 USD.

Carboxytherapy is a method of medical intervention that is successfully used in the field of cosmetology. Carbon dioxide injections can significantly reduce or completely eliminate the signs of age on the skin, cellulite and acquired defects. Carbon dioxide is a waste product of the body itself, so it is guaranteed not to cause allergies and will not cause serious complications.

In the world of cosmetology, new trends and names of anti-aging procedures appear every day. Carboxytherapy for the face is one such beauty treatment that is gaining popularity.

The essence of the carboxytherapy procedure

The main goal of the procedure is to saturate the skin with carbon dioxide. The body's response to a lack of oxygen is increased blood circulation, during which oxyhemoglobin is broken down and oxygen is formed. Our body is designed in such a way that it quickly responds to all changes occurring in it, and even when it manages to stabilize its condition, for some time the cells and tissues continue to work several times more actively.

Carbon dioxide will leave the body within half an hour, as its mission has begun - fats are broken down, and collagen, which is responsible for skin elasticity, is intensively produced.

The procedure has been used in medicine for many years. It began to be used in salons for facial rejuvenation about 15 years ago. Carboxytherapy does not require radical intervention in the body. After treatment, the skin is renewed and healthier, wrinkles are smoothed out, circles under the eyes disappear or lighten, and the oval of the face looks tightened. In addition, this procedure can be used for other parts of the body, for example, for weight loss or rejuvenation.

Carbon dioxide is administered intradermally or subcutaneously. The procedure itself does not take much time. It does not require anesthesia or long-term rehabilitation.

However, one session will not significantly improve elasticity. A course of treatment is required. It is usually carried out once or twice a week. After completing the course, only maintenance procedures should be performed. They can be performed only once every two months.

Why do you need carboxytherapy for your face?

Vessels weaken with age. The reasons may be: unsatisfactory environmental conditions, sedentary work, low physical activity. Therefore, the vessels are much less able to pass blood, which must carry oxygen, as well as nutrients to all the cells of our body. Early aging, fatigue, and failure at the cellular level are the consequences of such disorders.

Carbon dioxide leaves the body in just half an hour, through the lungs and kidneys, but active work is already taking place at the site of its introduction. Lymph and blood circulation are significantly stimulated, metabolic processes are accelerated. Toxins and impurities begin to be eliminated.

During the session, no substance foreign to the body is introduced. Therefore, carbon dioxide does not cause harm. A guarantee of safety is also the fact that in medicine this method is used to treat psoriasis, muscle and joint pain, trophic ulcers, diabetic angiopathy, etc.

Indications for the procedure

Carboxytherapy can be used by anyone who cares about the condition of their skin. The procedure is especially relevant after 35 years. There are many procedures designed to rejuvenate the skin and rid it of excess pigmentation, sagging, acne, dark circles under the eyes. However, carboxytherapy differs in that it is much more beneficial for the human body than the well-known mesotherapy. In addition, it is economical and does not use expensive drugs and substances.

Aesthetic indications for carboxytherapy:

  1. Sagging skin (carboxytherapy of the face and neck leads to positive changes quickly, after 2-4 sessions);
  2. Dark circles, bruises under the eyes. Patients with thin skin have better results;
  3. The surface layer becomes thicker, the vessels are less visible, and the skin is better protected from aggressive influences;
  4. Deep scars. When saturated with oxygen, scar healing is significantly accelerated.

For the session in the salon, sterile carbon dioxide is used. A special diffusion gun allows you to control the amount of carbon dioxide introduced. The attachments on disposable needles are designed to alleviate the pain of injection.

What problems can carboxytherapy solve?

Problems associated with aging are solved. Carbon dioxide can stimulate the activity of fibroblasts. Most skin creams contain collagen as it smooths out wrinkles and makes the skin firmer. At 30-40 years old, this is especially relevant, since the decrease in oxygen levels especially progresses at this age.

However, carboxytherapy has nothing to do with plastic surgery. This is a kind of charging for cells, internal cleansing. You should not expect the same effect as after lifting. But with the help of carboxytherapy, it is possible to eliminate congestion caused by poor circulation. As a result of carboxytherapy:

  • Improves complexion;
  • Bruises under the eyes disappear;
  • Eyebrows rise;
  • Pigmentation will be significantly reduced;
  • The oval of the face becomes clearer;
  • There are fewer post-acne marks;
  • Damaged cells are restored;
  • The skin's protective mechanisms are activated;
  • Subcutaneous fat deposits are broken down and removed, the rejuvenating effect increases;
  • The number of acne and redness on the face decreases;
  • Premature aging is prevented.

Medical point of view

Carboxytherapy has many benefits. In addition to the aesthetic effect, carboxytherapy also has a beneficial effect on the redistribution of blood in the body, stimulates energy metabolism, and normalizes venous outflow.

Due to it, metabolism increases, working capacity increases, and the level of excitability of the nervous system decreases. It is possible to combine carboxytherapy with other operations: peeling, skin nutrition, laser techniques or injections to preserve youth, health and beauty.

Possible side effects:

  1. Redness or burning;
  2. A slight swelling that goes away on its own;
  3. Subcutaneous bruising.

Side effects go away quickly. The only thing that the patient may not like is the sensation when inserting the needle under the skin, since some patients have high individual sensitivity. In recent years of use, as well as throughout the entire 70-year history of carboxytherapy, no serious side effects have been detected.

Contraindications to such an operation are serious diseases:

  • strokes;
  • heart failure;
  • epilepsy;
  • angina pectoris;
  • recent myocardial infarction;
  • respiratory failure;
  • renal failure;
  • thrombophlebitis.

Rejuvenation without injections

Non-injection carboxytherapy is a non-invasive procedure that is performed to maintain youthful and elastic skin. This is a fairly comfortable and effective technique. Thanks to the new technology, there are no side effects that accompany injection carboxytherapy (swelling, burning).

When CO2 is injected under the skin, blood vessels dilate and blood circulation is activated, and the skin more effectively receives vitamins and nutrients. The operation also has an anti-edematous effect. The face looks much fresher, signs of fatigue are removed.

After carboxytherapy without injections, facial wrinkles relax, which prevents the appearance of age wrinkles. The face looks more relaxed and peaceful.

Cosmetologists use a controlled stress method that awakens reserves, directs them to restore damaged cells, effectively reducing pigmentation and rejuvenating it. Also, carboxytherapy without injections helps to cope with acne and spots after acne, reduce the number of blackheads, narrow pores, and remove traces of scars.

Carboxytherapy for the face without the use of injections is not inferior to the procedure with injections in its quality, but is completely painless. There is also a psychological effect: many people are afraid of any injections, so non-injection therapy is best suited for them.

How does a session occur in the case of non-injection carboxytherapy?

The combination of active components, which are applied to the skin of the face in a certain sequence, allows you to introduce a large amount of carbon dioxide in a short time in a non-invasive way.

The sensations during the session are quite pleasant. The patient feels as if a stream of warm air is being directed into her face and hears a sound reminiscent of the crunching of fresh snow. Carboxytherapy treatment can be truly comfortable and painless injections.

Non-injection carboxytherapy is suitable for treatment after cosmetic facial cleansing, as it has excellent antibacterial properties.
You should not assume that such an operation will be incomplete. As a result of non-injection carboxytherapy, effective and rapid restoration of breathing and important cell functions occurs. You just need to go to a good cosmetology clinic that performs such procedures to feel their effect for yourself.

Only the most positive reviews are left about non-invasive carboxytherapy, since sessions are available at beauty salons.

Carbo face mask

A pleasant surprise for many who are interested in this procedure will be a new invention: carboxytherapy - a face mask. If you purchase such a mask, you don’t even have to go to a beauty salon. However, for the best effect, it is still worth having a session with a certified cosmetologist.

How the procedure is performed:

  1. First, you should remove makeup, cleanse the skin with a scrub or peeling;
  2. The gel from the syringe should be applied evenly to the skin of the neck and face;
  3. The activator mask must be pressed evenly and gently;
  4. Every 10 minutes you need to press the mask to your face;
  5. After 20-30 minutes, you need to remove the mask, remove the gel with a napkin or sponge, wash with warm water and wipe your face with lotion, then apply the cream.

Mild redness or burning may occur, but all side effects usually disappear after completion of the procedure. During the CO2 reaction, the mask begins to hiss, soften under the influence of the gel, and stings the skin quite strongly.

As a result of using the mask, you will see the effect within a few days. The skin will become smoother, wrinkles will smooth out, and the oval of the face will become much clearer. It is also possible to eliminate scars and post-acne spots, lift the upper eyelids, tighten the jawline, and narrow pores.

A mask with carbon dioxide (there are also masks with sodium alginate) solves a wide range of aesthetic problems and helps to avoid painful sensations during injections. There are also masks with a membrane that separates the gel and the activator. In this case, before applying, you just need to rub the mask in the package, and there is no need to apply the gel from a syringe. It is recommended to conduct several sessions. It is also better to do the mask at night, since the tingling sensation may still be felt for some time.

About the author: Larisa Vladimirovna Lukina

Dermatovenerology (Internship in the specialty of dermatovenerology (2003-2004), Certificate of the Department of Dermatovenerology of St. Petersburg State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlov dated June 29, 2004); Confirmation of the certificate in the Federal State Institution "SSC Rosmedtekhnologii" (144 hours, 2009) Confirmation of the certificate in the Rost State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia (144 hours, 2014); Professional competencies: management of dermatovenerological patients in accordance with procedures for the provision of medical care, standards of medical care and approved clinical protocols. Read more about me in the Doctors-Authors section.