Kerry Bradshaw: the screen image that has become an example to follow. Outfits, hairstyle, apartment and wedding dress of Kerry Bradshaw. Carrie Bradshaw is fake: Cosmopolitan editor lived a week as the heroine of Sex and the City Carrie dress in Paris

The main character of the series "Sex and the City", based on the book "Sex and the City" by Candice Bushnell. She also appears in two feature films, and in the youth prequel series The Carrie Diaries, viewers see the heroine in her youth. The New York-based writer writes a sex column for the newspaper and loves shopping, clubbing and men. Carrie has three close friends who lead a similar lifestyle.

History of creation

The prototype of Carrie Bradshaw is the author of the book "Sex and the City" Candice Bushnell, an American writer and columnist. Like the heroine, Bushnell has been writing a sex column for The New York Observer since 1994, where she talks about her own life in New York and the lives of friends, about love affairs and adventures. Bushnell loves the New York nightlife, and even the initials of the author and the character are the same - K.B.

Image and character

Carrie Bradshaw is a witty, stylish and attractive New Yorker. The heroine is about 35 years old. Carrie is tiny - 160 centimeters, and with this growth weighs 55 kilograms. Leads an independent life and works for the New York Star newspaper. Carrie writes about sex, and the column material is eventually published as a separate book. After that, Carrie begins to write women's novels.

Heroes of the series "Sex and the City"

The heroine has a strong sense of humor and an independent character. Carrie does not lose heart, but she is greedy for fashionable novelties and shoes of famous brands and designers. A prominent place in Carrie's life is occupied by friends, independent women like the heroine herself - Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda.

Carrie loves men and starts a lot of short affairs and a couple of serious novels. Carrie breaks up with these men for various reasons. For example, the break with Aidan was due to smoking - a habit that the heroine did not find the strength to give up even for the sake of love.

The only true love of the heroine, which runs like a red thread through 6 seasons, is Mr. Big, whose role is played by the actor. In the series, viewers never learn the real name of this mysterious gentleman, who would later become Carrie's husband.

In the series and in the life of Carrie, fashion and style issues, as well as club life and trendy restaurants, occupy a large place. The four heroines have a rest in real-life places and choose clothes of real-life brands. Thanks to the attention of the public to Carrie Bradshaw, the shoe brand Manolo Blahnik became famous, and a bus route for tourists was created in the places where the heroines of the series rested. Even the cocktails that Carrie preferred became popular.

Carrie Bradshaw teeters on the verge of outrageous fashion and the sharpest bad taste. On the screen saver of the series, you can see the heroine in a fluffy skirt that looks like a tutu. The show's stylist dug up the outfit from a second-hand store for only $5, and based on this iconic skirt, Carrie's fashionable look was subsequently created in many variations.

From the wardrobe of the heroine of the series, this pack migrated to the real world - to the work of fashion designers. in 2008 he created a collection based on a tutu - thanks to the influence of Carrie Bradshaw on the media space and culture.

From a white shirt to a frilly dress from the designer collection, things sit flawlessly on Carrie's slender figure. In a pink Oscar de la Renta dress, the heroine flaunts in the episode where the Russian artist Alexander Petrovsky takes Carrie to McDonald's. At a meeting with Natasha, the wife of the windy Mr. Big, Carrie came in a defiant white dress with a "newspaper" print, which she created for Christian Dior. In this form, Carrie tried to apologize to Natasha for having a secret affair with her husband.

Returning from Paris to New York, the heroine shows joy by paying tribute to her own addictions, which no one can encroach on. Walks around the city in a long fur coat and open-toed summer boats.

Usually, Carrie does not put her hair in her hair, but wears it loose, but sometimes collects it in a ponytail. Initially, it was assumed that Carrie Bradshaw would be a brunette, but literally in a day the creators of the series changed their minds, and the heroine turned into a blonde.

In some episodes, the heroine appears in a narrow-brimmed hat or in a voluminous cap.

Especially for the second part of the film, Carrie's engagement ring, created by Itay Malkin, was commissioned. This unusual decoration with a large black diamond was to the taste not only of the heroine, but also of the fans of the series. Fans also kept a close eye on Carrie's make-up, so as not to miss anything in fashion trends.

"Sex and the City"

In the series Sex and the City, the role of Carrie Bradshaw was played by an actress. The series aired from 1998 to 2004, ran for six seasons, totaling 94 half-hour episodes. The roles of Carrie's friends were played by actresses (Samantha Jones), (Charlotte York) and (Miranda Hobbs).

In 2008 and 2010, two films were released in the comedy melodrama genre, where the same Sarah Jessica Parker starred as Carrie. The films became a continuation of the series.

In the first Sex and the City film, viewers will learn how the life of the main characters turned out after the end of the original series. Carrie and Mr. Big share a luxury penthouse apartment and are about to get married. Samantha lives in Los Angeles with her actor friend, but Carrie flies to New York for the wedding. Miranda and Steve's family life has turned into a boring swamp, and as a result, the couple part ways due to accidental infidelity. And Charlotte is pregnant.

After the changeable Mr. Big changes his mind about getting married at the last moment, Carrie and her friends leave for Mexico to unwind. But the difficulties are resolved, and Carrie still gets married.

The second film in the Sex and the City series describes the events that took place two years after what is described in the first part. It turns out that Carrie and the man of her dreams have different ideas about how to spend their leisure time. Mr. Big likes to lie on the couch in front of the TV, and Carrie cannot imagine life without social gatherings.

At the invitation of Samantha, who was hired by an Arab sheikh to organize a PR campaign for a hotel chain, Carrie and her friends go to Abu Dhabi. There, the heroine loses her passport and finds her former lover, Aidan, whom she accidentally kisses, which she immediately regrets. Meanwhile, Samantha acts as obscene in the Arab world as she does at home in New York, and the sheik's contract quickly falls through. Not without incident, the friends return home.

In 2013-2014, the teenage prequel series The Carrie Diaries was released, where the actress played the role of the young heroine. There are two seasons out. The series is set in the 80s of the twentieth century. The viewer sees Carrie at that stage of her biography, when the girl went to school, meets her younger sister and father of the heroine.

After the death of the mother, the situation in the family becomes difficult. Carrie often quarrels with her sister. Meanwhile, a new tough guy, Sebastian Kidd, shows up at school. Carrie once had her first kiss with this guy. Now, however, Carrie is in no hurry to develop this relationship.

More attractive prospects appear in Carrie's life - a young girl is invited as an intern in New York to a law firm. In the new city, the heroine makes new friends - lifebloods who are familiar with the world of fashion. In New York, Carrie has new suitors, for example, the young playwright Adam Weaver, with whom relations have developed inconsistently.

Quotes and aphorisms

"One, he's breathtakingly handsome, two, he doesn't wear a wedding ring, three, he knows I have a supply of ultra-thin condoms in my purse."
"It was like a Donna Karan dress: you know it's not your style, but you try it on, just in case."
"He fully met her rule of three "p": positive, attractive and solvent."
“After the break, certain streets, places, even times become forbidden. The city turns into a desolate battlefield filled with mines of memories. You have to watch carefully where you step, otherwise you will be torn to pieces.
“Money should be where you can see it, namely in the wardrobe!”

Heartfelt aphorisms by Carrie Bradshaw about friendship are popular, for example:

“The most important rule is: no matter who broke your heart and how long it takes to fix it, you can’t get through it without your friends.”

Kerry Bradshaw is the main character in Sex and the City. Smart and sexy fashionista brilliantly played by Sarah Jessica Parker. This role brought the actress worldwide fame, and her character, Kerry, received the title of "style icon". A whole team worked on the bright image of the main character, including the famous designer Patricia Field. What is the secret of the popularity of the stylish, bold and outspoken journalist Kerry Bradshaw, who has hundreds of branded shoes in her wardrobe?

Girl from Manhattan

Kerry has an original sense of style, loves to go to branded stores and wears quirky, but very expressive clothes. But the girl has a special passion for shoes. Her wardrobe contains hundreds of rare items from the world's leading designers. From Manolo Blahnik to Jimi Choo.

Kerry Bradshaw style

So, Kerry is a style icon... Outfits, nightclubs, shoes and even cocktails that the girl drank with her girlfriends became famous. Brandshaw's style is a crazy combination of different directions, textures and shades. At first glance, the outfits of the heroine seem completely tasteless. However, looking closely, you can understand that every detail is used to emphasize the image, make it spectacular and bright. Whatever the most demanding critics say, Bradshaw's style deserves special attention.

Unexpectedly for themselves, Sarah Jessica Parker and her heroine turn women's ideas about world fashion upside down. For example, the famous one in which Kerry appears in an advertisement for a bus was purchased by the stylists of the picture in a second-hand store for five dollars. Subsequently, the famous designer created a whole fashion collection consisting exclusively of packs.

Carrie Bradshaw clothes

Dresses, skirts, jeans - everything emphasizes her individuality. All the women of the world were looking forward to the release of the new series of the picture in order to enjoy bright and bold images, balancing on the verge of high fashion. In any outfit, be it sports shorts with sandals or an elegant evening dress with a deep neckline, subtle self-irony, a wonderful sense of humor and femininity can be traced. For the wardrobe of a young journalist, there are no boundaries. Bright colors, expressive accessories, incomprehensible shapes and revealing cutouts... In Bradshaw's closet you will find both dresses from famous couturiers and youth jeans bought at a sale. Despite everything, self-confidence is felt in her image, even in the most revealing outfit.

Favorite outfit Kerry Bradshaw

Sarah Jessica Parker and her designers tried to create the image of an ordinary New Yorker who tries to emphasize her individuality with the help of clothes. At the same time, Kerry's most daring outfits are a projection of her state of mind and mood. Looking closely at the image of the heroine, you can understand what worries or comforts the girl, what she thinks about, you can even guess the profession of her boyfriend. A white suit with a slim waistcoat and wide tie suggest that Kerry is going on a date with a bank clerk. Once, having fallen in love with a fashionable politician, the girl appears in a vintage look a la Kennedy, in a raincoat from Halston and large glasses. On a date with a young man, the girl goes in strawberry color. A strict dress from Prada, a cashmere coat, a clutch from Fendi will be chosen for a date with a rich gentleman. An elegant blue cape, white shirt and red bodysuit appear on Carrie as she rushes to meet a fashion artist.

For going out, the extravagant journalist prefers a light jacket with a mini dress from Marni, which makes her look bright and airy. At the party in honor of the release of the book, the girl appears in an original lace silk dress, sandals from Manolo Blahnik. A few days later, Kerry appears on the screens in a pink David Dalrymple dress with an elegant Judith Lieber clutch.

Carrie's outfits always reflect her incorrigible optimism. Even in moments of sadness and disappointment, designers emphasize the belief in a positive outcome. What is the image of a girl in a rainbow skirt and a red jacket in the rain.

Only in exceptional cases does Bradshaw become herself - when she goes on a date with "the man of her dreams." A floral dress and white ballerinas - this is the image of the real Kerry Bradshaw.

Wedding Dress

Kerry's wedding dress was designed by famous fashion designer Vivienne Westwood specifically for the filming of the sensational series. This outfit became the highlight of the fall-winter 2007 collection of the famous designer. It was published under the name Cave Girl. After filming, the dress was put up for sale in an online boutique. Within a few days, more than 30 brides bought the famous outfit, which cost $20,000. After such success, Vivienne Westwood was invited to collaborate with the stylists of the series, which added intrigue around the sensational image. The British designer promised to create no less original outfits for Kerry Bradshaw, despite the fact that she had already played her wedding.

Carrie Bradshaw shoes

Most of all, a girl from Manhattan is proud of her collection of shoes, sandals, boots. There are four hundred pairs of shoes in her wardrobe, each of which she idolizes and will not sell for anything. In the lady's closet there are only the most exquisite and high-quality models. Each pair costs at least $300. Journalist's favorite designer - In the latest episodes, the girl appears in shoes from

Carrie Bradshaw handbags

The girl carefully refers to the selection of details to complete the image. No less significant than shoes are handbags for Kerry. In her wardrobe there are products for all occasions - these are clutches, and a handbag-cylinder, and even a bag-Eiffel Tower. All models are exclusively from the most famous brands. This is Chloe, and Christopher, and Fendi, and Gucci, and Hermes Birkin. All the handbags that Carrie wears are not cheap.

Accessories Carrie Bradshaw

The style of the famous fashionista consists of a holistic image, in which great attention is paid to various accessories. A bright scarf can be matched to a summer dress, beads in three turns can be matched to shorts. Antique brooches, belts and bracelets unexpectedly become a good addition to a frilly look. Kerry loves all sorts of flowers that can appear on a dress, hat, tie or bracelet. She prefers roses the most, using them on simple tank top dresses.

Jewelry by Carrie Bradshaw

She loves a stylish fashionista and all kinds of jewelry and jewelry. The basis of the image is the presence of a large number of beads, earrings and bracelets. Surprisingly, both feminine and romantic models, as well as large items intended for men, suit the girl. Kerry looks perfect with a string of fine pearls, as well as with an old vintage brooch made by a famous designer. Often the girl puts on "grandmother's" brooches, dug somewhere in the last century, which unexpectedly ends the famous image of Kerry Bradshaw.

Hair and makeup

A fashion journalist is clearly aware that even a great pair of shoes from a famous designer will not save if the hair and makeup are not perfect. The girl's hair is curled as if it were perfectly styled by nature itself. It is impossible to even imagine how much time the actress spent in front of the mirror, creating this hairstyle. Sarah Jessica herself has naturally straight hair, but in the series she always appears with graceful, slightly messy waves. Designed by acclaimed stylist Kevin Murphy, these free-flowing curls make Kerry look effortless, stylish and feminine. As for makeup, the girl prefers to line her eyes with a black pencil and gray shadows, and uses pale natural tones for her lips. The perfect look is complemented by elegant vintage nails, with a manicure carefully matched to the next dress.

Kerry Bradshaw's apartment

The apartment of the main character, although small, is located on the famous New York street in Manhattan, where, as you know, the highest prices for apartments. The style of this cozy and luxurious home, as well as the clothes of the heroine herself, emphasize the individuality of the girl. A mixture of different styles, shapes and colors blend harmoniously with each other, as does her wardrobe. However, in the second part of the series, Kerry moves into her husband's huge apartment, where there is a chic dressing room with a whole showcase of his favorite shoes. In the new apartment, laconic and strict, the girl does not feel free, although she lives with her beloved, whom she has been waiting for all her life.

Quotes from Kerry Bradshaw

The series, which starred Sarah Jessica Parker, instantly became famous. Many of the speeches delivered by the smart and subtle Kerry are now repeated by fans from all over the world. Speaking about relationships, the girl notes that she does not believe in e-mail, but "prefers to call and hang up." The relationship between a man and a woman is described through her favorite outfits: "It's like a dress from Donna Koran: you understand that this is not your style, but you still try to try it on." Light self-irony and incorrigible optimism are heard in the words of the journalist: “In the end, even computers break down, relationships collapse. The best thing to do is just take a deep breath and reboot." The fashion journalist expressed these thoughts in her articles, which made her famous in the series. Subtle and understandable phrases, reflecting the state of a whole generation, won the hearts of many women. After watching the series, we understand that our whole life depends on how we treat it. We realize that there is always hope for a positive outcome.


The image of Kerry Bradshaw (the photos used in the article allow those who have not watched the mentioned film to form their own idea of ​​​​him) is romantic and extravagant, pretentious and bright. He conquered millions of fans around the world. Today, viewers are happy to watch episodes of their favorite series to unravel the mystery of the popularity of the style of the famous journalist from Manhattan. Almost every girl on Earth dreams of Kerry's wardrobe. Perhaps, at least in fantasy, we can become a little better by imagining ourselves in David Dalrymple and a Judith Lieber handbag. Of course, one can argue, stating that the main thing in a person is the soul. But if this is the soul of such a bright personality as Kerry Bradshaw, then the most important argument in her defense will be a huge collection of shoes, a chic hairstyle and stylish dresses from famous designers.

1. She is an hour late and starts talking about herself. About my shoe addiction. About problems with Mr. Big. About what literary critic Michiko Kakutani wrote about her in The Times. What? Do you have bigger problems? Tumor suspicion? Oh wait, do you know what her Russian boyfriend texted her?

2. Everything she says is important. Especially her puns. Are you tired of appreciating them?


3. She spends all her money on shoes and of course she didn't listen to you when you advised her to save for a rainy day. And now you have to help her with the rent.

4. At a friendly dinner, she will suddenly ask you how often you give blowjob to your husband. And when you raise an eyebrow in bewilderment or blush, she will wave her hand: “Oh, I won’t tell anyone!”

5. She won't tell. She will write. All the details of your personal life will be recounted in the weekly column, and she won't even bother to change the names of the main characters. Well, unless he signs Alena Ivanova as "Alena I.".

6. Her abs are beautiful, but she constantly shows them in inappropriate places: at a party for young mothers, at a church service, while meeting her boyfriend's parents, at a wedding. Did she have all her blouses shrunk from the laundry?

7. When she's checking out her closet, you'll spend all day evaluating her looks. In the end, she will generously give you everything that she decided to get rid of, but not that it really suits you.

8. What do you mean you can't go somewhere because you spent too much? She spends thousands of dollars a month on shoes, rides taxis, drinks $18 Cosmopolitan (and that's all on a columnist's salary? Okay…) and has no idea that some people live differently.

9. She doesn't know how to drive, so you'll have to drive when traveling and traveling. And she will, of course, sip Cosmopolitan all the way.

10. She won't show up at the dinner you hosted in her honor. She's original!

11. She is unlikely to agree to go somewhere where it will not matter what she is wearing. Picnic in the woods? She will have to spend the weekend in sneakers and no one will even notice that they are Dior!

12. She has a terrible husband with whom you will have to spend time. Mr. Big is narcissistic, aged and immature at the same time. You understand what we are talking about.

13. She is afraid to take responsibility for pets, so she has a gay friend who will replace her pet dog. To walk with her, he must look appropriate.

14. She is not very versed in technology and gadgets. You will have to teach her how to use the Subway Map app. Which she would never use anyway...

15 ... and will not come to visit you if you live in a residential area. In her opinion, there can be nothing interesting there, except for a gang of dysfunctional teenagers and a cluster of minibuses. How can you even live there? It's dangerous to health!

The main designer and costume designer for the series was stylist Patricia Field, who in the early 1970s became the author of modern women's.

Patricia Field

In 1995, on the set of the film Miami Rhapsody, Field met with. Sarah, having received a role in "Sex", recommended Patricia as the main costume designer. For six years, Field worked on the images of Carrie, Miranda and Charlotte, along with her assistant and friend Rebecca Weinberg.

Sarah Jessica Parker along with Patricia Field on the set of the series and Field's assistant Rebecca Weinberg

For this work, Patricia received five nominations for the Emmy Award and won one of them. Later, the designer collected the wardrobe of Manhattan fashionistas for the sequels "Sex and the City" and "Sex and the City 2". When Field began work on the series, she was 57 years old. However, the style that she proposed turned out to be so innovative that some of the looks still look relevant today.

Red-haired Patricia Field on the set of "Sex and the City"

And they not only look relevant: who among us has not dreamed of capturing or Samantha? It's a real women's paradise! In this video, Patricia Field shows the dressing room where the creators of the series keep the outfits of our favorite heroines.

"I never imagined that the film's wardrobe would have such an impact on the masses," says Patricia's assistant Rebecca Weinberg, who worked on the project from 1999 to 2001. For one of the American publications, Rebecca selected and commented on the best, in her opinion, images of Carrie.

Rebecca Weinberg

About the image with a striped skirt:“This is a cool combination of expensive and democratic things. A department store dress and sweater paired with a Chanel jacket in this season 5 look. Great color combination!”

About the image with a tutu skirt:“I was in a vintage showroom, there was a big basket on the floor, something like “everything is five dollars.” I pulled out this tulle skirt and said, “Why not try it for the credits shoot?”

About the look with pink shoes:“The chunky pink Christian Louboutin shoes that Carrie chose for her farewell date with Big at the end of Season 4 were one of dozens of magical pairs of shoes featured on the series. Remember, they were the ones that were spoiled because Miranda's water broke on them?

About the image with an umbrella:“While shopping in Paris, Carrie wore a Betsey Johnson bustier, a Lanvin coat and Dior over the knee boots. Boots leveled the sophistication of the outfit, and the bustier, perhaps, looked "too much." Things individually seemed incompatible to me, and that made sense. In general, in any outfit Carrie had some meaning hidden, she did not wear anything by chance.

About the first image:“By the time Carrie was getting ready to marry Mr. Big in the first movie, neither she nor the Sex and the City costumers had any problem with the clothes—all the designers wanted their creations to shine in this movie, everyone day, whole boxes and boxes of clothes were delivered to the office. This look is representative of the bright trends of 2008, the basis here is the Proenza Schouler military vest and studded sandals with straps of the same brand.

About the second image:“I love labels, but I love clothes with a story even more,” Field once told me. The Timmy Woods Eiffel Tower bag is a tribute to the city that brought Carrie and Big back together."

About the image with a fur coat:“This is Carrie saying goodbye to everything she left behind in Paris. She's back in New York, and this outfit of a vintage dress and Carrie's "signature" fur coat is similar to the journalist's favorite city: a mix of luxury and simplicity, downtown and outskirts. This is the moment when Carrie's real style reminds her of who she really is again."

About the third image:“This “naked” Calvin Klein dress (Carrie starred in it for a promotion of her book on the sides of the bus in the first season) and a flower coat look like this: “I put on the first thing that came to hand!” However, if in other cities of the world the coat worn to keep warm, in New York a beautiful coat is a kind of statement.

About the first image:“Sarah Jessica Parker was very fond of flowers, so they often appeared in the images of Carrie. I think this inspired a real fashion to use flowers as accessories. It turned out to be a beautiful, very American look with a Dior saddle bag and trousers, which Patricia seems to have shortened several times.”

About the second image:“There is nothing more Parisian than Sonia Rykiel. Carrie is in Paris, in the city of love, she is in love and therefore dressed in a dress of classic European, romantic and soft design. In New York, I would not have liked such an image, but in Paris it looked absolutely harmonious.

About the third image: It's actually not a dress or a skirt, it's a purple petticoat, but we paired it with a T-shirt and Sarah said, "How cute!" And then we had to coordinate this image with producer Darren Star. He didn't understand, he didn't like it. I don't blame him, he doesn't understand anything at all. But we convinced him."

And a couple of my favorites...

A crazy combination of things, colors, textures, prints. A gray vest over a dress with a "Turkish cucumber", gray knee-highs with brown ankle boots, a knitted cardigan with leather mittens and a coffee gradient on a soft Prada clutch - in this look, Patricia Field made her sing harmoniously what others would not even have guessed to combine in one look.

A very stylish, edgy look from the first film that perfectly illustrates Carrie's unhealed mental wound. While preparing for the wedding, the journalist agreed to shoot in Vogue magazine in the best wedding dresses in the world. The wedding did not take place, Big changed his mind right in front of the door of the registry office. But the magazine came out - with a note that there was no wedding. This "fashion bible" Carrie, all in black, carried home through the streets of New York, not daring to flip through the street - she was so scared to relive the collapse of her most important dream.

Interesting Facts:

  • The tutu, in which Carrie starred for the intro of the series, became the subject of controversy: the director and producers were categorically against this outfit. Patricia Field and Sarah Jessica Parker voted yes. The pack won by accident - thanks to the bus passing through the puddle. Remember the scene where Carrie barely dodges the spray? It was necessary to remove it from one take, during which the actress was in a pack. It was not possible to reshoot the scene in a different dress - the movement for filming was blocked for too short a time.
  • On the set of the series, Sarah Jessica Parker spent up to 18 hours a day in heels. As the actress admits, she did not feel pain: “For this, you can thank the ballet school: after this school of life, even the most uncomfortable shoes seem acceptable to me.”
  • Fur Coat Carrie is one of the series' longest-running "characters". The main character, like most earthly girls, had only one, and therefore Carrie appears in this fur coat in almost all seasons of the series and even in the full-length version.
  • Patricia Field went to fashion shows in Europe, photographed models on the catwalk, and then discussed with Sarah Jessica Parker the most interesting outfits in order to order them from designers for the duration of the shoot.
  • “She has such good taste,” says Patricia Field about Sarah. “She always brought some of her own things to the set and was, you could say, the fifth designer on this show besides me and three assistants.”

Fashion expert on the "Sex and the City" phenomenon

Photo credits: Bill Davila / Retna, Rex Features, Team NYC/InterTOPICS / Retna Ltd,,,

Millions of women around the world at least once in their lives felt so strong that they dared to follow their dreams. This is especially true for those who admired the ups and downs in the life of the heroine Carrie Bradshaw and felt in themselves at least the slightest inclination for creativity, and especially writing talent.

Perhaps some of you even decided to move to the metropolis to become a writer and find your Mr. Big, and also get together with your best friends every Sunday to gossip over brunch. Because Carrie did a great job of giving us all the idea that a girl who lives alone in a big city can achieve amazing success. Moreover, this success has a clearly defined form: glamour, designer shoes, dozens of fans, not very hard freelancing, a huge wardrobe and a magical budget that allows you to pay for it all.

Fascinated by a beautiful picture, wise phrases, impeccable shoes from Manolo Blanhik and an entertaining plot of one of the most popular TV shows of all time - we could not even think that the author of a New York newspaper column was deceiving us. Carrie Bradshaw's life does not exist in reality. And that's why.

big city = big love

The heroine shows by her example: getting acquainted with men in the metropolis is as easy as shelling pears! However, in reality, if you live alone in a big city, you will have to spend most of your life looking for a truly worthy person. The story of dating two men in an attempt to figure out which one you like more is a rarity in reality. And that's great.

New shoes or paying rent?

Women who rent housing in the metropolis on their own know that spending the last money on expensive shoes, if they have to pay bills for an apartment ahead of them, is completely surreal. Yes, the heroine of the series did this quite often, but before you decide to move and search for a “dream job”, check if your salary is enough for at least an apartment. The landlord is unlikely to share your enthusiasm for buying new shoes if you can not pay the rent.

luxury accommodation

Do you still think that you can easily find an apartment in a metropolis? And exactly the one in which there will be a chic renovation, a huge closet, several spacious rooms and a separate one for dresses and shoes, and there will be no strange neighbors around. There may be some, but none of them can be afforded by a newspaper columnist. Even New York.

Taxi only

Carrie demonstrates by personal example that as a writer, you will never have to use public transport. Taxi only! Instead, in reality, you will have to make an exciting journey in the subway every day along with a crowd of the same “subjugators of the metropolis”.

High heel running

Sarah Jessica Parker almost never filmed. In each series, she defiled with a light gait through the streets of the city - and did not stop looking quite happy at the same time. This is another lie that we stubbornly refused to notice because of the beautiful presentation. Unfortunately, no shoes can look as beautiful after walking in them in the rain, through underpasses, sidewalk gratings and puddles. In addition, no legs can withstand a marathon work routine in 10 cm heels.

Clothes instead of food

The writer from New York often buys herself new clothes and shoes instead of food. In reality, no one can replace a full dinner with a magazine or a new lipstick. But Parker plays very convincingly, and we believe her.

sky-high fees

Do you really think that you can write a newspaper column, write there once a week - and allow yourself to live carefree in New York?! It sounds like an ideal life, but in reality, unfortunately, this is a myth and the biggest lie of the heroine of the series. It would be more prudent to find a part-time job.