How to lose weight early pregnancy. How to lose weight during pregnancy without harm to the baby - diets, prohibited foods and exercises. Exercises for weight loss for pregnant women

Often, expectant mothers are afraid of losing shape during pregnancy and gaining extra pounds, which will then be very difficult to lose. This fear is not unfounded, because many mothers, indeed, have to face such a problem. But the reverse situation can be much more unpleasant, when instead of gaining weight, a pregnant woman loses weight. Can such dynamics be normal, and in what cases is it necessary to immediately consult a doctor?

Is weight loss during pregnancy normal or not?

Weight is one of the important indicators that the doctor focuses on during regular examinations of the expectant mother. Depending on the build, mass index and characteristics of the course of pregnancy, by the time the child is born, women gain from 9 to 15 additional kilograms, which include both the weight of the child itself and the enlarged uterus, amniotic fluid, placenta, additional blood volume necessary for providing the baby with nutrients and oxygen, as well as a certain percentage of adipose tissue built up by the body in case of unforeseen circumstances.

There are special tables that indicate the average norms of weight gain by months and even by weeks, it is on them (among other things) that it is customary to focus on assessing the condition of a pregnant woman. If the average values ​​are significantly exceeded, then the expectant mother is trying to eat "for two", this can lead to metabolic disorders, increased stress on the cardiovascular, respiratory system, joints, spine, liver and kidneys. In addition, with a really serious weight gain, complications during childbirth are possible. However, this situation is generally natural.

When the weight of a pregnant woman, on the contrary, decreases, this is a clear indicator that the nutrients received from food are not enough for the child, and he is forced to take them directly from the mother's body. If this state of affairs persists for a long time, it can harm the health of a woman (first of all, hair, nails, skin and teeth usually suffer), lead to delays and disturbances in the development of the fetus. The reasons can be very diverse from toxicosis in the early stages to an imbalance in nutrition and the development of a number of different diseases. In any case, even slight weight loss during pregnancy is a reason for additional consultation with a doctor and closer attention to changes in body weight and daily diet, despite the fact that in some cases this process can be considered absolutely natural and does not carry any harm.

Reasons for weight loss during pregnancy:

By itself, weight loss is not a cause for panic, at least if it does not occur rapidly and is not accompanied by a sharp deterioration in well-being. But, even if the state of health does not bring discomfort, in order to take timely measures, it is important to understand the reasons for what is happening, which can differ significantly at different times.

- first trimester

In the first three months of pregnancy, the size of the fetus is still so small that in any case they cannot cause significant weight gain. But, since up to half of all pregnant women experience toxicosis in the early stages, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and intolerance to various odors, weight loss during this period is natural and can continue until the 20th week. In the first trimester, weight loss exceeding 4 kg and acute toxicosis, in which vomiting occurs more than 3-4 times a day, can cause concern (there is a high risk of dehydration and exhaustion of the body). In such circumstances, most likely, hospitalization and treatment in a hospital will be required. If weight loss is relatively insignificant and is not accompanied by dangerous manifestations of toxicosis, it is enough to ensure that the diet is balanced and complete.

- second trimester

It is during this period that active growth of the fetus begins, an increase in the volume of the uterus and amniotic fluid, usually by the middle of the second trimester you can already clearly see the tummy, so there are no natural reasons for weight loss at this time. If body weight does not increase or kilograms continue to melt, this may be due to prolonged toxicosis, stress, or excessive physical exertion. Also, many women, fearing to get too fat, deliberately limit themselves or even go on diets, which is unacceptable during pregnancy without an appropriate doctor's prescription. If the expectant mother and her baby do not receive enough food, of course, there can be no talk of weight gain.

Weight loss in the second trimester of pregnancy is a definite reason to consult a doctor and undergo additional examinations in order to establish the exact causes and make sure that the child is developing normally.

- third trimester

The first half of the last trimester is no different from the end of the second, the child is still actively growing and developing, significantly gaining weight, an increase in the volume of the abdomen can be seen even without any additional measurements, so there are no natural reasons for weight loss in this period.

In the second half of the third trimester, the growing uterus begins to put pressure on the internal organs, including the stomach and diaphragm, which can cause deterioration of health, shortness of breath, heartburn and fatigue. Together, these factors can lead to decreased appetite and consistent weight loss. In addition, a few weeks before the start of labor, the body of a pregnant woman begins to cleanse itself, removing toxins and excess fluid. During this period, there may be a loosening of the stool and frequent urge to urinate, this condition is considered one of the harbingers of childbirth. Expectant mothers who previously suffered from edema can lose up to 3kg. Thus, the body seeks to facilitate the passage of the child through the birth canal (due to the absence of edema) and reduce possible blood loss.

What to do about weight loss during pregnancy?

In cases where examinations have revealed that the cause of weight loss is associated with any disease (for example, diabetes) or a pathological condition (for example, oligohydramnios), the attending physician will prescribe an appropriate course of treatment that will minimize the risk of further complications. But there are a number of general recommendations, the observance of which will allow you to get the necessary weight gain:

  1. Daily regime. It is necessary to avoid stress, excessive physical and emotional stress, normalize night sleep (at least 8 hours a day) and, if possible, set aside additional hours for rest, for example, in the afternoon, or as needed. Also, do not forget about regular walks in the fresh air.
  2. Balanced diet. The menu of a pregnant woman should be complete and varied, it should contain fresh vegetables and fruits, milk and dairy products, meat, fish, poultry, cereals and cereals, whole grain bread. If any products do not cause appetite, it is better to refuse them, and vice versa, when you want something not too useful, you should afford it, observing reasonable restrictions. It is better to eat in small portions of about 200g, at least 4-5 times a day, in between you can have a snack with dried fruits or dry cookies. Any diets, if they have not been agreed with the doctor observing the pregnancy, must be abandoned while waiting for the baby.
  3. Fight against manifestations of toxicosis. To reduce the symptoms of toxicosis, you should give preference to light, quickly digestible food and refuse fatty, spicy or salty foods. It is also worth avoiding foods with strong odors, as they can provoke an attack of vomiting. It is necessary to completely abandon sports and try to avoid sudden movements (including quick changes in position). To cope with morning sickness, before getting out of bed, it is recommended to drink a glass of warm water or weak tea.
  4. Weight control and food diary. In order to notice changes in time and try to understand their cause, it is necessary to weigh yourself regularly (at least once a week). Accurate and most reliable measurements can be obtained by doing them at regular intervals and at the same time (in the morning). Recording the results obtained will allow you to see the dynamics of growth or weight loss and compare it with the average values. If you keep a food diary at the same time, and enter into it information about all the foods eaten per day and their quantity, correlating these records, it will be possible to say with certainty whether weight loss is associated with a deficiency of any nutrients.
  5. Psychological condition. For a future mother, a comfortable atmosphere is very important. Psychological stress, quarrels, conflicts and experiences can provoke an increase in pressure, headaches, irritability, insomnia and loss of appetite. Therefore, pregnant women are advised to avoid stressful situations whenever possible, provide a calm environment, and surround themselves with loving and supportive people.


In the first trimester of pregnancy and immediately before childbirth, a slight decrease in body weight is not a pathology, as it is caused by natural factors. In other periods, it is imperative to consult a doctor about weight loss, even if the pregnant woman feels great and has no other complaints. Regular examinations and timely completion of all examinations will make sure that the lost kilograms are not the result of an illness and will not harm the baby.

Especially for- Ksenia Dakhno

Excess body weight during pregnancy negatively affects both the health of the woman and the fetus. However, you need to reduce weight gradually, strictly adhering to the recommendations of experts.

The dangers of being overweight

If a woman during pregnancy is faced with a sharp increase in volume, this can lead to the development of heart disease. This process negatively affects the state of the nervous system. Overweight pregnant women often experience varicose veins. Fat deposits impair the functioning of the endocrine system, which causes hormonal disruptions.

With an increase in body weight, the load on the organs of the musculoskeletal system increases. Also, fullness can complicate the process of childbirth, increase bleeding. Often, overweight women experience threats of termination of pregnancy, premature birth. Negatively extra pounds affect the intrauterine development of the fetus, there may be a delay. It is more difficult for overweight women to go through a recovery period after childbirth.

Weekly weight gain rates

A woman can gain weight during pregnancy by 12-18 kg. Weight increases greatly in the last stages, which indicates the readiness of the body for the upcoming resolution. Changes in weight should be closely monitored. If deviations from the norm are observed, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Up to 12-14 weeks, a woman's weight may not change, remaining at the same level. However, from 15 to 34 there will be a gradual increase in mass. At week 16, the expectant mother can add 3-4 kg, 18 - 4-5, and 20 - 5-6 kg, etc.

Weight gain will depend on the initial body mass index. It is calculated as follows: the weight indicator is divided by the height squared. If it is in the range from 19 to 25, then the indicator is normal. For example, with a weight of 60 kg and a height of 1.7 m, the index will be 21. A lower number indicates a shortage of kilograms, a high one indicates a surplus.

The less a woman weighed, the higher the likelihood of more body fat. With thinness, she can get fat during pregnancy up to 16 kg. If obesity was observed, then the increase will be 6 kg while following the diet.

How to lose weight pregnant without harm to the child?

In order for the process of losing weight not to affect the development of the fetus, it is necessary to consume foods containing protein. Its amount should increase by 10%. It is necessary to minimize fast carbohydrates in the diet, consuming them only in the morning. Pasta made from durum wheat will be useful. Sweet juices will be harmful, because. fructose promotes weight gain. Products are best cooked or baked in the oven.

First trimester

Losing weight during pregnancy in the first trimester is not a big problem. Many women during this period suffer from toxicosis. To keep the indicators normal, it is necessary to follow the principles of proper nutrition. You need to eat 3-5 times a day. This will keep your stomach from stretching. It is necessary to exclude the use of spicy or salty foods, as this can aggravate toxicosis.

Second trimester

If in the second trimester a woman began to quickly gain weight (more than 1 kg per week), it is necessary to arrange a fasting day every week. There are a number of recommendations that will help to avoid gaining excess weight. They are as follows:

  • you need to eat 5-6 times a day;
  • chocolate, dried fruits and coffee are consumed 1-2 times a week;
  • you can replace sweets with marmalade or halvah in small quantities;
  • reduce the content of wheat bread in the diet, eat black, rye or cooked with oatmeal;
  • minimize the consumption of onions and garlic;
  • when cooking, do not use spices;
  • reduce the consumption of foods that increase cholesterol, such as sausage, butter, etc.

Weight loss during pregnancy in the second trimester should not be abrupt, as this can adversely affect the development of the fetus.

third trimester

Meals in the last trimester should be frequent (5-7 times a day). If the expectant mother adheres to a vegetarian menu, this will positively affect both her health and the condition of the child. Fresh fruits and vegetables normalize the work of the intestines, with which women often have problems during this period. Meat can be eaten, but in small quantities.

The amount of dairy products consumed is reduced 3-4 weeks before childbirth. This is due to the fact that an excess of calcium can cause the deposition of salts in the fetal skull, which can lead to congenital pathologies.

Nutrition in the last month of pregnancy should exclude the use of meat and mushroom broths, since the extractives contained in them pose a danger to the health of a mother suffering from gastrointestinal diseases.

Just before childbirth, you need to consume less fluid. The minimum amount of salt is added to dishes. Alcoholic beverages are not allowed.

In the last weeks, light physical exercises are allowed, but they should be carried out only under the supervision of an instructor. During the classes, special attention is paid to stretching and working out the muscles of the back. The pace of training should be measured, Kegel exercises, fitball exercises, etc. are recommended. You can not do exercises that require a prone position, as this can lead to strong pressure of the uterus on other organs.

Properly selected physical activity contributes not only to weight loss, but also to bearing the fetus without complications.

If a pregnant woman has any diseases, pathological processes, physical activity is contraindicated for her.

You can not reduce weight, provided that it has not reached the norm. Attempts to get rid of extra pounds without the advice of a doctor can lead to negative consequences for the health of the mother and unborn child.

diet during pregnancy for weight loss

When deciding how to lose weight during pregnancy with a diet, a woman should remember some important rules. The main ones are:

  1. You can not eat in cafes and canteens. The dishes prepared there are high in fat, flavorings and other components that are harmful to health.
  2. The day should start with a full breakfast.
  3. As a snack, you can use low-fat kefir, cottage cheese, an apple or a pear.
  4. Avoid eating sausages, sausages, fast food, spicy cheeses, etc. Meals should be cooked in a double boiler.
  5. Starving is unacceptable. If you really want to eat before going to bed, they prefer food that will give a feeling of satiety, for example, nuts or bran.
  6. Show physical activity. Hiking, special aerobics classes, etc. will bring great benefits.

The diet should not be monotonous. The menu should include cereals, salads, pasta dishes, soups, juices, herbal teas, etc. Food should be chewed thoroughly.

For breakfast, it is recommended to eat oatmeal, scrambled eggs or cottage cheese with the addition of dried apricots. You can eat pancakes, light salads. For lunch, pregnant women should eat vegetable soups, stews, boiled rice or potatoes, meatballs, vegetable cutlets, etc.

An afternoon snack may consist of cheesecakes, biscuits, buns, bananas or other fruits. For dinner, it is allowed to eat stew, vinaigrette, stewed vegetables, steamed cutlets, etc.

Herbal decoctions and teas of various types should be used with caution. This is due to the fact that they may contain components that can increase the tone of the uterus, which can be dangerous to the fetus.

Diet Recipes

There are a large number of dietary dishes for pregnant women. Among them are many different salads. For example, you can prepare a snack from the following ingredients: 100 g of hard cheese, 1 apple, 4 tbsp. sour cream and 2 small plums. The cheese is ground on a grater with large cells, mixed with a part of sour cream and laid out in a slide. It is sprinkled with grated apple on top, poured with the rest of sour cream and decorated with plums.

Carrot salad is prepared as follows: 100 g of fresh carrots and the same amount of apples are ground on a grater, 1/2 cup of sour cream, 1 tbsp are added to the mixture. crushed nuts and honey.

Corn salad is prepared from 150 g of canned corn, 1 onion, 100 g of boiled chicken meat, 80 g of walnut kernels, 100 g of boiled potatoes and 1/4 cup of mayonnaise or sour cream. Chopped onions are mixed with corn, chopped nuts, ball pieces and potato cubes are added. All components are poured with sour cream and salted.

Pregnant women will benefit from chicken broth. Take 600 g of chicken with bones and boil it in 2 liters of water. 200 g of diced potatoes, 50 g of grated carrots, 400 g of chopped cabbage and 1 chopped onion are added to the broth. Seasoned with salt and herbs.

Exercises for weight loss for pregnant women

Pregnant women will especially benefit from fitness, but with gentle types of movements. This will help improve blood circulation, serve as a prophylaxis for anemia. Classes are best done in the hall. But there are exercises that you can work out with a trainer, and then repeat them at home. It is unacceptable to show strong activity, pump the press or do strength exercises.


This movement is aimed at relaxing the body, reducing the load on the spine. To perform it, you need to stand up straight, legs wide apart. Then the body is tilted forward a little, trying to relax the back. The head and arms should be lowered and begin to slowly, smoothly make movements to the right and left. Such swinging should not bring discomfort. If they appear, then the exercises are performed incorrectly, and the work must be stopped.


Thanks to this exercise, you can activate the circulatory system, get rid of tension in the legs, and reduce swelling of the limbs. To perform it, you should sit on a chair, put your feet on a glass bottle. Then they begin to roll the container in this way, imitating the movements of a rolling pin when working with dough. After 3-4 minutes, the movement is continued without a bottle, i.e., they make rolls from toe to heel and back.

"Cat back"

The movement allows you to strengthen the muscles of the back, relieve tension from the spine. The woman needs to get on all fours and, spreading her knees, spread her legs. The head and neck are kept in line, after which the back is arched in a semicircle, lowering the head down.

It should be remembered that not all exercises can be performed during pregnancy. Seek guidance from an experienced instructor.

Reviews: personal experience

Nadezhda, 29 years old, Yaroslavl: “Before pregnancy, I was full. I started gaining weight quickly around 15 weeks. I immediately went to the doctor with this problem, he sent me to a nutritionist. He developed a program for me that I followed until the birth. At first it was difficult to give up sweets, to get used to boiled food, because it seemed tasteless. But it was important for me to keep the child healthy. I tried not to feel hungry. Maintaining a stable weight during pregnancy is not easy, but it is possible. The birth went well."

Olga, 24 years old, St. Petersburg: “I didn’t notice how I gained an extra 8 kg during pregnancy. The doctor said that this could complicate the birth process. I had to drop it. The basis was a special diet for pregnant women. The diet included a lot of fruits, vegetables, cereals and soups. Went to special aerobics for pregnant women. Thanks to such efforts, we managed to lose 5 kg. ”

Hello lovely girls and women. The period of bearing a child is very important for each of us. All these 9 months, we must monitor our diet and try to spend our leisure time quite actively. Already in the first trimester, I was faced with a fairly common problem - rapid weight gain.

This is not surprising, because all the members of my family were ready to carry me in their arms and forced me to eat “for two”. Surely, this situation is familiar to many of you. But did you know that extra pounds can have a bad effect on the well-being of the baby and complicate childbirth? To be honest, this scared me, and I began to frantically search for the answer to the question “How to lose weight during pregnancy?”.

Is it possible to lose weight during pregnancy

What is the right diet for pregnant women? Is it possible to effectively lose weight without harming the child? These important questions concern many. Let's deal with them in as much detail as possible. Girls in position need to eat often, food should be varied, but it is better to reduce portions. Feel positive about your body.

Pregnant women a priori cannot be thin. In the process of carrying a baby, cardinal changes occur in our body, the hips expand - this facilitates childbirth. A very sharp weight gain negatively affects overall well-being.

The advice of professional nutritionists will help every pregnant woman quickly bring her body into perfect shape.

  • Do you want the bearing of a child not to spoil your figure? Then stick to proper nutrition in the early stages. Try to exclude smoked and fried foods from the diet, eat less sweets, sweets, pastries. When cooking, use a little salt and spices.
  • Eat food often (4-6 times), but little by little.
  • Pregnancy is a normal state. You do not need to consider yourself sick or infirm. Be active in your daily household chores. If the bearing of the baby is normal, without complications and pathologies, you can afford light physical activity. For example, I did yoga. In this practice, there are no jumps and large cardio loads, but, nevertheless, the body is gradually tightened.
  • You don't have to try to lose weight during pregnancy. The main thing is to lose weight without harm to the child. A limited diet will lead to the fact that your body will not have enough nutrients. Such weight loss is dangerous for the health of the unborn baby.
  • For the entire period of bearing a baby, a woman gains from 13 to 25 kilograms. The norm is calculated individually, and depends on your initial weight.

If you want to lose weight, be sure to first consult a professional gynecologist on this issue. The diet of a woman in position largely depends on the period. For example, at the beginning of pregnancy, try to eat as much protein as possible, but in the later stages it is better not to lean on meat.

In order for food to be well absorbed and not deposited in fat, you need to properly distribute products throughout the day. Least calories should be for dinner.

Why does a woman gain weight during pregnancy

Losing weight during pregnancy may seem like an absurd undertaking to many. I was very interested in why I started to get better already in the early stages. I even consulted a doctor about this. He said it was quite normal. Extra pounds of a woman in position consist of:

  • Belly fat. This layer is constantly increasing and additionally protects the fetus from negative external influences.
  • Weight of amniotic fluid (up to 1 kg).
  • Placental weight (up to 700 gr).
  • Directly the weight of the fetus (up to 3.5 kg).

In addition, the uterus and mammary glands increase in a pregnant woman. If in the later stages your total weight gain is 10-12 kg, this is quite normal, and you do not need to lose weight. Otherwise, you need to reconsider your diet and lifestyle.

Diet for pregnant women

If you are worried about your figure, start eating right in the first trimester. During this period, it is very important to receive in full all the trace elements necessary for the baby, which are necessary for the proper formation of the nervous system. For a week of a balanced diet, you can get rid of 2-3 kilograms of excess weight. Is it really possible? Quite! I tried this diet myself. Your daily menu must include:

  • Proteins - boiled lean meat, eggs, low-calorie cottage cheese, milk, fish baked in the oven;
  • Fats - vegetable oil, nuts;
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • Complex carbohydrates - cereals.

When compiling a menu, give preference not only to tasty, but also to healthy products. The method of preparation is also important. Do not eat anything fried, smoked. Cook in the oven or double boiler, so you can keep all the nutrients in the products and do not harm the figure.

In the last trimester, doctors recommend eating fruits, vegetables, nuts, but excluding meat dishes from the menu. A few weeks before giving birth, animal products and dairy dishes are prohibited. If you strictly follow these recommendations, childbirth will be much easier and faster, and the figure will regain harmony in a few weeks.

I hope that my advice will be useful to you. I wish you always stay beautiful and slim. Share your ways to lose weight in the comments. Visit our blog more often, there is still a lot of interesting things ahead of you.

The expectant mother does not limit herself in anything during pregnancy. This is fraught with consequences. Excessive body weight complicates the process of bearing. A woman will have to work hard so that the extra pounds leave her. To understand how to lose weight while pregnant without harm to the child, you need to understand the basics of nutrition.

Harm of being overweight

Women "in position" are rapidly gaining weight. In this case, they moderate their appetites, try to stick to diets, the rest do not pay attention to the fact that they are overweight during pregnancy and do not fight this problem. Not everyone thinks that eating large amounts of food entails dangers for the fetus and the pregnant woman herself.

There is a special table for weight control when carrying a baby. Based on the indicators given in it, on average, a girl should gain 10-15 kg before the hospital. Of course, many factors influence the numbers: the weight of the baby, the amount of amniotic fluid, the initial weight of the mother.

Before each appointment with the local doctor, a woman expecting a baby is weighed by a nurse to control weight gain. This is not a whim, but an event that helps prevent the appearance of health problems for the baby and mother.

Being overweight during pregnancy can cause:

  1. pregnancy diabetes;
  2. increase in pressure;
  3. increase the load during childbirth;
  4. harder to lose weight after childbirth

Before proceeding with procedures aimed at getting rid of excess weight during pregnancy, you need to assess the current situation. It is important to understand: is there really a need or is it just a whim of a girl “in position”.

A child in the womb must constantly receive the necessary substances. And the mother should not deliberately limit the intake of micro and macro vitamins, amino acids contained in foods. Weight gain must be within reason, otherwise the consequences of a “good” appetite cannot be avoided.

Diet rules for weight loss

Can you lose weight during pregnancy? When there is a need, it is inevitable. If there is a problem and you need to lose some weight during pregnancy, it is advisable to do it correctly, without harm to the fetus.

During the bearing of the baby, expectant mothers form the habit of constantly chewing: rolls, sweets, juices or even chalk. This is normal, because they eat for two. The main reason for such changes is hormonal changes in the body - it is preparing for the upcoming birth.

Surrounding relatives and the husband, as a rule, encourage the abnormal intake of food by the pregnant woman, not realizing that they are doing worse. In this case, weight loss during pregnancy is simply inevitable.

Proper nutrition and the rejection of bad food - the only way to lose weight pregnant without harm to the child.

How to lose weight during pregnancy:

  • observe the regime, that is, eat at a certain time throughout the day, adjusting it for yourself so that the meal is comfortable;
  • eat in small portions;
  • adhere to 5-6 meals a day;
  • drink enough clean water;
  • avoid eating junk food;
  • give preference to fresh vegetables and fruits, instead of smoked meats and hot dogs;
  • give up soda, coffee and alcohol

A child developing in the womb will take the necessary share of what the mother eats, and the rest will be deposited by centimeters on the figure and leave an imprint on her health.

It will not work for a pregnant woman to quickly lose weight before taking it, because rapid weight loss is possible during fasting, which is an absolute contraindication for gestation. Results must be achieved with the help of the right diet and a set of permitted procedures. If desired, seek the help of a nutritionist. He can develop a sample menu to lose weight for pregnant women at home.

Ways to lose weight

The expectant mother is completely contraindicated in starvation and heavy physical exertion, so it will not work quickly to lose weight during pregnancy. It is desirable to radically change the lifestyle, getting rid of harmful food, drinks and habits.

A girl waiting for replenishment is not recommended to lie on the couch and stuff herself with food. You need to do gymnastics or physical education: spend more time outdoors, go for walks, do light exercises. Today this is not a problem, there are special groups at the gyms where pregnant women work out. It can be yoga, swimming, Pilates, fitball exercises.

A healthy diet will help a pregnant woman lose weight at home. The essence of proper nutrition lies in the way of cooking and eating only food that is healthy for the body, namely:

  • cook foods without fat or with a little fat olive oil;
  • drink a course of accompanying vitamins;
  • do not lie down after eating;
  • remove fried foods from the diet;
  • refuse to eat the skins of all types of meat;
  • count calories, eat a maximum of 2500 kcal;
  • eat steamed foods;
  • exclude alcohol;
  • hearty meals with lots of carbohydrates should be eaten in the morning so that they do not go into extra centimeters.

Bakery products should not be eaten at all, because there is little useful in them, and the calorie content is high. It is better to replace the buns with dried fruits. The diet should include fish, meat, poultry, preferably boiled and unseasoned.

Fats are necessary for the full formation, they are contained in olive, linseed, corn and sunflower oils. Fruits and vegetables are best consumed without heat treatment, so as not to lose their beneficial properties.

It should be noted that you should not find fault with your body too much. Gaining weight while pregnant is normal. But without fanaticism. Every mother goes through the agonizing process of breastfeeding, which is considered a natural way to lose weight. It must be remembered that a pregnant woman is responsible not only for herself and her life, but also for her belly-maker. Nutrition should always be balanced and beneficial for both the mother and the fetus, which she carries under her heart.

For a long time it was believed that there was no need to control excess weight gain during pregnancy. Modern views on this problem are radically different. Of course, a set of a certain amount of extra pounds by a woman is inevitable - but only within reasonable limits. Since the average weight of the fetus, amniotic fluid, placenta and additional blood volume is easily calculated.

What does all of the above mean in practice? First of all, a pregnant woman should not eat anything. What, in this case, should be the correct diet of the expectant mother? How to lose weight during pregnancy without harming the baby? Is it allowed to practice fasting days, and should the chosen diet be tied to early or late pregnancy (in other words, vary depending on the trimester)? Let's try to understand the questions posed in detail.

The dangers of being overweight during pregnancy

Excess weight, the harm of which in women is often associated primarily with external unattractiveness, is actually associated with much more trouble. The main one is the imbalance of the body as a whole, resulting in increased pressure, heart problems, progressive degradation of the liver, kidneys and pancreas, poor blood flow, joint destruction and other dangerous diseases.

During pregnancy, excessively rapid weight gain increases the risk many times over - leading to edema, varicose veins, flat feet and preeclampsia. Finally, obesity also threatens the unborn baby - and therefore throwing off those extra pounds becomes not only desirable, but also necessary.

How is the rate of weight gain calculated?

How to calculate whether the rate of weight gain is normal and safe, insufficient or excessive? Obviously, by weighing - making an adjustment for the term and the woman's own weight before pregnancy. Given that weight gain is uneven, the calculation will need to take into account everything that it consists of. These components are:

  • "strategic" reserves of nutrients (mostly formed already in the 1st trimester) - an average of 1.5–2.5 kg;
  • amniotic fluid - about 1–1.5 kg;
  • fetal weight (increases evenly throughout pregnancy) - in 90% of cases in the range from 2 to 4.5 kg;
  • placenta weight - fluctuates around 0.5 kg;
  • uterus, additional blood volume and breast augmentation - 2-3 kg.

In other words, the total increase in body weight should reach 9-15 kg by the end of the period. And if the excess of this figure (depending on the body mass index of the woman herself) is significant, the leading pregnant doctor is obliged to give recommendations for its adjustment.

This does not mean that the expectant mother will have to go on one or another traditional diet - they are not suitable for pregnant women and can become very dangerous for the fetus. In this regard, a menu of good nutrition for moderate weight loss should provide:

  • full supply of the body with all vitamins and trace elements "for two";
  • precisely balanced ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • the total increase in body weight depending on your BMI (body mass index) is not higher than the figures shown in the table.
Term (weeks) BMI 20 BMI > 26
2 550 g500 g450 g
4 900 g700 g500 g
6 1 kg 300 g1 kg650 g
8 1 kg 600 g1 kg 200 g750 g
10 1 kg 800 g1 kg 300 g800 g
12 2 kg1 kg 500 g900 g
14 2 kg 700 g1 kg 900 g1 kg 100 g
16 3 kg 200 g2 kg 300 g1 kg 400 g
18 4 kg 500 g3 kg 500 g2 kg 200 g
20 5 kg 600 g4 kg 600 g2 kg 800 g
22 6 kg 800 g5 kg 700 g3 kg 400 g
24 7 kg 700 g6 kg 400 g3 kg 900 g
26 8 kg 600 g7 kg 700 g4 kg 900 g
28 9 kg 800 g8 kg 200 g5 kg 400 g
30 10 kg 200 g9 kg 100 g5 kg 900 g
32 11 kg 300 g10 kg6 kg 400 g
34 12 kg 500 g10 kg 900 g7 kg 300 g
36 13 kg 600 g11 kg 800 g7 kg 900 g
38 14 kg 500 g12 kg 700 g8 kg 900 g
40 15 kg 200 g13 kg 600 g9 kg 100 g

Fundamentals of rational nutrition during pregnancy

Dealt with weight gain. Now you need to find out what and how a pregnant woman should eat in order to “enter the schedule” of normal weight gain without harming both herself and the child, since without this it is impossible to answer the question of how to lose weight during pregnancy.

First of all, for this you must adhere to the following rules:

  • have a desire to lose weight - otherwise, all subsequent recommendations will lose their meaning;
  • firmly grasp that sweet treats are not everyday food;
  • enrich the daily menu with products of plant origin (cereals, vegetables, herbs, bran bread, etc.), as well as increase the proportion of protein foods by about 10-15%;
  • eat only steamed, boiled and stewed food (but not fried or baked);
  • exclude sweets from the diet, as well as spicy, smoked, overly salty foods and all fast carbohydrates;
  • do not drink too much liquid;
  • make food fractional, dividing all the food consumed per day into 6-7 meals;
  • reduce the volume of servings of each of them to the volume of a tea cup.

A set of products for the expectant mother should include:

  • low-fat meat (turkey, chicken, rabbit, lean beef);
  • fish (with a predominance of sea - and exclusively in the already mentioned boiled, stewed or steamed form);
  • fermented milk products (almost all, with the exception of hard cheeses, and only fresh ones from well-established manufacturers);
  • vegetables (with a predominance of carrots, sweet peppers, beets, pumpkins, broccoli, potatoes, zucchini, tomatoes and, to a lesser extent, cucumbers and green onions);
  • fruits (from traditional apples, pears and plums to southern apricots, peaches, persimmons and pomegranates);
  • the berries themselves, as well as natural grape, watermelon, melon, cherry and cherry juices and fruit drinks;
  • dried fruits, including compotes from them;
  • herbal and green teas.

How to distribute the menu by receptions?

One of the options looks like this.

Since morning- a glass of clean water.

1st appointment- a couple of small apples.

2nd reception (options):

  • 100 g cottage cheese with berries + 100 g low-fat yogurt;
  • a cup of porridge with milk (buckwheat, oatmeal) + a handful of berries or fruits;
  • vegetable salad + 200 g of kefir.

3rd reception (options):

  • a small dry biscuit with a plate of cheese + 200 g of tea with mint and lemon balm;
  • dried fruits - 35-40 g + 200 g of green tea.

4th reception (options):

  • vegetable or milk soup with porridge + 4–5 boiled meatballs;
  • vegetable side dish + 100 g of meat or fish.

5th reception (options):

  • 30 g nuts + a glass of natural juice;
  • a couple of small apples + 200 g of kefir.

6th reception (options):

  • 100 g chicken or fish fillet + green salad;
  • 100 g cottage cheese with berries + 100 g low-fat yogurt.

7th reception- a large apple or a plate of grated carrots with a teaspoon of honey.

How about off days?

Fasting days during pregnancy are reluctantly prescribed by doctors - and only in cases where the excess weight is large enough, and the specialist has the opportunity to constantly monitor the body's reaction to them. But even in this case, the resolution depends on the results of the tests - since the cause of overweight may not be overeating, but any of the serious diseases.

A fasting day, as some of the inhabitants do not quite correctly represent it, does not mean a complete rejection of food at all. Another thing is that the amount of calories consumed on such a day is reduced, and the amount of food consumed is reduced. In particular, teas and mineral water, as well as nuts and other high-calorie foods are removed from the menu. Preference is given to sour-milk and fruit menus, although vegetables and some meat are not excluded.

At the same time, the norm of vitamins and the most important minerals remains at the same level even on fasting days - since it is impossible to deprive the fetus of these important substances in any case.

Pregnancy and fitness

In addition to a balanced diet, physical activity is another important factor in a healthy pregnancy. Of course, it does not provide for high loads (as in traditional fitness), but cardio training of various types is present in it.

Firstly, such activity includes a set of simple exercises, the purpose of which is to keep the body in good shape, maintain muscle elasticity and improve blood circulation.

Secondly, it is extremely useful for pregnant women to go swimming, walk often and even run a little (at least in the early stages). This prevents the development of varicose veins, saves the spine from pain and at the same time helps to shed excess weight.

To facilitate the correct implementation of the exercises, it is recommended that you carefully study the corresponding videos, which are freely available on the Internet in abundance.

Important! Only a doctor can give permission to perform certain exercises or other types of loads!

Follow these simple rules - and your pregnancy (and at the same time childbirth) will be easier, the baby will be born healthy, and being overweight will not bring unnecessary problems.

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