Windows 7 RAM cleaner. Instructions for freeing up computer RAM. Restarting Windows Explorer

How fast and productive a computer will be depends on three main components - the processing power of the processor, the amount of RAM and the type of hard drive. But if the type of physical media is largely secondary, then RAM is no less important than the processor. If you have a cool CPU, but little RAM, the computer will not cope with many tasks; if there is plenty of RAM, but a weak processor, the essence will not change and the computer will also work slowly.

To ensure high performance, you need to have a sufficient amount of RAM module installed on your PC, however, there are tools that allow you to optimize memory use. The RAM can be cleaned by unloading non-essential processes from it and thereby freeing up resources for your needs.

Optimizing RAM using system tools

So, how to free up RAM on a computer with Windows 7/10, and do you need any special tools for this? If you are an advanced user, you can perform this cleanup manually by ending non-critical processes in the Task Manager and disabling unnecessary services and components. It is important, however, to understand what task a particular service performs, because otherwise there is a risk of reducing the functionality of the operating system or causing errors in its operation.

Checking startup

The best place to start optimizing RAM is by analyzing startup. There are quite a lot of programs that, when installed, are automatically registered in and run in the background every time the system starts. By deleting them from there, you will thereby free up the space they occupy in memory. Open Task Manager, switch to the “Startup” tab and disable autostart of all those programs that you do not consider important to you.

Fast RAM offload

This method of clearing RAM in Windows 7/10 is to forcefully end processes in the Task Manager. Having opened the Manager, switch to the “Details” tab, sort the processes by clicking on the “CPU” column header and terminate those that consume the most resources through the context menu.

Close only those processes whose purpose you know; however, even if you make a mistake, nothing bad will happen; Windows will either not allow you to do this or will display a message about a possible system shutdown. In Windows 7, it is possible to crash into BSOD, but this is only if a critical process is terminated using third-party utilities that have the appropriate privileges.

Disabling services and features

You can clear RAM on a Windows 7/10 computer by disabling non-essential services. To do this, the team msconfig in the “Run” window, launch the “System Configuration” utility, switch to the “Services” tab and carefully examine the contents of the list, hiding Microsoft services to begin with. As with processes, you must understand what you are doing, that is, you need to know what this or that service is responsible for. If you turn off the Windows Audio service, for example, the sound on your computer will stop working.

The same goes for components. We open the equipment with the command optionalfeatures and see what can be turned off. If you don't use, say, printing, why not disable the services that control it. Windows Activation Service, XPS, Print and Document Viewer Services and Viewers, Work Folder Clients, Telnet and TFTP, SMB and SNMP, Windows Location Provider, NTVDM, Hyper-V, IIS Web Embedded Engine, Telnet Server and Microsoft Message Queuing Server, TIFF IFilter, RAS Connection Manager, RIP Listener, simple TCPIP services - all of these components are rarely used, so they can be safely disabled so as not to take up memory space.

The best programs to clean RAM

Users who doubt their abilities can resort to using third-party utilities to clean up their RAM. Using them is a fast and safe way to optimize RAM, at least you can be sure that they will not disable anything really important and necessary for the system to function.

Mem Reduct

A small utility for monitoring RAM consumption and quickly cleaning it. Mem Reduct is extremely simple to use - right-click to call up its menu from the system tray and select the “Clear memory” option. The utility will immediately unload non-critical processes from memory.

Additionally, the program supports automatic cleaning of RAM when a certain level of its load is reached or according to a timer, cleaning of a specific area, and settings for appearance and behavior are available. After unloading the memory, the utility shows the result in megabytes. Free, effective and in Russian.

A utility similar to Mem Reduct, but even simpler. You can clean the RAM in it with one click - by clicking the “Optimization” button from the system tray or main window. There are few settings and additional functions, there is only adding to Windows startup, clearing the buffer, minimizing to tray, launching when idle.

Automatic memory clearing is supported when a user-specified value is reached. Wise Memory Optimizer is free, lightweight and has a multilingual interface. Russian language is selected by default.

Mz RAM Booster

A popular “accelerator” and memory optimizer in certain circles. It differs from previous tools in the flexibility of setting optimization parameters, which beginners generally don’t need to delve into, the main thing is to know the purpose of the three main modules - Start Optimize, Recover RAM and CPU Boost. The first starts a procedure for clearing memory used by exe files, the second unloads memory occupied by DLLs and various services, the third, in theory, should speed up the processor, but for some reason this function does not always work correctly, leading to Mz RAM Booster freezing.

Additionally, you can check the boxes on the “System SpeedUp” tab as shown in the screenshot - activating these functions will increase RAM by disabling non-critical services and the function of recording service logs. The program is free, the minus is that there is no support for the Russian language.

The most advanced of all RAM monitoring and optimization tools offered here. The program includes a resource consumption monitor, a fast optimizer, a benchmark, a specialized process manager and an information panel that displays system data. The main methods for optimizing RAM in RAM Saver Pro are defragmenting it, dumping it into the page file, and preventing leaks in applications.

How to clean the RAM of a computer with Windows 7/10 using it, without going into all the details? Simple enough. You need to go to the “Optimizer” tab and click “Optimize”, and the program will do the rest itself. You can also work with individual processes by switching to the tab of the same name. The optimizer is distributed on a paid basis, the interface language is English.

A rational approach to cleaning RAM

So, we figured out how to clear RAM on Windows 7/10, but is it worth resorting to such techniques and, if so, in what cases. Clearing RAM can indeed improve your computer's performance, but it should be done correctly, avoiding, if possible, using third-party "click and go" programs. The fact is that almost all accelerator programs use the EmptyWorkingSet function in their work, forcibly unloading unused data from RAM into the swap file.

According to the Task Manager indicators, memory increases, which, however, has a very minor impact on performance. The reason is more than trivial - data that should be stored in RAM and that the system or software can request at any time is stored in a swap on the hard drive, the read/write speed of which is much lower than RAM. Accelerator programs also use other methods that are equally dubious, for example, they allegedly require a significant amount of resources from Windows for their operation, deceiving the system and forcing it to free the cache.

The method is ineffective, since Windows very quickly detects the trick and directs the freed memory to its needs and the needs of running programs. If you really want your computer to work faster, deal with installed programs, especially those hanging in startup, as well as unused services and components of the system itself.

Lack of or excessive load of RAM is a problem for many computer systems. This applies not only to outdated PCs or laptops, but also to modern models when too many resource-intensive programs are installed on the system. Reducing resource consumption almost always requires cleaning up the RAM. In Windows 7, unloading unnecessary items from RAM is not always done automatically, and manual intervention to end processes may be ineffective, if only because the user simply does not know which process is associated with a particular service or program. Nevertheless, in this case, we can offer several simple solutions that will help, if not completely clean it, then significantly reduce the load on the RAM.

Cleaning RAM in Windows 7: System Tools

Since the operating system cannot always unload unused components of services and processes from RAM, users will have to do this manually. And you should start with those components that load along with the system, reserve a certain amount of RAM and sometimes, as they say, hang there as a dead weight.

In our case, cleaning RAM in Windows 7 begins precisely with disabling elements that the user does not need, but which themselves persistently “eat up” memory. Use the msconfig command in the Run console, go to the startup tab in the system configuration and see how many processes are there that start with the system (even after the first installation of Windows, not to mention when custom applications or some additional ones were installed Components).

Basically, startup contains various kinds of updaters that monitor the release of program updates (for example, for a Flash player), agents, loaders, etc. Even for everyone, any Skype program is constantly “hanging” in memory, although you may not use it (the application is not running, but its agent is active).

Thus, cleaning RAM in Windows 7 is done by disabling everything that you consider unnecessary. As a last resort, you can leave only the ctfmon process (if one is displayed), which is responsible for changing the keyboard layout and displaying the language bar in the system tray, and anti-virus updates. This is ideal.

Go ahead. Open the Programs and Features section from the Control Panel and go to system components. And there is a lot of interesting things here. For example, why keep the Hyper-V module active if the computer is not supposed to use a virtual machine? Why do you need an active print service if you don't have a printer? Turn it all off without any doubt. The result will not be long in coming (of course, only after a reboot)

Cleaning RAM in Windows 7: the most popular utilities

But even with this approach, after the launch and subsequent termination of user programs, some elements may remain in memory that the system cannot (or does not want to?) unload on its own. In this case, you will need to use additional measures consisting of using utilities to clean RAM. As a rule, all such applications provide automatic cleaning of RAM (at least according to a schedule), and during installation they take up a minimum of space (several megabytes).

Among the most popular and interesting utilities are the following:

  • Mz RAM Booster;
  • CleanMem;
  • Mem Reduct;
  • RAM Booster;
  • RamSmash and many others.

Mz RAM Booster program as an example of a RAM cleaner

In general, all utilities work on similar principles and use the same algorithms. As an example, we will consider a small program for cleaning RAM, Mz RAM Booster.

This application optimizes memory, unloads unnecessary or unused heavyweight DLLs and even reduces CPU usage by handling process priorities through the system registry. As for the size... You won't believe it - 1.3 MB!

True, all utilities of this type are themselves constantly located in RAM, and the icon is displayed in the system tray. But what is 1.3 MB compared to, say, a full 2 ​​GB of RAM when only 1 GB of memory is available?

Instead of an afterword

That's it for clearing RAM. As you can see, everything is simple. Which program should I choose? This is up to you. However, you should also not forget about disabling unnecessary components of the system itself, since, no matter how good third-party applications are, they still cannot complete some system processes.

Sometimes a system's cache can tell a lot about us. In addition, it consumes a significant portion of the computer's RAM (random access memory) and affects its processing. Therefore, users are advised to clean it regularly.

Like any other operating system, Windows 7 collects your most frequently or recently used information in a cache. They accumulate and end up taking up a lot of space. The RAM becomes overloaded, which affects the processing speed of the computer system. This is why it is highly recommended to clear the cache in Windows 7.

If you use the system interface, you are unlikely to get the desired result. The accumulated data will probably be restored by someone later. If you don't want to compromise your privacy and still want to clear your cache permanently, then turn to a third-party tool for help. Let's discuss all possible ways.

First, use the system's secondary interface. It won't take much time or effort as it is intuitive. To clear the cache, do the following:

On a note! It can be used at any time. However, this is only a temporary solution. and can subsequently be restored.

Let's look at the following method.

Method 2. Complete removal of cache files

Stellar BitRaser for File is a highly efficient and reliable program that can be used to completely remove content on Windows 7. It quickly clears memory cache and erases system traces and files. With this utility, you can clean up your entire disk, remove traces of online activity, remove applications, etc. However, BitRaser will not harm your system in any way or delete data without any additional effort. To clear the cache, follow these steps:

Step 1. Download Stellar BitRaser for File on your Windows 7 computer and launch it.

Step 2. To clear the cache memory or any other system data, click “System Traces”.

Step 3. A detailed list of various system traces will open. To clear the cache memory, make the appropriate selection and click the Erase Now button.

Step 4. This process may take some time to complete as BitRaser will remove all selected content from your system.

Step 5. Click the “Yes” button and restart Windows 7. For the process to complete successfully, do not skip this important step.

If desired, the same steps can be performed in several approaches. Even if the data is deleted the first time, then with several (ideally three) executions you will receive an additional guarantee.

By following the above-mentioned methods, you will get rid of cache in Windows 7 without any problem.

Method 3: Clear memory using the command line

This script contains 4 commands that make it easy and trouble-free to unload the system.

Empty Standby List

Empty Standby List is a small application that frees up memory on computers running Windows Vista and higher. Download it and paste it into your command line root path. Or, specify the location of the EmptyStandByList.exe file. Be sure to store it on drive C (system drive).

You now have four commands that you can run using this application.

EmptyStandbyList.exe workingsets

Clears the cache that is used by all running applications and processes. Designed to optimize memory.

Lack of team. The system will try to quickly replace the data from the page file. Windows 7 will use your disk to store program information, thereby reducing overall performance. But the command will definitely free up memory.

EmptyStandbyList.exe modifiedpagelist

Before modified swap files can be used again, they must be saved to disk. In the Memory tab of Resource Monitor (Windows desktop app), you will see a section called Changed.

So, if you want to clear such memory, you must execute this command.

EmptyStandbyList.exe priority0standbylist

Backup memory stores unused data. However, over time they will come in handy. The above command kills the process with the lowest priority. You can set it by replacing 0 with any number between 1-7. 7 is the highest priority.

EmptyStandbyList.exe standbylist

This last command clears the backing memory regardless of priority.

Creating command shortcuts

To create a command prompt shortcut on your desktop, use the right mouse button as in the first method. Now in the location field add the following line:

C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c Command

Replace Command with one of the commands you want to run. For shortcuts to work, they must be given administrator rights.

Video - How to free up RAM on a Windows 7 computer

Alternative way

If you are not very comfortable with the command line and prefer to perform this task using a GUI, you should use RAMMap SysInternal. This utility works almost the same way, but additionally controls the process.

Method 4: Quick Method: Closing Unneeded Programs to Increase RAM

By doing this, you will instantly fix the problem of high CPU usage, and you will be able to start your computer quickly.

Find out effective ways to fix the CPU usage problem in the article -

Random access memory or RAM (from the English Random Access Memory) is one of the most important components of a computer, which largely determines the speed of its operation. Increasing the physical size or speed of memory helps improve performance, but in Windows 7 you can achieve the same goal in less expensive ways. Often, rational spending, cleaning and professional care will bring more benefits than buying new sticks of RAM.

What are the differences between types of memory: RAM, physical, video memory

The computer's central processor performs its operations with data stored only in RAM. The executable module is loaded into it, and current data and intermediate calculation results are also stored here. Almost every operation performed by a computer involves accessing RAM. It is for this reason that an insufficient amount of free RAM space leads to a slowdown, or even a complete stop, of the system.

There are several approaches to classifying storage devices used in a computer. RAM got its name due to its high operating speed and dependence on external energy sources. Any power failure leads to a reset of the RAM data, so for long-term storage of information, ROM (read-only memory) is used - non-volatile, but slower. With the development of technology, this division is becoming largely arbitrary, since the speed of modern ROM, for example, solid-state drives, is comparable to the speed of RAM. In addition, for more economical consumption of RAM, Windows 7 uses a reserved part of the hard drive, called “virtual memory”.

Part of the RAM is constantly used to display images on the monitor. These are resource-intensive and similar operations, so manufacturers considered it justified to physically allocate part of the RAM for these purposes. Unlike traditional RAM sticks, which can be replaced with others, the dedicated part is non-removable, and therefore received its own name: “video memory”.

The term "physical memory" is sometimes used to refer to RAM used "by profile", that is, not video memory or virtual memory. The presence of this particular part of RAM unoccupied is critical for the operation of the central processor.

How to see what the RAM is doing

Windows 7 provides detailed information about what RAM is using thanks to the Task Manager tool. This program can be called by various methods, one of which is the hot keys Ctrl+Shift+Esc.

The “Task Manager” utility by default opens the “Performance” tab, where you can immediately see the load and free amount of physical memory, as well as the number of running processes consuming it. More detailed information can be found in the “Processes” tab.

The system, applications launched by the user, background programs, and even malfunctions generate processes that consume some of the RAM (second column from the right). The rightmost column gives a brief description of the relevant process, although it is not always clear.

How to clean your computer's RAM

RAM is a scarce and coveted resource for many applications. Some of them are launched by the user deliberately, others enter at the request of the system or are included in startup, others penetrate against the owner’s wishes, and some, like viruses, deliberately harm him. Therefore, it is necessary to restore order in this matter by sequentially clearing each category.

Close unnecessary programs and applications

The easiest and most painless way to free up some physical memory is to close applications that are not currently in use. Windows 7 shows all open programs in the form of icons on the bottom panel of the screen, and the proprietary Aero interface allows you to quickly view the appearance of their working windows. It is better to close everything that is not needed during the current work session to increase performance.

You should also pay attention to browsers. As a rule, their interface is built in the form of a set of tabs, each of which is perceived by the system as a separate process that requires the consumption of resources. By closing unused tabs, we free up some memory.

The task manager also contains a list of running applications, which is located in the corresponding tab.

In this window you can also shut down any program, but this should not be abused. Crashing the application may result in the loss of unsaved data, as well as some problems the next time you launch it. In addition, Windows 7 cannot always correctly recognize all dependent processes; some may remain in RAM, wasting computer resources unnecessarily. However, ending an application using Task Manager becomes the best tool when the program is frozen and unresponsive to user input. In this case, you should use the “End task” option without any doubt.

Stop background processes and services

Some programs (for example, torrents) intentionally leave part of their processes in memory, consuming computer resources in the background. Therefore, after closing them, it is better to check the “Processes” tab of the Windows “Task Manager” again and delete everything unnecessary.

Not all active Windows 7 services are needed by the user, so some of the physical memory can be freed by stopping some of them.

Table: list of services that can be stopped

Service Why can I remove it?
KtmRm for distributed transaction coordinator
Offline files
IPSec Policy Agent
Adaptive brightness controlUseful for saving battery only if you have a light sensor.
Windows Firewall
Computer browserNetwork service is not needed in the absence of a network.
IP Ancillary ServiceUseless on a home computer.
Secondary loginMust be disabled for security reasons.
Print ManagerThe service is only needed if you have a printer.
Access to HID devicesThe service is needed only if there are devices connected via USB ports.
Windows DefenderCan be removed if antivirus is installed.
Changed Link Tracking Client
IPsec key modules for Internet key exchange and IP authentication
NetBIOS Support ModuleNetwork service is not needed in the absence of a network.
SSDP detectionThe service is needed only if there are devices connected via the SSDP protocol. It's better to turn it off for security reasons.
Basic TPM servicesThe service is only needed if you have control devices based on TMP or BitLocker chips.
Windows SearchNeeded only for very active searches on the computer.
Parental ControlUseless service.
ServerNetwork service is not needed in the absence of a network.
Tablet PC input serviceOnly needed if you have handwriting input devices.
Windows Image Upload (WIA) serviceThe service is only needed when using digital cameras and scanners.
Bluetooth supportOnly needed when connecting devices via Bluetooth.
Error Logging ServiceThe service is not needed by the average user.
Smart cardOnly needed if you have smart card-based control devices.
Remote registryThe service is not needed by the average user. It is better to remove it for security reasons.
FaxThe service is only needed when using a computer as a fax.

Windows "Task Manager" shows all available system services in the tab of the same name. To stop, you need to find the desired name in the list, then use the right mouse button and go to the “Stop service” option in the window that appears.

Stopping a specific utility only affects the current session. A reboot will allow the system to restart all services stopped in this way.

Cleaning "Startup"

An effective way to remove unnecessary programs from the Startup list is to edit the System Configuration. Press the combination “Win” (the button with the Windows brand icon) and R. In the “Open” line of the “Run” window that appears, write the msconfig command, and then press the “OK” on-screen button.

We remove unnecessary programs from the list by unchecking the checkbox in the left column. The changes will take effect only after a reboot, so after finishing editing, click “Apply”, “OK” and reboot the computer.

Restarting Windows Explorer

Another way to free up some RAM is to restart the Windows Explorer user interface. To do this, you first need to disable it using the Windows Task Manager. Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc, in the pop-up window go to the “Processes” tab and look for explorer.exe.

Click the “End process” on-screen button. The taskbar and desktop icons should disappear. Now you need to run the utility again. To do this, go to the “Task Manager” to another tab – “Applications” and click the “New task” button located in the lower right corner. In the small “Create a new task” window that appears, in the “Open” input area, type explorer.exe.

Click “OK” to re-launch the application. The desktop icons and taskbar return, and some of the RAM remains unused.

regedit command

You can unload startup by editing the registry. First, we call the editor, for which we press “Win” + R, and in the “Open” input area - the regedit command, and then press “OK”.

The Registry Editor window is organized as a tree of sections. Moving through it, we consistently find:

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce

Each of them contains shortcuts to programs that launch automatically. To remove an application from the Startup list, remove its shortcut from these sections.

Editing the registry requires certain user qualifications and caution, since careless removal of important components can disrupt the operation of the system.

The changes made will take effect immediately after the computer is restarted, and applications removed from Startup will no longer appear in RAM without an invitation.

Removing viruses

Physical memory shortages can be caused by malware. You need to install a good antivirus program on your computer with a fresh signature database. Free virus scanners that can be downloaded from manufacturers' websites may also help for a while. For example, Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool.

Cleaning the hard drive

Some of the hard drive space is used by Windows 7 to store the page file, otherwise known as virtual memory. Applications loaded into RAM but not running for some time are unloaded and written to this file. This frees up additional physical memory. In order for this method to work effectively, you must have enough free space on your hard drive. Therefore, you need to regularly delete unnecessary files, empty the trash, and uninstall unused applications. If your computer has a magnetic hard drive rather than a solid-state drive, you should regularly defragment it, which more conveniently organizes the storage of blocks of information and consolidates unallocated space.

Special programs for cleaning RAM

Advanced System Care

The Advanced SystemCare application is a flexible tool designed to customize the operation of Windows, including by putting things in order with RAM. The program is distributed in several configurations, including a free one, which can be downloaded from the manufacturer’s website. As with many free apps, there are a few promotional gifts included in the Full Install, so it's best to select the "Custom Install" and remove all the unnecessary stuff.

The application interface is made in an unusual “magic” style, which can be changed if desired, but everything is presented in an accessible and convenient way.

Advanced SystemCare can do everything on its own if the user does not want to delve into the details, for which the “Simplified Mode” is provided. More fine-tuning is available in “Expert Mode”.

Before starting work, you need to check it by first marking (in “Expert Mode”) the parameters being studied.

The “Quick Settings” tab also serves to customize the operation of the application and once again demonstrates the advantages of the paid version, which has much more features.

Having set all the switches to the desired position, click “Apply”, and then start the test. The application shows interim reports for the user's entertainment.

The results are presented a little dramatically, in red tones, but also very informative. Fortunately, to fix all the problems found, you just need to click the big “Fix” button.

The green color of the final screen indicates that the system is free of the problems found.

Advanced SystemCare has many additional utilities, one of which (Smart RAM) is designed to manage RAM.

However, an ordinary user can work in a simplified mode, this will significantly improve the performance of the computer and clear the RAM. There is also a modification of the Advanced SystemCare Ultimate package, which contains a built-in antivirus.

Mini-programs to optimize RAM performance

Wise Memory Optimizer

Wise Memory Optimizer is another free program that specializes in RAM management. It is aimed at novice users and has a simple and intuitive interface. There is also a portable version that does not require installation.


nCleaner is also free and takes up very little space. However, the application claims almost a hundred cleaning options and tools, resource monitoring, download settings, management of major browsers, office applications and communicators.

The program deletes temporary files, scans and fixes the registry, and also makes it possible to monitor and manage the state of RAM. An option is the ability to delete files from the hard drive without the possibility of recovery, which is important for secret or personal information.


The CleanMem utility is also designed to optimize the operation of RAM, but it operates according to a special algorithm. The program accesses RAM every half hour, finds blocks that are reserved but not used by other applications, and unloads them. CleanMem is also free and takes up very little space.

VC RamCleaner

VC RamCleaner is a miniature free program specifically designed for cleaning RAM. In automatic or manual mode, the application finds blocks of memory previously used by other programs that the system considers reserved and frees them.


MemoryCleaner is a little more functional, but also a very small memory cleaning program. Allows you to choose one of four optimization levels, has a memory status monitor, and can also run automatically.

RAM Memory Cleaner and Optimizer

RAM Memory Cleaner and Optimizer is a small program whose manufacturers also promise to instantly free up RAM with all the positive consequences.

Video: how to unload RAM through Windows optimization (Mz RAM Booster program)

How not to clog up your computer's RAM

To avoid clogging up your RAM, you must follow a few simple rules:

  • Close unnecessary applications on your computer or laptop. Windows 7 lets you quickly switch from one task to another, but unused applications take up a significant portion of your memory.
  • Close unnecessary windows in browsers. Browsers willingly open additional windows for the user, but sometimes their number becomes overwhelming for the system. It’s better to close the extra ones.
  • Reboot regularly. Such a simple action can remove frozen or “hidden” programs from RAM. In addition, restarting sometimes has a positive effect on application performance.
  • Use an antivirus. Excessive activity of malware in RAM can be stopped by an up-to-date antivirus application.
  • Video memory, due to its specificity, does not require special cleaning procedures. Problems that arise can be resolved by rebooting and updating the video card driver.

    How to clear virtual memory

    Virtual memory is of great importance for stable system operation. However, for various reasons, errors can accumulate in it, which creates the need for cleaning. Technically, this means deleting the page file and creating it again manually or every time you restart Windows.

    Using the Control Panel

    Click the “Start” button and select “Control Panel” in the right column.

    In the “All Control Panel Elements” window, look for the “System” line and go to it.

    On the left side of the window that appears is the “Advanced system settings” button we need.

    The System Properties window is organized into several tabs. We need “Advanced”, or more precisely, one of the “Options” on-screen buttons related to the “Performance” part. Let's select it.

    In the next “Performance Options” window, go to the “Advanced” tab. The current total size of the paging file is indicated here. Click “Change...”

    The “Virtual Memory” window provides a more detailed description of the paging file parameters.

    We remove the checkbox from the item “Automatically select the size of the paging file”, then in front of all disks set the switch “Without paging file” and click “Set”.

    All that remains is to click the “OK” button and then reboot. The swap file will be deleted by the system. Now you need to do the same steps, but in the last window return the marks and restore the creation of the file.

    Using Group Policy Editor

    This method can force Windows to clean up virtual memory itself during the session termination procedure. The paging file will be deleted regularly, but for the same reason the computer will take a little longer to turn off.

    Press “Win” + R, in the input position of the “Run” window, type gpedit.msc, then click on the “OK” on-screen button.

    In the “Local Group Policy Editor” window that appears, go to the “Computer Configuration” tab in the left third, then select “Windows Configuration”.

    Select the “Local Policies” directory.

    Go to the folder, also named “Security Settings”.

    We're there. In the central third of the window there is a long list in which we look for “Shutdown: clearing the virtual memory paging file”, then activate the pop-up menu by pressing the right mouse button. Since we don’t need “Help” now, we’ll stop at “Properties”.

    In the window with the same name, move the switch to “Enabled” and select “OK”, saving the entered data.

    From now on, Windows will automatically clean up virtual memory when the system shuts down.

    Using Registry Editor

    This method is faster, but requires some experience, since the Windows 7 registry is a very important element and should be handled carefully.

    We call “Registry Editor” using the already known “Run” window, but now we type regedit.exe in the input position.

    The registry is presented in the form of subfolders, moving along the tree of which you can get to the desired parameter. We need ClearPageFileAtShutdown, which is located here: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management.

    After we select the desired directory, the window will display a list of parameters stored in it. Select ClearPageFileAtShutdown and right-click to open the pop-up menu.

    Click on the “Change...” option, after which a small window “Change DWORD value (32 bits)” opens. The parameter must be changed from “0” to “1”.

    All that remains is to click “OK”. Now the paging file will be cleaned by the system every time you finish work.

    Video: increasing RAM using a flash drive on a computer or laptop

    After editing the Startup list, the easiest way to clear RAM is to reboot the system. Appropriate registry and Windows services settings will also add free RAM space. If these measures are not enough, you can try to correct the situation using specialized programs or expand the memory using external drives.

    RAM is an important component in a computer that is used as data storage for processing processes and programs. In fact, without RAM, the system will not be able to launch and work with programs and games, and therefore any failures can lead to serious consequences.

    Over time, the computer's performance begins to weaken, programs freeze, and to fix this problem, you first need to try to ease the load on the RAM. In this article you will learn how to clean the RAM of a Windows 7 computer using built-in or downloaded programs.

    Disabling programs via Autorun

    To reduce the load on RAM and the entire system as a whole, you need to disable all load programs running in auto mode. After all, as a rule, most programs start automatically when you turn on the computer, and you have to turn them off every time. But these programs can be disabled permanently without deleting them. To do this, you need to use the Autorun function:

    1. To open the Autorun page, click on the buttons "Win"(Windows icon) and "R", which will open a window "Run".
    2. Next enter the word msconfig and click on OK.
    3. Using this command, System Configuration will open, and the Autorun tab is located just above, between "Services" And "Service".
    4. By clicking on the tab, you will see a list of programs that are turned off or start automatically when you turn on the computer. Check the boxes for programs that should not run automatically and click the button "Disable everything".

    Also in the tab "Services" you can disable all unnecessary processes that are built into Windows and run automatically.

    CCleaner program

    Using a special CCleaner program, you can easily and quickly disable all unnecessary programs and thereby significantly free up the load on your RAM. You can download the program via the Internet, and as a free version. After you have opened it, click on the Tools button on the left side of the screen and click on the Startup tab. Then everything is in the same order, turn off unnecessary programs and save the settings.

    It is worth noting that the CCleaner program performs various functions; it can be used to delete temporary files, clean the registry and various programs. Thus, using all the functions of CCleaner, you can significantly reduce the load on the system and fix many errors and failures.

    other methods

    Now you know how to clean the RAM of a Windows 7 computer. Also, to reduce the load on the system, try simply checking your computer for viruses. To do this, it is not necessary to use paid antiviruses; just download and perform a full scan of the files. Good luck!