How to heat water in an outdoor pool. We select equipment for heating water in the pool. Pool water heating systems

A person is a rational being who can come up with many options for improving his life. So with cold water in a pool, when it needs to be heated, a person can use the following methods (I know some from experience and from stories on the Internet)

1 way

Carry water somewhere to heat it. This is the safest option and the most practical, although it requires the most physical labor. The action happens like this - they poured water from the pool into some container, took it to the stove or fire, or to the stove, or maybe somewhere else, warmed it there and brought it back to the pool...

Method 2

Heat the water directly in the pool using a fire. This is a risky method and can ruin both the water in the pool and the pool itself. You can use it like this: place a wooden pallet on the bottom of the pool, put a metal container on the pallet, preferably a barrel, put stones on the bottom so that it does not float, and light a fire inside...

3 way

Heat water using electricity. A very DANGEROUS method, as it increases the likelihood of electric shock. You can heat it using a boiler (I won’t say anything else to avoid injury and casualties); for this you need to build a special device from wood and foam plastic so that it floats. Install a boiler in the device so that the heated part is in the water, and the handle and drive are outside. You can test the degree of heating of the water in the pool only after turning off the electric current.

4 way

Heat water using the sun. Not just by leaving the pool in the sun, but by building a water lens over it; to do this, you need to hang transparent polyethylene over the pool and pour water into it. The problem will be that it will need to be adjusted in height so that the broken rays of the sun heat the water.

Maintaining optimal temperature in the pool is a very important point, especially if you plan to swim in it outdoors and not only during the hot season. If we are talking about equipment such as a water heater for a swimming pool: how to heat water in a swimming pool at the dacha with maximum efficiency is a pressing question for many summer residents. This can be done using various types of special equipment.

What types of heaters are there?

With the arrival of the summer season, owners of sealed ponds and reservoirs in their summer cottage will sooner or later be faced with the question: how to heat the water in the pool with your own hands? To do this, one of the following options can be used:

  1. Heat exchanger.
  2. Solar collector.
  3. Heat pump.
  4. Flow-through electric heater.
  5. Wood heater.
  6. Gas heater.

Each type of equipment has its own operating characteristics and also has advantages and disadvantages. Choosing the type of heater depends not only on the volume of the pool, but also on the features of communications in the summer cottage, the amount of water that will need to be heated regularly and personal preferences.

Features of flow heaters

Tankless pool heaters are one of the most economical and easy-to-use options. They heat running water with small pressure drops, boast compact dimensions and ease of installation. And to install a flow-through heater, you will only need to equip a small booth on the site. This type of housing is made of plastic, stainless steel or titanium, and the heating element is made of a special stainless steel alloy that can withstand high temperatures. Thanks to this, the flow heater is durable and resistant to various types of negative influences.

The power of the model must correspond to the volume of water that will need to be heated. This means that to heat water in a small pool with shallow depth you only need 3 kW of power, but for a large tank you will need a more powerful unit.

The maximum power of the instantaneous heater is 18 kW, so it is a good choice for small pools. However, if you are the happy owner of a tank with a volume of more than 36 m³, then buying a flow-type device does not make sense.

Helpful advice! Purchasing this model will also be inappropriate if your home has restrictions on electricity consumption or weak wiring.

Electric instantaneous pool heaters boast the following advantages:

  • quickly heat water in a small tank;
  • some models have a flow sensor that turns off water heating if it does not circulate;
  • the temperature can be adjusted using built-in thermostats;
  • there is an automatic control system;
  • compact dimensions.

They also have disadvantages:

  • impossibility of installation with limited power consumption or weak wiring;
  • low power levels;
  • high power consumption.

Heating water in swimming pools using a heat exchanger

A heat exchanger is a heater option that does not consume electricity at all. It connects to the general heating system of the house and uses heat from there. The design of this model is extremely simple. The body is a flask in which the coil is located. It receives water from the heating system using a circulation pump. The coil is washed with cold water, which heats up as a result. This simple design guarantees the reliability and durability of the unit.

When installing a heat exchanger, you will only need to set the required temperature on the thermostat, and it will be maintained using automatic systems. A nice feature of the heat exchanger is its high power level, it can range from 13 to 200 kW. The power is selected depending on the volume of the pool, as is the case with any other type of heater.

When first warming up, it is very important to avoid sudden temperature changes that can damage the equipment. That is why for the first time do not expect quick results; the water will heat up for about 28 hours. Once the water has warmed up to the set temperature, the equipment will simply maintain it, which will allow you to save money.

If you want to know how to heat the water in a pool using a heat exchanger and optimally position it, then you need to do this in such a way as to avoid equipment breakdowns due to the presence of chlorine in the water. This means that the unit must be installed between the disinfection system and the pumping station. If there is too much chlorine in the water, then it is better if the heater is made of titanium; it withstands long-term exposure to an aggressive environment.

It is worth buying a pool heater that operates on the principle of a heat exchanger because of the following advantages:

  • high power level and the ability to heat water in a large volume pool;
  • financial savings as a result of the unit operating not from electricity, but from the heating system;
  • ease of operation.

The only drawback of this type of heater is the long time it takes to heat water when first started. But later you won’t have to wait long, since the temperature you set will be maintained automatically.

Related article:

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Heating water using the sun

Of course, the outdoor pool itself warms up under the influence of sunlight. But this process can be accelerated if you use a solar collector or solar system. This type of heater is a system of flasks, screens or pipes that receive the sun's rays and convert them into thermal energy.

Helpful advice! Each solar system module is designed to heat about 30 m³ of water. This means that the larger the tank volume, the more modules will need to be installed.

The solar collector works on the principle of absorption of solar rays by the surface. Inside the device there is a coolant that warms up to a temperature of 140°C. After this, the circulation pump in the pool water heater starts. The advantage of such a system is that it can be used not only to heat water in a swimming pool, but also as a heating system for a private home.

Some models of solar systems are equipped with special sensors and an automatic valve that directs water to the heat exchanger. If the set standard water temperature in the pool has already been reached, it passes by the heating element and gradually cools down. As soon as the temperature reaches the minimum point you set, the valve opens and water begins to flow back into the heat exchanger.

The benefits of solar pool heaters are as follows:

  1. The water heats up very quickly.
  2. You can use the system to raise the temperature of the water in the pool, to supply a private home with hot water, or to heat rooms.
  3. Simple and convenient control system.

If you read user reviews about the Intex solar pool heater on the Internet, you can understand that the only serious drawback of such a water heating system is that in cloudy weather the efficiency decreases and the heat exchanger does not work as efficiently. This means that it is advisable to install a solar system where there are more sunny days a year than cloudy ones.

Heat pumps as a new heating technology

One innovation in terms of how to heat pool water is the heat pump. This type of equipment is far from the most popular due to its fairly high price, but in terms of efficiency it can compete with all other options.

The operating principle of a heat pump is quite complex and is based on multi-stage heat transfer from different sources. The initial source of heat for the pump can be groundwater or thermal springs, flue gases, and in general anything that is at least a little warmer than the water in the pool.

The external piping of the heat pump is located underground. Using a circulation pump, a working fluid is driven through it, which is heated by several degrees due to the ambient temperature. The liquid then enters the evaporator, where it heats the refrigerant. The latter instantly boils and transforms into steam, which, in turn, enters the compressor.

The compressor compresses steam to 20-25 atmospheres, resulting in the release of a large amount of thermal energy. It is this energy that is used to heat the water in the pool.

How to heat the water in a swimming pool at the dacha so that the energy from the heater is also enough for other needs? To do this, just fork out a little and install a heat pump. The system works so efficiently that it can easily heat private houses with an area of ​​up to 300 m². In addition, the system operates in a circle, that is, the working fluid, after releasing the accumulated heat, cools and circulates again through the pipeline.

If you are interested in the question of how to quickly heat water in a pool using a heat pump, then you should know its advantages:

  • very high power;
  • Free energy sources are used to heat water, which allows you to significantly save money;
  • The water heats up in a very short time.

The disadvantage of such a system is its high cost. For the same money you can buy several instantaneous water heaters for the pool.

Helpful advice! If you think that a heat pump is a waste of money, then think about how much money you will save by using free energy sources. This is especially true if you use the system not only to heat water, but also to heat a large private house.

Wood or gas water heater for a pool: how to heat water in a swimming pool at the dacha

Wood-burning pool heaters are one of the simplest and most economical designs. Essentially, it is a spiral along which water moves. A fire is lit under the spiral, it heats up and gives off heat to the water. You can use not only firewood as fuel, but also peat, dry waste, coal and much more. This type of unit is good because it can be used in suburban areas where there is no electricity or gas. The pump, which is responsible for circulating water in the spiral, can be powered by an independent generator.

When purchasing a wood-burning pool heater, the main selection criterion is its power. It directly depends on the dimensions of the heat exchanger, as well as on the type of fuel used. Most models allow you to regulate the intensity of combustion, and you can easily connect a wood-burning unit without special skills.

Advantages of a wood heater:

  1. Saving money by using cheap fuel.
  2. Easy to use.
  3. Fast water heating.
  4. Ease of installation.

The disadvantage of heating the water in the pool with your own hands using a wood-burning unit is the lack of automatic systems. This means that the system must be constantly monitored, the fire must be maintained in it, and it must not be allowed to go out. Also, the lack of an automatic thermostat means you won't be able to accurately set the temperature you want the water to heat to.

Gas pool heaters differ fundamentally from wood heaters only in that they use natural gas as fuel. This makes the system a little easier to operate and allows you to leave it without constant supervision. The advantage of a gas heater is its relatively low cost, but in this case your gas bills will be considerable, so before purchasing you should think about whether you need this type of heater.

Heating blanket

Separately, it is worth mentioning such an interesting type as a heating blanket for a swimming pool. Essentially, this is a special cover that can be made of polyethylene or tarpaulin, and also made in the form of blinds. Special heating blankets for Intex pools not only prevent leaves and other debris from getting into the water, but also accumulate solar energy to heat the water. Of course, using a blanket cannot heat water as effectively as using flow-through or storage heaters, but it does raise the temperature by several degrees.

Device selection criteria

When choosing a pool heater (Intex, Bestway, Behncke or any other company), you should consider a number of general parameters.

Power. This parameter depends on the size of the pool and the amount of water that will need to be heated. Also, the power of the heater directly affects the rate of temperature rise. For example, the Intex pool water heater has a power of 3 kW, and the Bestway pool heater has a power of 2.8 kW. You can calculate the power required for effective heating using a very simple formula: the volume of the pool is divided by two.

Heating method. Instantaneous water heaters are a popular option if you need to heat water in a pool at your dacha. As a rule, the main advantage of any flow-through heater is its relatively small size, due to which such a device can be installed in a small area. The principle of operation of a flow-through system is that water passes through a heating element, which gives off heat to it. Most of these systems operate in cycles. A flow-through model, for example, an Intex pool heater, is good for small tanks, the water for which is taken from a central water supply system, a well or a well.

Energy source used. Here you need to take into account the availability of a particular fuel, as well as your financial capabilities. For example, a solar-powered unit is the most efficient, but it is quite expensive, and it does not make sense to use it in areas where there are more cloudy days than sunny days.

Of course, you can always assemble a pool water heater with your own hands; there are a sufficient number of ready-made diagrams for this on the Internet. However, purchasing a factory-made product will allow you not only to save time and effort, but also to receive a reliable and durable device with the possibility of warranty service.

Having your own home pool is not just a manifestation of luxury, but a real convenience that residents of country houses deserve. Reservoirs located on open land are subject to all sorts of environmental influences, including temperature changes.

Your own swimming pool is a luxury that allows you to enjoy water treatments at any time

Why do you need to heat the liquid in the pool?

For your comfort inside the pool, the water must be heated, especially when it comes to the cold season. Water gymnastics and health procedures must bring only benefits, without harm to your body. The average for outdoor pools is 25 degrees with a “+” sign. This way, you will be able to enjoy swimming, strengthen the tone of all muscles and be in a good mood for a long time. For children, the water temperature should reach +30, and in no case be below 20 degrees. The child's body is more sensitive than that of adults.

In connection with such factors as changes in the seasons, a logical question arises, how to heat the water in a pool at the dacha in the fall or in December? Auxiliary systems and components are fully provided for at the stage of planning an artificial reservoir. So, you don’t have to destroy the entire structure of the pool, which technically requires the installation of new elements for heating the water. It is within your power to provide yourself and your loved ones with a comfortable life in a country house at any time of the year and in any weather.

Methods for heating water in various swimming pools

Inflatable swimming pools have long been nothing new for country houses. Cheap, easy-to-use structures are quickly assembled and installed without unexpected problems. You don't need any special skills or knowledge in construction to install an inflatable tank in your backyard. A safe container allows you to use clean water all summer, but structures with a rigid, fixed frame are full-fledged “residents” of a suburban area. But starting in autumn, the ambient temperature drops significantly, and any dacha owner does not want an artificial reservoir to stand idle for most of the year without any use or benefit.

A wood-burning water heater is a suitable option for simple pools

What type of pool water heating is suitable for different types of structures? Cold nights or cloudy days leave you no choice but to equip your tank with additional elements that can significantly raise the water temperature. For many years, a wood-burning water heater has been a suitable option for simple pools. Such a device will save your money and will not require careful care in return. For small tanks, such a heater is an ideal solution, allowing you to use the pool throughout the warm months until winter.

With the help of modern technologies, water heater manufacturers are bringing to the market new, profitable elements for heating pool water. All that remains for you is to make an informed choice and enjoy your home artificial tank for many years to come.

Features of a wood-burning water heater for a home tank

A wood-burning water heater for an artificial reservoir has a simple design: a spiral and a pipe connected to it. During operation, such a pool boiler does not require electricity or an additional battery (fuel or charging). This is a significant nuance for suburban areas or dachas that are not connected to central systems. The economical unit does not consume gas for operation or refueling, thereby providing heating of the pool water with minimal monetary costs.

Wood heating functionality

A fire is built inside the structure (wood or burning mixtures and solutions are used). Next, with the help of a pump, water from the reservoir enters a special storage tank, where equipment for heating the pool is connected to the general system. Thus, water circulates only when absolutely necessary (temperature regulators are installed that respond to critical changes); at other times, the device is in sleep mode. Heating liquid in a pool with wood has gained considerable popularity among owners of suburban areas due to its simplicity of design and low cost of operation.

Firewood is a burning material that can always be found

Fuel, coal, firewood or peat - all these burning materials can be found in a country house or near a residential building. Such heaters do not create any difficulties, instead allowing you to use warm water in the tank at any time of the day. The primitive design of the device ensures quick installation that does not take long days. For an outdoor pool in winter or cool summer, a wood-burning heater is the best addition. An economical option is a device without a pump, instead of which you can install conventional hoses. The power of the heating element should be about 0.5-0.7 kW.

Sometimes innovation or innovation is not needed to do a good job, because time-honored methods are still effective and efficient.

Methods for heating pool water using additional elements

To make the right decision, owners of country houses need to consider various devices, evaluate their advantages and disadvantages, and only then choose the most suitable element for their own unique pool.

Effective and reliable ways to heat water in a tank that will help you in this difficult task:

  • electric heaters;
  • heat exchangers;
  • collectors powered by solar energy;
  • Heat pump;
  • special coating for the pool;
  • boilers;
  • specialized hoses;
  • other types of equipment.

Features of heating liquid in a pool with an electric heater

Flow-type electric heaters are suitable for heating water in a tank and have a simple operating principle. Filtered water enters the cylinder and is quickly heated in it, and then the pool is filled with liquid at an acceptable temperature for immersion. The advantage of devices of this type (instantaneous water heater for a swimming pool) is the simplicity of the design, which eliminates the need to install storage tanks - bulky and requiring a lot of space. A pressure regulator is installed inside the structure, allowing you to maintain the temperature for a long time. Electric heaters are manufactured with power sharing, so compact, economical devices are suitable for small tanks.

Electric heater provides safe and fast water heating

In any case, whatever unit your pool needs, it provides safe, fast water heating. Frame or inflatable containers can be easily equipped with such an inexpensive element. The installation required for a pool water heater (electric water heater) includes new electrical wiring. Another condition for the correct operation of the electrical device is the quality of the incoming water (it must be a soft liquid without salt impurities). An electric pool heater is an affordable solution for home tanks.

Features of a heat exchanger for an artificial reservoir

The pool heat exchanger does not require electricity. Such devices are connected directly to the autonomous or centralized heating system of a country house. The design, which ensures timely heating of water, consists of a flask with a coil placed inside. The principle of operation of the device is the simultaneous circulation of two different flows of water - from the heating pipes and the clean liquid of the pool. So, hot water from the heating system passes inside the flask, and clean tank fill moves on top.

To regulate the entire process, a pump with a special valve is used. The operation of the pumping system is organized by a built-in thermostat. A water heater for an artificial reservoir of this type comes with a vertical or horizontal mounting mechanism. The most suitable for household containers are devices (heat exchangers) made of stainless materials with average power ratings. In order to quickly heat the pool, several heat exchangers are used at once. After installation, the devices undergo final testing, and then they work without interruption for 24 hours. This is exactly how long it will take to raise the temperature of the entire volume of water in the tank.

A swimming pool with a high-power heat exchanger is installed inside large tanks of any type of design. A significant disadvantage of such water heating is the dependence on the heating system, which does not always function properly and uninterruptedly. Whatever power of the device you choose, the pool heat exchanger will immediately cope with the task in the shortest possible time.

Features of a collector for an artificial reservoir

A collector powered by solar energy is used less frequently than the long-known water heater for a swimming pool, but it is a profitable investment in the improvement of a country house. Basically, a solar system consists of rectangular elements that receive solar energy and convert it into energy (heat). A heater controlled by a pump is built inside the collector.

The main condition for proper operation is the location of the device on a surface open to sunny people (then the power of the water heater is maximum). Heating of the pool occurs quickly and without much effort on your part, which is a significant advantage of a solar collector. The disadvantage of such a device is that gloomy weather significantly impairs the efficiency of operation, and heating the liquid takes two or three times longer than usual.

Features of pool heating with a heat pump

A heat pump for heating a pool works like a refrigeration unit, only with the opposite effect. The device is connected to the general electrical network. The pump power is about 6 kW, which is quite a lot considering the standard costs of electricity in a country house. Heating of pool water using this method occurs on the principle of heat transfer from the environment to the heating element.

The device can only operate on clear, sunny days when the air is well heated. Installation of the entire structure takes a couple of days, and the pump itself requires constant maintenance. Despite all the nuances during operation, a pool heat pump is rightfully popular among owners of spacious summer cottages.

Features of heating a pool using a special coating

Specialized coatings look like dense woven fabric. This type of blanket consists of heat-saving layers. The entire surface of the tank is covered with dark-colored bubble wrap. Coverings are often made “to order” according to individual measurements. To install a blanket (heating a pool with your own hands) you do not need any special knowledge or experience; just stretch the material over the surface of the water and fix it firmly.

Thus, precious heat will not escape from the water, and low-temperature air will not cool the liquid in the container (minimal heat exchange with the environment). A similar film is used at night or in cloudy weather, when the absent sun is not able to heat the water in the pool. During the day, the coating increases the water temperature by 3-4 degrees.

The interpretation of the film was a floating blanket, partially covering the water layer. Even if, with the help of a film, the liquid in the tank is heated unevenly and not very intensely (the power is less compared to other devices), in contrast to the disadvantage there is an undoubted advantage - the low cost of the popular method.

A heated pool is always profitable and convenient, because at any time of the year, you have access to the benefits of a home tank.

Calculating the size, power and electricity consumption of the device will take several hours, but in the end, the selected heater will serve you for many years.

Traditional methods of heating pool water

You can make a flow-through pool heater with your own hands from scrap materials lying idle at the dacha. Craftsmen suggest using rather unusual ways to increase the temperature of the liquid in the tank. Is your own pool heater or boiler expensive, and installation work takes up precious time? There is an exit. The so-called “snail” method, which uses a system of connected hoses, allows you to heat a pool on a plot of land.

If the pool is located outside in direct sunlight, then only the top layer of water is heated

The open tank is exposed to direct sunlight, but this only guarantees superficial heating of the pool. The bottom layer of water remains cold. To create a “snail”, take a long dark hose and connect it to the opening of the container, and the other end to the pump. A clamp can serve as a fastening element to prevent leaks.

The liquid passing through the hose, having heated up faster, circulates back into the reservoir. The “snail” pool water heating system will not give the same result as boilers (electric stoves), but in the absence of other pool heating systems, the use of a hose increases the water temperature that is comfortable for use.

Boiler for artificial pond

For compact tanks, a pool boiler running on gas or diesel is used. But wood is also suitable for fuel combustion. When installing a gas installation, special permission from utility services is required, because neglect of safety precautions can lead to a real explosion. Installation of the device is carried out only in the presence of professionals.

If you don't want to bother with gas, choose a pool heater with safe power sources. To ensure that the calculation of gas indicators does not become erroneous, seek help from specialists. Otherwise, you and your loved ones are in danger. An outdoor outdoor pool should bring joy, not instill fear. Despite increased precautions, heating stoves are used quite often.

An alternative method of heating liquid

The development of alternative energy sources in recent years has been of great strategic importance. The natural resources with which an outdoor pool is heated do not have an eternal source, so creating other ways to generate energy, including heating water in a pool with your own hands, will save money for the owners of country houses and not harm the environment.

The boiler, stove, gas installations, the capacity of which is calculated by a specialist, must work for good, without interruptions or breakdowns. An environmentally friendly new product of recent years is a geothermal pump that draws heat from underground groundwater. It would seem, how is this possible? For direct access to the pump, a special well is drilled into which the probe is lowered. Through the pipeline, the incoming heat will provide heating of water in pools of any size.

A plastic hula hoop and black film will help create an unusual but effective element, heated by natural energy sources. This device works on the “water blanket” principle, but finishing work will be cheaper. For small-sized pools, the homemade film option is the most optimal. The buoyancy and cleanliness of the device is ensured by the design of the hula hoop frame.

Home tanks, regardless of the cost, always pay for themselves, because doing gymnastics, swimming and simply having fun in the pool gives strength to the body and peace to the mind. Once you make a firm decision to install an artificial tank in your yard or garden, you should worry about all the necessary components that will ensure the quality of water and its basic physical characteristics.

If you want to use your home tank not only in summer, then installing a heater is the main task at the preparation stage. Make the device yourself or buy a ready-made design - the choice is up to you, but know how to decide on the main criteria for the future unit.

Heating of water in the pool should be provided for in advance, namely at the design stage, since it is convenient to install heating devices together with other equipment. However, it will be possible to install a heating system even after the completion of construction work. So, what devices exist for heating a pool, what are their advantages and features of use?

Flow-through electric heaters

This is the simplest method that will help heat the water in the pool without spending a lot of money on installing the system. The purpose of such equipment lies in heating the liquid, the flow of which is not interrupted, subject to a minimum pressure drop. The device is compact, and thanks to this, its installation does not require a large technical room; the system will fit into a small covered booth. Water is heated quickly and its temperature can be adjusted. When purchasing a flow-through electric heater, it is necessary to take into account the volume of water in the pool: for example, for a small and shallow pool in a heated room, a 3 kW unit is sufficient. But for a huge outdoor pool this option will not work, because this parameter is limited to 18 kW, which will not be enough. Also, a clear disadvantage, in addition to low power, is the inability to use in homes where there is limited energy consumption.

Heat exchangers

Unlike instantaneous electric heaters, such devices do not consume electricity, but heat the pool by connecting to the heating system of the house. The unit is made in the form of a flask, inside of which there is a coil, into which hot water flows from the heating system through the operation of a circulation pump. The heat exchanger is a fully automatic device; the owner only needs to set the temperature on the thermostat to which it is planned to heat the water. The device has much higher power than in the first version - 13-200 kW, which allows it to be used for large pools. When installing a heat exchanger, one rule should be followed: it should be located between the pumping station and the system responsible for water disinfection, otherwise breakdowns may occur due to the presence of chlorine in it. In addition, in the case of highly chlorinated water, it is better to choose a titanium heat exchanger.

Solar system

The sun is an inexhaustible source of energy, and today this technique has found its application not only in heating homes, but also in the construction of swimming pools. The solar collector is represented by black modules (cones, tubes or screens) that receive the sun's rays. After the rays are absorbed, the coolant inside the collector is heated. And after starting the circulation pump, the pool is heated. One module heats about 30 cubic meters. meters of water. Along with heating the pool, this method is also suitable for heating premises and for hot water supply. However, the solar system is not without its drawbacks: the efficiency of the collectors decreases in cloudy weather, which accordingly reduces the heat transfer coefficient.

Heat pumps

Such devices are not yet very popular in our country, since their price still remains high. The operation of heat pumps consists of multi-stage heat transfer from coolants by compressing gases. The initial heat sources can be the following: domestic wastewater after treatment, the heat of river, lake and groundwater, up to the heat released during the purification of flue gases. After fulfilling their purpose, the working fluid and refrigerant meet again to start a new cycle. The system’s power is enough to both warm up the pool and heat the cottage, the area of ​​which reaches 300 square meters. meters. The water heats up quickly, which is undoubtedly a significant advantage of this technique.

Thus, when choosing a method for heating a pool, it is recommended to take into account its volume, the speed of heating the water, the need for additional heating of the house, the cost of the system and the power of the device.

Small-sized construction or the construction of a capital structure on the territory of your own plot with your own hands will always be associated with the possible occurrence of some difficulties. One of these problems is heating the water in the pool, because the water will not always have a temperature that is pleasant for humans. To do this, it is possible to use special heating devices for swimming pools, which differ in the specifics of their operation, technical characteristics, consumption indicators, and so on. These structures can be installed with your own hands.

In the process of considering sanitary norms and generally accepted standards, it is possible to understand that the most comfortable water temperature for a pool is +24°C and above. However, this does not mean that this temperature can be completely suitable for every person. The standards, for example, for a children's pool, contain information that the water temperature should start from +28°C.

In any case, it is quite difficult to achieve such indicators without special devices, since the water supplied to the pool is much colder. Therefore, swimming in a cold pool is not very pleasant. In addition, cold water is strictly contraindicated for children.

After a pool is installed on the site, each of the owners of the innovation should think about how to heat the water in the pool.

List of elements that are needed: heat exchanger or heat pump, electric heater, fuel water heater.

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Heating a pool using a heat exchanger

Heating water using a heat exchanger in a pool is a very popular way to achieve the required water temperature. The heat exchanger itself consists of a flask of a certain size, inside which the coolant will circulate. It will be used to heat the water. The heat exchanger can be connected to the heating system of a building that is located nearby, for example, to a cottage or house.

The water in the pool will be heated thanks to the heating system of the house, where water regularly passes through a heat exchanger.

If you install an automatic heating system with your own hands, then it is possible, after heating it once, to achieve stable maintenance of the water temperature.

Systems that cost more money can even work independently. A complex of intelligent systems and special on/off sensors can set a comfortable temperature.

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Using electric heaters

The operation of these systems is significantly different from heating water using a heat exchanger. In this case, the water will be heated, which directly passes through the heating element. Often they will be served by a heating element, which is made of anti-corrosion alloys or metals. It is covered with special protective layers. The electric heater is powered from the electrical network. Depending on the requirements, it can be of different power.

An electric heating system can be perfect for pools that are small in size. For larger volumes of water, such heaters may be too expensive. The disadvantage of electric heaters is their complete dependence on the capabilities of the household electrical network. It turns out that not every heater that has high power can be connected to do the job.

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Use of heat pumps

Quite often, in order to heat the water in the pool, heat pumps are used, which can operate using environmental energy. Their work is most popular in the summer, when these devices are connected to small pools in suburban areas or in the country. Such pumps can operate from almost any household network, but there is one limitation: the system will operate only when the outside air temperature is higher than +5 degrees Celsius.

There is another option - heating using solar panels. This system is effective for heating water in regions that have a large number of sunny days. Due to the recharge from solar energy, experienced specialists recommend using this system exclusively in summer pools, because in such cases it will be most effective. The principle of operation is quite simple: water entering the pool passes through a special device called a collector. It heats up in it. The cost of funds is minimal, and the environmental indicator of such a system is very high.

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Using Fuel Water Heaters

Fuel water heaters are a fairly effective and economical system. However, this is only provided that the system is connected not only to the pool; in addition, the required type of fuel should be selected. Such systems most often operate on gas and oil fuel, although there are a fairly large number of solid fuel boilers. Working with them will be complicated by the re-equipment and production of some systems, but this pays off due to noticeable savings in money.

The installation of fuel heaters is associated with a large number of the following issues: obtaining permission, registration, registration, installation of fire safety systems, control of fuel reserves, construction of a chimney, constant monitoring or automation of the system.

It is worth understanding that today there are quite a large number of water heating systems, so there is always plenty to choose from. First of all, you should start directly with the pool itself, its shape, placement on the site, size, and so on, because the choice of system depends on these factors.

Next, you should pay attention to the volume of water that will need to be heated, the need to automate the system and the appropriate temperature. The type, cost and power of pool heating will directly depend on this.

We must not forget that heaters must be installed by experienced specialists after the necessary documents have been completed. It is possible to heat the pool yourself, but it is not at all recommended to do this if the owner of the structure is not a professional in this matter.