How to remove hyperlinks from a Microsoft Word document. How to remove a hyperlink from an MS Office document? How to get rid of hyperlinks in Word

One of the most famous text editors is Word, which is used by millions of people around the world. Its capabilities allow you not only to edit various texts, but also to create various tables and create more complex documents. One of the features of Word is the creation of hyperlinks that are formed automatically. For many users, they do not carry any useful load, so many would like to simply get rid of them, but do not always know exactly how to do this. In this article we will try to show how to remove all hyperlinks in Word at once and disable the function of their reappearance.

First, we will look at how it is possible to remove all hyperlinks at once, without resorting to the help of special programs, that is, using manual mode. Of course, this option is not the fastest, but it is perfect if there are not many hyperlinks in the text. So, for manual removal you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Using the mouse, move the cursor over the hyperlink.
  2. Then right-click on it.
  3. Select from the menu the function associated with deleting a hyperlink.

After these steps, the link will be deleted, but the text will remain. And in order to get rid of the remaining hyperlinks, repeat this procedure on the other remaining elements. As you can see, this option works well, but it is not the most optimal. If the text contains a large number of links, it will be much more convenient to use methods for automatically removing them. You can learn more about this from the information below.

How to Automatically Remove All Hyperlinks in Word

Let's take a closer look at how to get rid of links using hotkeys. This method is well suited for those users who do not have free time for manual deletion or who have a lot of such links. In this case, the button combination should look like this: CTRL-SHIFT-F9. Many users do not understand how to remove all hyperlinks in Word at once when using this method. And the reason may be that if you try to do this in the text that opens, the result will be unsatisfactory, since not a single hyperlink will disappear. To prevent this from happening, you will first need to select what you need and only then use the hot buttons. Selecting the desired paragraph can be done using the mouse, after holding down its left button, but for faster results it is better to use a simple combination - CTRL + A.

And the complete order of the removal procedure will be as follows:

  • simultaneously press CTRL+A;
  • and then to the combination of CTRL+SHIFT+F9 buttons.

This way, you can immediately remove hyperlinks from your entire document. This method is quite simple and can be used even by novice users. However, there is another rather non-standard option, which we will now introduce you to.

Script to remove hyperlinks in text

Some users are interested in how to remove a hyperlink using a script. Those who use this method for the first time will have to initially spend more time on it than usual. But there is good news, subsequently you will only need to press just a couple of buttons, and the whole process will take place automatically. Suitable mainly for people who have to deal with this problem too often.

So, we use a Visual Basic script and remove all unnecessary hyperlinks:

  1. Open the program and press the ALT+F11 button combination.
  2. In the new window, click on the “Insert” tab, which is located above the toolbars.
  3. A list appears, where we select and click on the “Module.” tab.
  4. After that, in another window we indicate the script and click on launch it.

Important! There are two ways to run the script: the first is to click on the “Run” icon, and the second is to click on the “F5” button, which is located on the keyboard.

After the script starts working, all links from your text will disappear. In the same way, you can remove a hyperlink in Excel. In the future, you will only need to run this procedure with the script, without any preparatory work. The latter option is more preferable, since it allows you to perform the entire procedure in a fully automatic mode and at the same time does not require special skills from users.

As you can see, all the methods shown work well; the difference between them can only be in their efficiency. Those who are not in a hurry can use manual operating modes, and for those for whom time does not allow this, hot keys or using a script are suitable. In any case, the question of how to remove all hyperlinks in Word at once will be resolved one way or another.

Microsoft Word allows its users to create hyperlinks in documents, and any document reader can click on a hyperlink in Word and open the linked page or location. In the last article we looked at . But if the created hyperlink is not needed or the text was copied from another place, then you can remove hyperlink in word . Do it pretty quickly. Next we will look at several ways, as well as how to remove all hyperlinks straightaway.

How to remove a hyperlink in Word

By following the steps below, you can remove one hyperlink in Word , which has been added to a word, picture, or line of text:

  1. Find the hyperlink you want to remove ( hyperlinks in Word, usually highlighted in blue).
How to remove a hyperlink in Word - Example of a hyperlink in Word
  1. Right-click on the hyperlink. In the drop-down menu, select " Remove hyperlink ", to remove hyperlink in word.

How to remove a hyperlink in Word - Remove a hyperlink in Word

How to quickly remove a hyperlink in Word using hotkeys

Many people prefer to use hotkeys because they save a lot of time. In order to quickly remove a hyperlink in Word There is also a keyboard shortcut. So, in order to remove hyperlink :

  1. Place your cursor anywhere on the hyperlink you want to remove.

How to remove a hyperlink in Word - Cursor at hyperlink location
  1. Now in order to remove hyperlink press hotkeys Ctrl+Shift+F9.
  2. The selected hyperlink will be removed.

How to remove a hyperlink in Word - Hyperlink removed

How to remove all hyperlinks in Word

  1. Press Ctrl+A to select the entire document at once.

How to remove a hyperlink in Word - Entire document selected
  1. Now to remove all hyperlinks in Word at once , press the already familiar hotkeys Ctrl+Shift+F9.

How to remove a hyperlink in Word - All hyperlinks removed

By using this method to remove all hyperlinks, you don't have to worry about the document being too long.

Knowing several ways how to remove a hyperlink in Word, you can use the one you like. But we recommend using hotkeys to remove hyperlinks in word, since this method is the fastest, especially when you need to remove all hyperlinks in Word at once.

Sometimes text copied from a web page and pasted into Word will carry hyperlinks into the document, which can be quite annoying. Today we will find out how to easily and simply remove hyperlinks when you don't need them in a document.

We'll look at some simple ways to clear data from hyperlinks that have been transferred to Word from an email or website page. There will be 2 ways in total - tool Paste Special(Paste Special) and hotkeys.

Removing Hyperlinks in Word Using Paste Special

We copied part of an article from How-To Geek into Microsoft Word 2010, and as you can see, the hyperlinks were also included in the document.

To insert text without hyperlinks, right-click on the document page and a context menu will open. In chapter Paste Options(Insert Options) You will see three icons:

We need the third one, the one on the right, with a hint Keep Text Only(Keep text only). If you hover your mouse over it, a preview of the changed text will appear in the document so you can see how it will look.

By pressing the command Keep Text Only(Keep text only), You will see that all hyperlinks have been removed. True, this approach clears all formatting in the document. If you are not satisfied with the default font, then the font parameters and other design will have to be configured again.

In Office 2007, on the tab Home(Home) from the command dropdown menu Paste(Insert) select item Paste Special(Special insert).

In the dialog box Paste Special(Paste Special) select Unformatted Text(Unformatted text) and press OK.

In Office 2003, copy text into a document, hover over the clipboard icon and select from the drop-down list Keep Text Only(Keep text only).

Removing hyperlinks in Word using hotkeys

Fans of hotkeys can do the following. Select all text containing hyperlinks using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+A. And then click Ctrl+Shift+F9... We have successfully tested this combination in Word 2003-2010.


There are several different ways to get rid of hyperlinks when pasting text in Microsoft Word. How you do this depends on your personal preferences and the version of Word you are working in. Combination Ctrl+Shift+F9 works in any version of Microsoft Word and is probably the easiest way. If you ALWAYS need to paste only text in Microsoft Word, you can turn off automatic link insertion in the program options.

Word is a multifunctional text editor whose capabilities go far beyond writing various texts. This article will examine the phenomenon of a hyperlink. After reading this article, you will learn how to remove all hyperlinks in Word (in several ways), how to disable the automatic creation of hyperlinks, and much more. We will be happy to share information.

Manually removing hyperlinks

First, let's look at how to remove all hyperlinks manually in Word. Of course, this method takes quite a lot of time, unlike those that will be given below in the text. However, if your text only has a few hyperlinks, it will work fine.

  1. Hover your mouse over the link;
  2. Click the right mouse button (RMB);
  3. From the context menu that appears, select "Delete hyperlink".

Now you know a way to remove all hyperlinks in Word, but this is not the best option. If there are a lot of them in your text, it would be much wiser to use automatic removal. This method will be given below.

Automatically remove all hyperlinks

Let's look at the second way to remove hyperlinks in Word. Hotkeys will help us with this. It is ideal for those people who do not want to waste their time manually removing links in the text, and if there are a lot of them, then there is no need to think about it; it is better to use this method right away.

The combination for deleting is as follows: CTRL+SHIFT+F9. However, if you use it in a document that has just opened, not a single hyperlink will be lost. First you need to select the entire text or part of it, the one in which you need to carry out the corresponding action. To do this, you can use the mouse with the left button held down, but in the case of quickly selecting all the text, it would be wiser to press the key combination CTRL+A.

Now you know how to quickly remove all hyperlinks in Word. But the article doesn't end there. Next we will provide another method, which is distinguished by its non-standard nature.

Removal using a script

This method, if you are using it for the first time, will require a fairly large amount of time compared to the previous ones, but in the future you will only need to press a couple of keys. So, let's start explaining how to remove all hyperlinks in Word using a Visual Basic script. You need to do the following:

  1. In an open program, you must press the ALT+F11 key combination to open a window for working with scripts.
  2. In the window that opens, click the button Insert, located just above the toolbar.
  3. In the drop-down list that appears, click on the item Module.
  4. At this stage, a window will open in front of you in which you need to specify the script. The script text will be given below.

Once you paste the script into the appropriate input field, you will need to start its execution. There are two ways: left-click (LMB) on the button Run, shaped like a button Play as, for example, in the player, or press the F5 key on your keyboard.

Disable automatic hyperlink creation

Finally, it’s worth telling how to disable the automatic creation of links that you don’t need. And this is quite simple to do:

  1. Click on "File".
  2. Go to the Options menu.
  3. Click on the "Spelling" item.
  4. Click on "AutoCorrect Options".
  5. Select the AutoFormat As You Type tab.
  6. Uncheck the "Network hyperlink paths" box.

Good day, dear visitors.

Have you copied content from the Internet into a Word file, and now it is full of unnecessary hyperlinks? Or have you received such a document, and hyperlinks interfere with working with it? You won't have to spend a lot of time removing them, no matter how many there are in the text. From this article you will learn how to quickly remove hyperlinks in Word.

For those who are not yet familiar with this concept, a hyperlink is a fragment of a document that leads to a specific web page or other file on the local computer drive. The transition is carried out in one click with the left mouse button or the Tab key (in some browsers).

Typically, when clicked, they change color from blue to purple, such as in search engines. A hyperlink does not necessarily have the form of an address - it can be an image, a command, a note, a title, etc. There are several options for removing hyperlinks individually or in the entire document at once. Let's look at each in detail.

Delete one at a time

First, let's follow the same path along which they were once created in order to now delete them:

  • In the main file menu at the top, open the “Insert” tab;
  • In the expanded menu, find the “Links” section and select the “Hyperlink” command;

  • The “Edit hyperlink” window should appear, where we click on “Delete link”.

If there are few hyperlinks in the document, you can remove them like this: right-click on each one and select the required action in the drop-down window.

We remove everything at once

When there are a lot of hyperlinks, you should use the hotkeys Shift+Ctrl+F9. Only before using this combination you need to select the desired fragment. If deletion is required throughout the text, press Ctrl+A to quickly select it.

This method is suitable if fields were not specially created in the document, otherwise they will also be removed along with hyperlinks. Also, using this method, only links in the form of text are removed, but links in the form of images remain. Don't you need pictures too? Then let's move on.

Removing image hyperlinks

  • Hover your cursor over the picture;
  • Press the combination Ctrl+K;
  • In the window that appears, select “Delete”.

You can also erase text hyperlinks in the same way.

Automation of removal

The previous method is clearly not suitable when images are located throughout the text. Therefore, we will use a macro - a software algorithm of actions that helps speed up the execution of operations. Create it once and use it as often as you like. How to do it?

Dim PicTest As Shape
For Each PicTest In ActiveDocument.Shapes
On Error Resume Next
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To ActiveDocument.InlineShapes.Count
On Error Resume Next
Next i
End Sub

  • Save and close the window.

Now, to use the macro, you need to open it through the same menu or hold down the Alt+F8 combination, which will instantly open a window with the new algorithm. Click the top “Run” button, which will automatically remove hyperlinks from all images.

Copying text without hyperlinks

Do you often have to deal with copying content from the Internet? And do you constantly struggle with deleting hyperlinks? Don't waste your time on this. Transfer the text to Word immediately without them. Don't know how to do this? It's simple.

When you paste text into a document, a menu with three icons will usually pop up, from which you should select the last one with the letter “A” - Save text only. In this case, only the words will be copied, without any formatting.

This menu doesn't pop up? Let's access it manually. In the "Home" tab, click on the downward-pointing arrow in the "Insert" section. The same panel with three icons will appear in front of you.

To apply the desired command, the text must be selected. Want to preview what it will look like? Then don't click on the icon, just hover over it.

You can find this command in this way in Microsoft Word 2010. Do you have the 2007 version installed? Then in the same “Insert” tab, open the “Paste Special” section. A dialog box will appear where you should select "Unformatted Text". Click "OK" and get the desired result.

That's all.

I think I wrote it in detail. Choose the method that is most convenient for you and make it easier for you to work with Word documents.

Come back to me for other useful information.

See you friends!