What does clotrimazole help with? Clotrimazole cream - features of use for men and women, the secret of effectiveness. Are there any contraindications?

The instructions for use of Clotrimazole ointment recommend its use for the treatment of thrush in women. The disease develops with a sharp decrease in immunity and manifests itself with severe symptoms. Particular discomfort is caused by cutting and burning, pain in the lower abdomen, and vaginal discharge. Taking systemic antimycotic drugs often leads to adverse reactions. Therefore, doctors prescribe drugs for topical use to women.

Clotrimazole ointment is often included in the therapeutic regimens of patients with thrush (vaginal candidiasis). It not only eliminates the symptoms, but also affects the cause of the disease - the yeast-like fungi Candida. The drug is available, inexpensive, and convenient for treatment at home.

Clotrimazole ointment is a time-tested remedy against thrush. This infection of the genital organs often develops with endocrine pathologies, hypothermia, and long-term use of antibiotics. When the body's defenses are weakened, pathogens of mycoses begin to become active. Candida fungi belong to the opportunistic microflora and are always present in small quantities in the vagina. Against the background of decreased immunity, they begin to rapidly multiply and infect the mucous membranes. If you use Clotrimazole ointment at this stage, you can do without taking systemic antimycotics. The drug quickly eliminates the symptoms of thrush:

  • burning and itching in the vagina;
  • redness, swelling, itching;
  • pain during and after urination;
  • cheesy discharge from the genitals.

The drug helps to quickly get rid of the symptoms of chronic vaginal candidiasis. With this form of pathology, thick mucus is rarely discharged from the vagina. Women suffer from excessive dryness of the mucous membrane, hyperemia, and dry erosions.

Even after a single application of the antifungal agent, the intensity of clinical manifestations decreases.

To enhance the therapeutic effect of the ointment, the doctor may prescribe the simultaneous use of other drugs. The effect of Clotrimazole is enhanced by immunomodulators, immunostimulants, and balanced complexes of vitamins and microelements.

Pharmacotherapeutic group and action

Clotrimazole ointment is used for the effective treatment of genital candidiasis. Its antifungal effect is based on the pharmacological properties of the active ingredient - an imidazole derivative. To build cell membranes, pathogenic fungi produce the organic compound ergosterol. Clotrimazole blocks enzymes that stimulate its biosynthesis and prevents the spread of infection. Under the influence of the ointment, the permeability of the membranes changes, so the cell gradually dissolves. The drug exhibits antimycotic activity against the following pathogenic fungi:

  • dermatophytes;
  • yeast-like and mold fungi;
  • causative agents of lichen versicolor.

When used in small doses, the drug has a fungistatic effect, preventing damage to healthy tissues. And frequent use of Clotrimazole ointment in large quantities helps to completely destroy thrush pathogens. The active ingredient enters into biochemical reactions with enzymes, increasing the concentration of hydrogen peroxide. Such an environment is toxic for fungi and causes the destruction of their cells.

After applying the product to the vaginal mucosa, about 5-10% of the active ingredient of the ointment is absorbed. It is metabolized by liver cells and evacuated from the human body along with bile.

Release form, composition and packaging

On pharmacy shelves there is Clotrimazole ointment from Russian and Indian Polish manufacturers. Products from domestic pharmaceutical factories are much cheaper, varying between 20-30 rubles. The price of an imported drug can exceed 80-100 rubles. The drug is available in the form of a 1% ointment with a jelly-like consistency without a characteristic odor. In addition to the active ingredient, it contains the following auxiliary chemical compounds:

  • propylene glycol;
  • polyethylene oxide;
  • methylparaben;
  • nipagin;
  • cetostearyl alcohol;
  • glycerol
  • Castor oil;
  • distilled water.

Auxiliary components enhance and prolong the clinical effect of Clotrimazole. They create a pH environment as close as possible to the acidity of human skin and mucous membranes. Propylene glycol ensures maximum absorption of the active ingredient and its even distribution in tissues. And castor oil moisturizes the mucous membranes, accelerating their regeneration. Cetostearyl alcohol is added to the composition, which makes Clotrimazole ointment help women eliminate unbearable itching.

The external product is packaged in aluminum tubes of 15.0 g, 20.0 g, 30.0 g, 40.0 g. Secondary packaging is a cardboard box with instructions for use inside.

Instructions for use for women

Women with thrush should start using Clotrimazole ointment at the first clinical manifestations. During treatment of vaginal candidiasis, it is necessary to avoid sexual intercourse. Otherwise, there is a high risk of re-infection from a partner.

The instructions for use of Clotrimazole ointment in gynecology recommend the simultaneous use of drugs to enhance immunity. If the body's resistance is low, a new recurrence of thrush is possible. The use of immunostimulants with an antimycotic agent (Immunal, echinacea tinctures, ginseng) will completely get rid of the disease.

Indications for use

Doctors prescribe Clotrimazole in the form of an ointment for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis at any stage of the pathology. It is used both for therapy and as a prophylactic agent. The drug for application to the vaginal mucosa destroys fungal pathogens and prevents exacerbations of thrush.

Clotrimazole ointment relieves a woman of severe discomfort - burning from itching in intimate places.

It is prescribed by gynecologists for the following purposes:

  • prevention of activation of pathogenic fungi while taking systemic antibacterial drugs;
  • prevention of the development of thrush in women with immunodeficiency conditions.

Clotrimazole ointment is introduced into the vagina before childbirth if vaginal candidiasis is detected in the mother. It sanitizes the mucous membranes and prevents infection of the child during passage through the birth canal.

Clotrimazole for thrush

This is one of the most accessible and frequently used remedies for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis. The therapeutic line of Clotrimazole includes: solution, cream, gel, vaginal suppositories and tablets. When diagnosing thrush of moderate and severe severity, medications are combined. The combination has worked well:

  • tablets for insertion into the vagina and preparations for application to mucous membranes;
  • vaginal suppositories with cream or gel.

In the treatment of complicated thrush in women, the doctor prescribes Clotrimazole and Fluconazole to quickly eliminate symptoms. This technique allows you to significantly speed up recovery and avoid relapses against the background of reduced immunity.

The use of Clotrimazole ointment for thrush in women is suspended during menstruation. At this time, you can use vaginal tablets or suppositories. Doctors strongly recommend avoiding douching during treatment for candidiasis, which contributes to the spread of infection. The sexual partner must be treated with antimycotics for external and internal use.

Contraindications and side effects

An absolute contraindication to the use of any dosage form of Clotrimazole is individual sensitivity to the components. This may not be the active ingredient, but rather substances used to form the tablets or cream. The external agent should be used with caution in the presence of severe pathologies of the liver and urinary organs. Side effects of the drug include:

  • burning and hyperemia;
  • swelling of the epithelium;
  • appearance of rashes.

After intravaginal use of Clotrimazole, in addition to the above symptoms, in rare cases, urination becomes more frequent. Swelling and hyperemia of the mucous membranes causes a feeling of dryness and itching. As the year progresses, the volume of curdled vaginal discharge increases. After consultation with a gynecologist, it is possible to adjust the dosage or replace the drug with an analogue.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Clotrimazole ointment, gel or cream for thrush is prescribed by gynecologists only in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy. According to the results of clinical trials in late stages, the drug does not have a teratogenic effect. Despite the relative safety during therapy, the patient is advised to undergo regular laboratory blood monitoring.

A small amount of the active ingredient enters the systemic circulation. There is a possibility of its accumulation in breast milk. Therefore, it is better not to use any dosage forms of Clotrimazole during breastfeeding.

Directions for use and doses

Daily and single doses for vaginal administration of Clotrimazole are determined by the attending physician. The stage of the pathology and the degree of damage to the mucous membranes are of no small importance. The average dose is approximately 5 mm of a column of product squeezed out of the tube. How to use Clotrimazole ointment or cream for thrush in women:

  • before the treatment procedure, it is necessary to wash the genitals with hygiene products and dry with a towel;
  • apply the ointment not only to the area of ​​inflammation, but also to nearby healthy tissue.

Depending on the stage of the pathology and the number of complications that have developed, gynecologists recommend using the drug 1-3 times a day.

Treatment should not be stopped after the symptoms of vaginal candidiasis disappear. Therapy is carried out until the absence of pathogens is established in the biological sample. To prevent the development of adverse reactions, it is necessary to dose the medicine correctly.

Features of application

Clotrimazole for treating the intimate area is used as monotherapy or as part of complex treatment. While using it, you should avoid wearing synthetic underwear. Following the following medical recommendations will help speed up your recovery:

  • drinking 2-2.5 fluids daily to remove products of the inflammatory process from the body;
  • exclusion from the diet of foods high in sugar, which provoke the rapid proliferation of pathogenic fungi.

Being one of the most effective antifungal drugs, Clotrimazole is prescribed for the complex treatment of various skin infections that are caused by excessive proliferation of Corynebacterium minutissimum and Malassezia furfur. Having a simple method of administration and a significant content of active substance in the composition of the drug, Clotrimazole is well tolerated by patients even with high sensitivity and has a small number of contraindications for use.

In the article we will review the instructions for use, price, analogs of Clotrimazole and reviews of doctors and patients about it.

Features of the drug

This drug has the greatest effect in the development of diseases caused by molds, yeasts, as well as dermatophytes and other pathogens that are sensitive to the effects of clotrimazole, the active substance of the drug.

To see what the drug Clotrimazole is, watch the video below:

Composition of Clotrimazole

The main active ingredient is clotrimazole, of which 1 g of the product contains 10 mg (meaning 100% dry matter). Auxiliary components include the following:

  • polyethylene glycol cetostearyl ether;
  • propylene glycol;
  • cetostearyl alcohol;
  • polyethylene glycol 400;
  • proxanol 268.

Externally, the drug is an ointment that is white in color, has a uniform consistency, and has a slight specific medicinal odor.

Dosage forms

The drug is offered for sale in the form of aluminum tubes with bouchons, which have an internal varnish coating that is approved for use. The tube with a leaflet describing the composition and method of use is contained in a cardboard package.

Clotrimazole is also sold in the following forms:

  • vaginal tablets, having the appearance of a parallelepiped with slightly rounded corners. They contain 100 mg of active substance. There are 6 pieces in the blister;
  • ointment (cream), having a white color and uniform consistency, for external use. The active substance in the ointment is 10 mg per 1 g of ointment. The ointment is packaged in tubes of 30 g, 20 g. Vaginal cream 2% is offered in tubes of 50 g;
  • solution, also used for outdoor use. The solution (1%) is packaged in orange bottles and their volume can be 15 or 30 ml.

The cost of the drug may vary: vaginal pharmacies offer tablets at prices ranging from 35 to 60 rubles. A solution of various volumes costs from 96 to 123 rubles per bottle, and ointment, also depending on the volume of the tube, costs 180-215 rubles.

pharmachologic effect

A special feature of Clotrimazole is its rapid penetration into the upper layer of the epidermis and the immediate onset of action on yeast fungi. At the same time, the rate of reproduction of fungi is sharply limited, the possibility for their further spread is reduced, and improvements in the condition of the skin appear.


Clotrimazole, penetrating the skin within 30-45 minutes after its application, destroys the cell membranes of fungi, preventing the absorption of nutrients from the environment. Without a negative effect on the composition of the blood, the drug penetrates into all layers of the epidermis and has a detrimental effect on the colonies of Corynebacterium minutissimum and Malassezia furfur.


Due to the rapid rate of absorption of the active substance of the drug into the skin, the fastest possible effect on the cause of the disease occurs: the skin is cleansed, its surface is smoothed and functions are restored.

The breakdown products of the drug are eliminated by the kidneys. No negative effects on the body when the product is absorbed in the absence of increased sensitivity of the skin to the components of Clotrimazole.

The active substance can penetrate the tissues of the placenta and enter the fetus; for this reason, careful administration of Clotrimazole is required during pregnancy or when pregnancy is suspected. The drug can be used by pregnant women in cases where its benefits outweigh the likely negative consequences for the fetus. When breastfeeding, Clotrimazole is prescribed as needed; Before feeding, the mammary glands should be thoroughly wiped to avoid the drug entering the newborn’s body.

What, besides fungus, does Clotrimazole help with, this video will tell you:


Clotrimazole is prescribed for many lesions of the upper layer of skin. Due to the high activity of the active substance, it has a rapid effect on the foci of infection and a noticeable improvement in the condition of the skin within 1.5-2 weeks from the start of use of the product.

The drug is prescribed in the presence of the following diseases and conditions:

  • skin infections that are caused by mold, yeast and other fungi, as well as dermatophytes and other types of pathogens;
  • diseases that arise in the layers of the skin under the influence of excessively active reproduction of Corynebacterium minutissimum (erythrasma) and Malassezia furfur (variegated);
  • for the treatment of inflammation;
  • during treatment.

Typically, the drug is recommended by a dermatologist, who, when drawing up a treatment regimen, takes into account the general condition of the body, the presence of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, however, Clotrimazole is sold in pharmacies without the need to present a prescription, which allows it to be used independently in the presence of severe skin lesions. In this case, it is mandatory to carefully study the attached instructions.


Before using the antifungal drug in question, you should thoroughly clean the surface of the affected skin using soap and plenty of water. The pH value should be neutral. After this, dry the skin and apply ointment (cream) to the affected areas, which is distributed evenly over it. The amount of ointment depends on the area of ​​the lesion.

After application, the ointment should be lightly rubbed in: this will allow it to be absorbed faster and increase the effect of the active substance. The first signs of improvement in skin condition usually begin to appear after 1.5-2 weeks from the start of treatment. Also, the final effect depends on the degree of skin damage and its sensitivity to the active substance.

After the first signs of improvement appear, it is recommended to continue using the drug for another two weeks to consolidate the effect.

Depending on the type of disease, the duration of treatment is prescribed:

  • for lichen versicolor, the ointment is used for 1-3 weeks;
  • for dermatomycosis of various origins - 3-4 weeks;
  • When treating erythrasma, 2.5-4 weeks of using Clotrimazole is usually sufficient.

If a pronounced improvement in the condition of the skin has not occurred after 4 weeks of continuous use of the drug, you should inform your dermatologist about this and make adjustments to the proposed treatment regimen.

In the presence of liver or kidney dysfunction, the dose of the drug used does not change.


  • Excessive sensitivity to the active substance of the drug or to its other components should be considered a contraindication to the use of Clotrimazole.
  • Some caution should also be exercised when prescribing the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Side effects

The most common side effects when using Clotrimazole usually include:

special instructions

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are special cases in which special caution should be exercised when prescribing Clotrimazole. If there is greater benefit for the pregnant woman than the negative effect of the drug on the fetus, Clotrimazole can be prescribed, but it should be constantly monitored by a doctor.

Interaction with other drugs

Enhancing the antifungal effect of increased concentrations of propyl ester of hydroxybenzoic acid allows the use of these substances together without reducing the effect. However, Clotrimazole reduces the degree of exposure to nystatin, amphotericin, and natamycin.

When using Clotrimazole in significant concentrations on the affected areas of the skin, the degree of its effectiveness increases.


To eliminate the causative agents of lichen, in case of fungal infections, the antibacterial drug Clotrimazole is prescribed - the instructions for use of which include information about the dosage and method of use. This medication with an antimycotic effect is not an antibiotic, but has a detrimental effect on microorganisms. Read the indications for its use and possible side effects described in the instructions.

Clotrimazole for fungus

According to the pharmacological classification, Clotrimazole is part of a group of drugs with an antifungal effect and a wide spectrum of action. With its help, you can eliminate the signs of multi-colored lichen, fungal manifestations on the skin and mucous membranes of the genital tract. A product with an antimycotic effect is used topically, externally or intravaginally, and has several different release forms. It is allowed to be used by children and adults.

Composition and release form

There are six forms of medication: cream, ointment, gel, solution, vaginal suppositories and tablets. Check out the detailed composition of each medicine:

Clotrimazole concentration

Auxiliary components



1 g per 100 g

Cetostearyl and benzyl alcohol, sorbitan stearate, octyldodecanol, polysorbate, water, synthetic spermaceti

White, uniform

Aluminum tube 20 g

Monoglycerides, cetostearyl alcohol, castor oil, emulsion wax, polysorbate, glycerol, methyl and propyl parahydroxybenzoate, propylene glycol, water

White-yellowish with a faint odor

15 and 30 g aluminum tubes

10 mg per 1 g

Ethyl alcohol, glycerol, macrogol, carbomer, sage extract, propylene glycol

Homogeneous transparent gel with sage scent

20 and 40 g aluminum tubes

10 mg per 1 ml

Ethanol, propylene glycol, polyethylene glycol

Transparent colorless liquid

25 ml, glass bottles with applicators

Vaginal suppositories

100 mg per 1 piece.

Semi-synthetic glycerides

Cylindroconical shape, white-yellow color, cut with an air core or funnel-shaped depression

6 pcs. in blister packs

Vaginal tablets

Magnesium stearate, adipic acid, lactose monohydrate, sodium bicarbonate, potato starch, sodium lauryl sulfate, colloidal silicon dioxide

White oblong

6 pcs. in blisters

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The main substance inhibits the growth and reproduction of microorganisms, has a fungistatic effect and fungicidal activity, and leads to the death of fungi. Due to inhibition of ergosterol synthesis, the component combines with phospholipids of the fungal cell membrane, changing its permeability. In high concentrations, clotrimazole damages fungal cells by lysis without suppressing the synthesis of ergosterol, prevents the formation of proteins, fats and polysaccharides of fungi, destroys their nucleic acids and increases the excretion of potassium.

The drug has a broad effect on dermatophytes, yeasts, dimorphic and mold fungi, protozoa, plus it destroys gram-positive bacteria. Fungistatic activity is manifested against the mycelium of dermatophytes, budding fungi from the genus Candida. The component is practically not absorbed into the systemic bloodstream when applied to intact and non-inflamed skin. The concentration in the blood serum is insignificant; with intravaginal use, absorption is 3-10% of the dose. The drug breaks down in the liver to inactive metabolites and is excreted by the kidneys and intestines.

What is Clotrimazole ointment for?

For external use of ointment, gel, cream and solution, according to the instructions, the following indications are distinguished:

  • fungal diseases caused by dermatophytes, yeast-like fungi, mold pathogens sensitive to the active component;
  • mycoses of the feet and hands;
  • candidiasis vulvitis, balanitis with localization of the fungus inside the body;
  • lichen versicolor, erythrasma;
  • mycosis of the skin;
  • fungal infection of the outer ear.

When using intravaginal forms of the drug (solution, suppositories and tablets), the indications are:

  • infections of the genital organs caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida;
  • vulvovaginal candidiasis;
  • urogenital infections;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • genital superinfections caused by microorganisms that are sensitive to the active ingredient of the drug;
  • sanitation of the birth canal before childbirth.

Directions for use and dosage

The instructions and reviews say that Clotrimazole can be used vaginally or externally. The dosage, course of treatment and method of use depend on the type of disease, the individual characteristics of the patients, their age and the type of pathogen. Cream, ointment and gel are often applied to the skin to eliminate mycoses and lichens; tablets and suppositories are used intravaginally to treat urogenital candidiasis.

Clotrimazole cream

Clotrimazole cream is intended for external use. According to the instructions, it is applied to dry, clean affected areas up to three times a day. If the symptoms have already disappeared, it is recommended to continue treatment for another two weeks to prevent relapses. The cream is applied to the skin, washed with neutral acid soap, without a bandage, and used between the toes on the feet. The course of treatment is:

  • dermatomycosis – up to 4 weeks;
  • erythrasma - up to a month;
  • lichen versicolor – up to 3 weeks;
  • candidal vulvitis – up to 2 weeks;
  • minimum duration – 3 weeks.


Clotrimazole gel is also used externally on the skin. It should be used on the affected areas 2-3 times a day. According to the instructions, the minimum course of treatment will be 2-4 weeks. It is allowed to use the gel to treat the oral cavity - up to two times a day for no more than a week. If the drug is prescribed for intravaginal administration, use 100-150 mg of Clotrimazole daily for 1-6 days.

Clotrimazole ointment

According to the instructions, the ointment is applied in a thin layer 2-3 times a day to cleansed and dried skin using neutral soap. Gently rub in the mixture and leave until absorbed. Duration of therapy is:

  • dermatomycosis – from a month;
  • pityriasis versicolor – 1-3 weeks;
  • upon completion of the course, it is worth continuing treatment for another 2 weeks;
  • for fungal infections of the toenails - for 2-3 weeks.


Like the gel, Clotrimazole solution can be used externally to treat the skin and intravaginally to eliminate candidiasis pathogens. In the first case, the solution is applied to the affected dry areas up to three times a day for 0.5-1 month. To treat the mouth, rinses and applications with cotton swabs are intended twice a day for no more than a week. According to the instructions, intravaginal use of the solution should not exceed six days.

Clotrimazole suppositories

Clotrimazole suppositories are intended for topical use. According to the instructions, they are administered intravaginally by women and teenage girls. They are inserted into the vagina in the evening, very deeply, lying on your back with bent legs. The course of treatment lasts six days - during each of them one suppository is inserted into the vagina. Repeated therapy is prescribed by the doctor after examination.

Clotrimazole tablets

Another form of release for intravaginal use is tablets. The course of treatment with them lasts 6-7 days, during which one tablet per day is prescribed, or three days, one tablet twice a day. If there is no effect within three days, the diagnosis is revised, and if even after a week the treatment does not produce results, a medical consultation is required. Repeated therapy is possible, but increases the risk of detecting the pathology of diabetes mellitus or HIV infection.

If symptoms occur after a couple of months, the patient is sent to a doctor. It is allowed to combine tablets with cream if the vulva is infected. To completely dissolve the former, you need to create normal moisture in the vaginal mucosa; if it is dry, the tablet may come out. To prevent this from happening, insert the tablet as deeply as possible. According to the instructions, treatment is not carried out during menstruation. If sanitation is necessary, the woman is prescribed one tablet before giving birth.

special instructions

According to the instructions for the types of drugs, there are special instructions that must be followed when using them:

  • Avoid contact of the cream with the mucous membrane of the eyes, do not take orally.
  • Treat the infected areas at the same time, and for vaginal lesions, treat the male partner in the same way.
  • Cetearyl alcohol in the composition can cause contact dermatitis.
  • If sensitivity or skin irritation occurs, therapy is discontinued.
  • Contraceptives containing latex are destroyed by the active substance - alternative preparations should be used after five days after treatment.
  • There is no data on the effect of the drug on the speed of psychomotor reactions.
  • It is necessary to monitor the functional state of the liver in patients with liver failure.

During pregnancy

The use of the drug is indicated for pregnant women only as prescribed by a doctor, if the doctor evaluates the benefit to the mother as higher than the risk to the fetus. Epidemiological studies have not revealed any disturbances in the course of pregnancy or child health when using the drug. There is no data on the effect of the drug on fertility. Suppositories are contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy.

In childhood

To treat fungal diseases in children, you can use Clotrimazole cream, ointment and solution. The dosage is according to the instructions, no different from adults. Vaginal tablets are allowed to be used from 12 years of age. Indications for use:

  • Treatment of oral candidiasis. 10-20 drops of the solution are applied to a cotton swab and wiped over the affected areas 3-4 times a day, the course lasts until the symptoms disappear completely (about 2-3 days).
  • Fungal infections of the skin, mucous membranes, nail fungus. Use cream or ointment 1-3 times/day.

Drug interactions

The instructions for use of the drug indicate its interaction with other medications:

  • Amphotericin, Nystatin and Natamycin reduce the effectiveness of Clotrimazole, except for the ointment format, which acts in the layers of the epidermis.
  • The vaginal combination of Clotrimazole and oral Tacrolimus (an immunosuppressive drug) increases the concentration of the latter in the blood plasma and requires careful monitoring of patients.

Side effects

Depending on the use of different forms of release of Clotrimazole, the following side effects are indicated in the instructions:

  • allergic reactions, urticaria, fainting, arterial hypotension, shortness of breath;
  • rash, itching on the skin, peeling, pain, swelling, irritation, burning;
  • discharge, itching, burning and swelling of the vaginal mucosa;
  • headache, stomach pain;
  • frequent urination;
  • the appearance of blisters;
  • cystitis;
  • pain during intercourse, burning sensation of the partner's penis.


Symptoms of accidental ingestion of the drug are dizziness, vomiting, and nausea. Treatment is symptomatic. When used externally, an overdose is unlikely. When using vaginal forms of Clotrimazole in quantities exceeding the recommended amount, it is impossible for a dangerous condition to occur. If tablets or suppositories are swallowed, drowsiness, hallucinations, vomiting, and anorexia are possible. To eliminate symptoms, patients are given activated charcoal. There is no specific antidote.


According to the instructions, contraindications for the use of the drug are as follows:

  • Hypersensitivity to components.
  • First trimester of pregnancy, menstruation when using suppositories.
  • The drug is used with caution during breastfeeding, in the first case of vaginal candidiasis.
  • For tablets – age up to 12 years; more than two cases of thrush in the last six months; history of sexually transmitted diseases; pregnancy; age over 60 years; hypersensitivity to imidazoles.
  • The use of tablets for bleeding from the vagina, uterine hemorrhages, ulcers, and blisters on the vulva is prohibited. They should not be used for dysuria, fever or diarrhea, vomiting, pain in the back and shoulders.

Terms of sale and storage

The cream is available in pharmacies with a prescription, other forms are available without it. Storage conditions: dry, clean place out of reach of children. Shelf life: cream, suppositories and tablets – 3 years, ointment – ​​2 years.


Based on the active substance and pharmacological action, the following analogues of Clotrimazole are distinguished, produced in the form of cream, tablets, solution and suppositories:

  • Candide;
  • Kanizon;
  • Imidyl;
  • Kandibene;
  • Kanesten;
  • Ganesten;
  • Lotrimin;
  • Mycosporin;
  • Panmykol;
  • Alokandp;
  • Antifungol;
  • Dignotrimanol;
  • Faktodin;
  • Funginal;
  • Gynelotrimine.

Clotrimazole price

The cost of the drug depends on the form of its release, the seller’s markup and the manufacturer’s cost. You can buy Clotrimazole online or at your usual pharmacy. Approximate prices in Moscow are as follows.

Erythrasma and a number of other problems. The drug should not be used if a person has an individual intolerance to one of the components of the medication.

Dosage form

The drug is available in the form of an ointment for external use. It may have a white or white-yellowish color and a weak specific odor. The medication is placed in an aluminum tube. Its volume can vary from 15 to 30 g. The tube is placed in a cardboard box, in which it is sold.

Description and composition

The main active ingredient of the drug is. It has a wide range of effects on pathogenic fungi. The product inhibits the growth and reproduction of fungal cells. disrupts the synthesis of substances that serve as the main components of the cell wall of a pathogenic microorganism. The permeability of the cell wall changes. Gradually it is destroyed, which causes the death of the cell. The drug perfectly fights against pink pathogens, mold fungi, erythrasma pathogens, yeast-like fungi, and dermatophytes. Additional components of the ointment include:

  • propylene glycol;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • methylparaben;
  • polyethylene oxide 1500.

When the ointment is applied to the skin, the main active ingredient of the drug easily penetrates into the deep layers. In this case, the absorption of the drug into the systemic circulation is practically not carried out.

Pharmacological group

The drug effectively fights fungal infections. It has a wide spectrum of action. The medication is available in powder form for external use. The drug is prescribed if a person has multi-colored, fungal skin lesions, erythrasma, interdigital fungal erosion, mycoses, which are complicated by secondary infection. In and in the presence of hypersensitivity, the medicine is not used. You can purchase the product without a prescription.

The antifungal drug is produced in dosage forms intended for topical use. The drug is actively used to treat vaginal candidiasis in women. In this case, the product is used in the form of suppositories. Ointment and cream are recommended for treating skin with mycotic infections. It is a full-fledged analogue in the pharmacological group, but differs from it in the release form. The product is produced in the form of tablets intended for intravaginal use. The drug is used to treat vaginal candidiasis in adult patients. The composition is used for the sanitation of the birth canal in the prenatal and postpartum period.


The cost of the ointment is on average 141 rubles. Prices range from 20 to 251 rubles.