Eyebrow microblading. What is eyebrow microblading and how is the procedure done? How long does microblading take to complete the procedure?

There are many ways to effectively highlight or subtly alter the natural lines of your face, and reshaping your eyebrows is one of them. Thanks to the microblading procedure (a kind of permanent makeup), eyebrows get a beautiful, well-groomed look, eliminating the need for their daily correction with cosmetics.

What is eyebrow microblading

Microblading is translated from English as “tiny blade”. Indeed, the creation of hairs occurs using microscopic technology. The dye is introduced manually by a craftsman with a thin needle. Each individual hair is drawn, and the master controls his movements throughout the entire process. It is this detailed operation that creates the natural appearance of the eyebrows.

What does the procedure give:

  • A beautiful eyebrow shape that best suits a girl’s face, this is especially important if there are some nuances in her appearance.
  • Natural appearance, no interference with natural beauty will be visible from the outside.
  • Imitating hairs of the desired shade is an excellent alternative to temporary coloring.
  • Masking of cosmetic defects. The technique will help hide if any hairs have fallen out and there are empty spaces in the eyebrows. Microblading can also help cover scars and brow scars.
  • You can adjust not only the shape, but even the preferred length, the direction of hair growth, the beginning and end of the eyebrow, and also, if desired, raise it a little.
  • Such eyebrows look very elegant; eyebrow microblading can highlight the beauty of the eyes and make the look expressive and open.

Is eyebrow microblading worth it?

Microblading of eyebrows allows you to create long-term eyebrows, which eliminates the need for daily use of decorative cosmetics. The introduction of pigment into the top layer of the skin gives the desired shade that will last a long time.

In addition, in this way you can hide uneven skin in the eyebrow area and defects. The interference with natural lines is imperceptible, and the healed face looks natural. The appearance becomes more expressive and well-groomed.

Indications for the procedure:

  • the shape and color of the eyebrows need adjustment;
  • there is a lack of natural hairs;
  • there are defects (scars, scars) that need to be disguised;
  • natural hairs are completely absent.

The main advantages and disadvantages of eyebrow microblading

Benefits of the procedure:

  • Long lasting results. Depending on the individual characteristics of the skin and the coloring pigment used, microblading lasts for at least 6-12 months.
  • Relative painlessness, since local anesthesia is used during the procedure, and the session itself is less painful, because not the entire area of ​​​​the skin is treated.
  • Possibility of repeating the procedure. It is permissible to update the contour from time to time; scars and other unpleasant moments will not form, because the depth of penetration of the needles is less than usual.
  • Less stress on the skin. This procedure has a shorter rehabilitation period.
  • Wide selection of shades. Here you can choose the most suitable shade for any hair. Unlike tattooing, the paint will not fade into an unnatural blue color, but will remain as natural as possible even at the end of the term.
  • No swelling. This common drawback of classic tattooing is not observed here. After the microblading procedure, slight redness may be visible, which gradually disappears.

Since microblading is a medical intervention in the body, it has certain contraindications:

  • Periods of hormonal instability of the body during menstruation, pregnancy, lactation.
  • Given such a feature of the body as a tendency to form keloid scars, procedures of this kind will be prohibited.
  • Diabetes mellitus is a direct contraindication to microblading. This disease is characterized by unstable functioning of important life support systems, so the response to intervention can be unpredictable.
  • Hypersensitivity of the skin.
  • Blood diseases affecting blood clotting. In this case, any cosmetic procedures that may result in open wounds are excluded. There can be large blood losses even from minor interventions.
  • Inflammatory processes in an acute phase, with an increase in temperature.
  • Skin problems and any active rashes.
In some cases, the specialist suggests conducting an intolerance test to eliminate the possibility of a negative reaction.

Be sure to warn the specialist if any of the contraindications may apply to you. Also, if you have previously done a similar procedure, and after it an undesirable effect was observed, inform the specialist about this, perhaps he will adjust the technique or advise against microblading altogether. Only if all recommendations are followed will the procedure be safe and comfortable.

How to do eyebrow microblading

Some specialists visit the client’s home, but more often microblading is done in a salon. Preparation for the procedure is to ensure peace and improve blood circulation in those areas of the skin that are planned to be treated during the microblading process. To prepare you need:

  • 2 weeks before the procedure, stop dyeing and correcting (plucking) your eyebrows yourself;
  • give up solarium for a week, and also do not take blood-thinning and vasoconstrictor drugs;
  • the day before microblading, do not take substances that may affect the diameter of blood vessels. These include: nicotine, cola, alcohol, energy drinks, strong coffee and tea.

How is microblading performed?

First, the master, by substituting a new eyebrow shape in the photo, finds out together with the client what eyebrows are needed, what their desired size and color are.

As a rule, the eyebrow shade is made darker than the hair color for fair-haired girls, and for brunettes it is 1-2 shades lighter.

Usually, light brown, ash or wheat shades are chosen for fair-haired girls. For redheads, pigment similar to hair color is suitable, usually in various shades from copper to dark brown. Brunettes choose black and brown tones, but not pure black, which can later give a bluish tint.

After agreeing on the shape and color, the face is degreased with a special product. The eyebrow area is treated with a local anesthetic, for example Emla cream or any similar one, then the area is covered with cling film so that the anesthetic can freeze the nerve endings. After 20 minutes, remove everything and wipe the work area with a disinfectant.

Then the future shape of the eyebrows is drawn with a pencil in the right place, and excess hairs are removed. Next, the master draws hairs along the drawn contour and the general contour of the eyebrows with a special tool. The blade used to make micro-incisions is opened in front of the client. When making cuts, the cosmetologist can use a template or ruler to ensure that the lines are straight.

During the procedure, pigment is also applied using a manipulator - a special pen with a sterile disposable module. The module can contain from three to 114 needles, differing in width and configuration.

The entire time the procedure lasts, approximately 1.5 hours, the client needs to lie with his eyes half-closed. At the end of the correction, the remaining pigment is removed from the skin, the eyebrows and eyes are wiped with a disinfectant, and sprayed with a healing spray. During the work process, special color fixatives are used, without which the pigment will not be stable.

The cosmetologist combs the hairs, smears the eyebrows with a soothing agent, and gives recommendations for care. After such manipulations, it is necessary to maintain hygiene in the treatment area and follow the care instructions of the specialist.

Applying microblading to a previous eyebrow tattoo is only permissible if the eyebrow shape was not wide and the pigment has already faded or become noticeably paler. Otherwise, you will need to first remove the pigment from the deep layers of the skin with a laser.

You can evaluate the resulting result by color only after 3 weeks, when the wounds have completely healed. From 15 to 30 days, the master carries out a correction - applying additional hair strokes. Usually this manipulation is mandatory, but it is faster and less painful.

Eyebrow care after microblading

After the microblading procedure, you need to purchase the following products:

  • disinfectant liquid,
  • complex of vitamins for wound healing,
  • ointment that promotes regeneration.

It is not recommended to engage in active recreation or sports for the first 2-3 days. The treated area on the face should not be touched with hands, wetted with water, or applied with decorative cosmetics until it heals, for at least a day. It is necessary to care for diseased skin with a disinfectant liquid, washing off the protruding lymph twice a day.

You can wet your eyebrows with boiled water on the third day after microblading. The thin crusts that appear at the puncture sites must not be torn off or injured, otherwise scars will appear. The crusts go away on their own within a week, falling off as they heal.

The duration of pigmentation will also depend on the quality of ultraviolet protection. It is the sun's rays that contribute to the discoloration of the composition, so it is very important to use high-quality sunscreen and not visit the solarium for about a month after microblading.

For two weeks after the procedure, you will have to forget about visiting the sauna, and also not use cleansing peels and scrubs.

Before the procedure, it is better to consult with a specialist about certain aspects of caring for injured skin; perhaps he will recommend products that better provide protective functions.

How long does eyebrow microblading last?

Microblading can dramatically change the color and shape of your eyebrows while maintaining naturalness. The pigments used are of natural origin, and the duration of the result depends largely on the individual characteristics of your body.

Micropigmentation lasts from six months to a year and a half. The duration of pigmentation preservation depends on the following factors:

  • skin type - the paint lasts longer if the epidermis is dry;
  • type and quality of paint used;
  • pigment penetration depth;
  • thoroughness of subsequent facial care;
  • the age of the client, after 40 years the result is more lasting;
  • thickness, color of your own eyebrows.

To assess the duration of maintenance of manual tattooing, it is necessary to clearly determine the associated factors that may affect this. Proper skin care after manipulation is extremely important. The depth of the punctures is usually always individual, but in case of excessive pressure, pigmentation in the epidermis will remain for a long time.

For young people, such eyebrows will disappear faster.

Metabolism is important for maintaining micropigmentation, since with a low metabolic rate the effect will be longer, usually this happens in later life.

The depth of the punctures will also determine the effect and how long it takes for the eyebrows to heal after microblading. But compared to the same tattoo, the impact is only on the top layer of the skin, the epidermis. By the way, this allows you to get a subtle drawing, as well as a textured effect of voluminous eyebrows.

This type of pigmentation is low-traumatic, so the recovery period is short and does not leave scars.

If the thickness and shade of your own hairs are not very thin and light by nature, then the microblading procedure will only slightly emphasize the eyebrows, give them expressiveness, and there will be no sharp contrast either after the procedure or after the effect disappears. This is the best option.

It’s not enough to just microblade your eyebrows; how long the effect lasts depends on the specifics of how you care for them before and after the procedure. But it’s worth saying right away: a good and qualified specialist, who has not just completed training courses, will definitely tell you all the rules of care and, in general, everything about the procedure down to the smallest detail. It is advisable to find out reviews about the master in advance.

Pigmentation goes away quite slowly, gradually becoming paler, lighter and losing the clarity of the contour. In this case, the absolute advantage will be the absence of tattooed blue and sharp transitions between shades. After microblading, sometimes small traces remain in the form of brown-blond shadows.

Shaping eyebrows is an important stage in creating makeup. By adjusting their shape, color, and thickness, you can completely change the perception of the entire image. Just a couple of years ago, hairs were drawn with a pencil or, but today naturalness is in fashion. For girls with thin or asymmetrical eyebrows, a new service is offered - microblading.


A cosmetic procedure during which a specialist uses colored pigments to change the shape and visually make the eyebrows thicker. The master does everything by hand, drawing every hair. Using a special instrument - a manipulator (with a thin scalpel at the end of the device) the pigment is injected under the skin. Small incisions are made on the epithelium - 0.17 mm wide, 1-2 mm deep. The paint color is selected depending on the client’s wishes, as well as her color type. Thanks to the detailed drawing of each hair, the overall eyebrows are natural.


There are two main eyebrow microblading techniques:

  1. Shadow. What happens is not the drawing of each hair, but the shading of the pigment - shadow and penumbra are created in the direction of growth. The result is visually lush eyebrows, a tone more intense than natural. Experts advise fair-haired girls to pay attention to this technique.
  2. Voloskovaya (or European). It will help to radically change the shape and location of the arches. If you decorate the hairs with pigment, working in different directions, they will turn out even more natural and voluminous.

Benefits of the procedure:

  • natural look;
  • there is no need to dye your eyebrows every day;
  • swelling subsides within 24 hours;
  • wound healing period - 6-8 days;
  • If you don’t like the effect, it is easier to remove (unlike tattooing or permanent makeup) - you will need to undergo 4 laser removal procedures.

The disadvantages of microblading include:

  • high cost;
  • short period of color intensity (especially for those with oily skin). It washes out on its own within a year;
  • the pigment may come off unevenly;
  • Frequent adjustments are required;
  • It’s difficult to find a craftsman who does his job well.

Indications and contraindications

  • eyebrow shape is asymmetrical;
  • hairs are thin, sparse;
  • there are scars or cicatrices that break the contour;
  • after excessive plucking, thinned areas have formed;
  • hairs fall out a lot or do not grow very densely.

Do not forget that microblading involves medical intervention, and therefore has a number of contraindications. It is prohibited to carry out:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • for acute skin inflammations;
  • if the skin is too sensitive;
  • during menstruation;
  • if the patient has diabetes;
  • with poor blood clotting.

Preparation for the procedure

The main stage is preparing the eyebrows. The master will correct their shape directly during the session. Therefore, it is advisable not to pluck them for 7-14 days. This will make it easier for him to assess the structure, direction of growth, thickness and density of the hairs.

The first step is to decide on the desired color and shape. You should not choose bright colors, as getting rid of such a result will be very difficult.

Interesting to know! Experts advise fair-haired girls to pay attention to brown or grayish tones; for red-haired girls, copper or dark brown shades are suitable; and for brunettes, brown and black colors are the ideal choice.

2 days before microblading you need to limit yourself to:

  1. Taking antibiotics, as they promote pigment rejection.
  2. Alcohol consumption. Strong drinks thin the blood and activate the copious secretion of ichor during the procedure. This will definitely affect the quality of the final result.
  3. It is also prohibited to visit the solarium. The dermis after it becomes rougher and more resistant to the injected color.
  4. To improve the results on the day of the procedure, you should not include spicy and fried foods or coffee in your diet.

How to do it

The step-by-step procedure is as follows:

  1. The skin is degreased using a special tonic.
  2. Next, the eyebrow area is treated with an anesthetic gel, and a film is applied. The product will begin to act in 15-20 minutes. Its excess is removed with a cotton pad.
  3. Combing hairs. The future shape is modeled with a pencil and tweezers.
  4. Depending on the chosen technique, color drawing or shading begins. The work is performed with a sterile disposable device. Its sharp tip is dipped into a jar of pigment and, with precise movements, it makes cuts according to a previously drawn pattern.
  5. Fixation of shade. After the procedure, the eyebrows are treated with a special composition with an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. It removes irritation, swelling and fixes color.

Stages of the procedure. The top picture is the result

On average, the microblading procedure takes from half an hour to 90 minutes.

Important! Poor quality work cannot be removed with hydrogen peroxide, essential oil or folk recipes. The only way out is laser removal.


Care after eyebrow microblading is prescribed by a specialist who has studied the condition of the skin before the procedure. But there are a few general rules:

  1. For the first 2-3 days, it is forbidden to wash your face with chlorinated water. It is necessary to gently wipe it with micellar liquid or tonic, avoiding the eyebrow area.
  2. From 3-4 days wash with boiled water.
  3. After 4-5 days, a visible crust forms on the eyebrows. It is strictly forbidden to rip it off. If severe itching bothers you, you should lubricate it with Panthenol or Bepanten.
  4. A regenerating ointment (for example, Actovegin) promotes healing and exfoliation of the epidermis. It must be applied 3-4 times a day.
  5. Until the wounds are completely healed, you should not dye your eyebrows or apply decorative cosmetics.
  6. The crusts will disappear in 13-16 days. After this, the entered color will be more faded. After 21 days it will enter its “final shade”. After this, the wounds are considered to have completely healed.
  7. For a month after the procedure, experts do not recommend peeling, using harsh scrubs, or visiting a sauna, swimming pool, or solarium.

Result before and after the procedure

Important! The final eyebrow color will “appear” after 3-4 weeks. Typically, up to 30% of the shade is lost during the healing process.

Today, the beauty industry provides women with a huge selection of various cosmetological technologies and procedures to make them look well-groomed, stylish and attractive. According to the majority of girls and women, special attention should be paid to eyebrows, since it is thanks to them that you can emphasize your individuality and give greater expressiveness to your eyes.

Microblading - what it is and its benefits

Eyebrows are an attribute that shapes the appearance of the face, and if the clarity of their lines differs even with small errors, and the shape leaves much to be desired, then there is nothing to say about the stylishness of the image. Their regular contours, thickness, and naturalness are elements that can give a woman’s image some zest.

To give their eyebrows the desired and suitable shape, women have to spend a lot of time on this, which is almost never enough. Fortunately, cosmetology does not stand still, but is constantly developing and moving forward with rapid steps. To make life easier for the fair sex, she offers a solution - microblading. Surely many women will be interested in learning about such a procedure as eyebrow microblading - what it is, how long the result lasts and how effective it will be.

A considerable number of women are not even aware of the existence of a cosmetic procedure, thanks to which eyebrows can be given a beautiful and well-groomed look.

If we turn to etymology, we can find out that the word “blade” is translated from English as “blade.” In other words, this is a manual tattoo, since pigmentation is done manually without the use of any machines.

To give the eyebrows the desired shape and thickness, a special tool is used that resembles an ordinary brush, the edge of which is made in the form of a tiny blade. Using this unusual instrument, the cosmetologist makes small cuts into which pigment paint is injected. The blade itself is very thin, so the paint is introduced in such a way that the eyebrows take on a natural look.

Stages of the procedure

Before we talk in detail about how eyebrow microblading is done, it should be mentioned that the whole procedure is painstaking and requires a lot of patience and skill from a professional, and it consists of several stages:

After about a month, the eyebrows will fade a little, but this should not be upsetting. You just need to visit the beauty salon again. The master will carry out corrective measures. Where the hairs have disappeared, he will fill them in. If they are a little faded, he will simply draw them.

Rehabilitation period

If we compare classic tattooing and microblading, then when performing the latter, drips and blurriness are completely eliminated. However, the main difference is the rehabilitation period. After microblading:

  • there is less swelling;
  • there are no injuries;
  • pigment takes root well;
  • There is no risk of infection, since the needle penetrates shallowly into the skin.

Session cost

Every woman who decides to undergo such a procedure must first carefully consider the choice of salon. Today, many prestigious salons can offer such services at a fairly high level, but getting a negative result is quite possible. Many women claim that the cost of micropigmentation is high, but it all depends on the education of the specialist and his experience. The type of equipment he uses also plays an important role. How much this procedure will cost is also influenced by the choice of paint and local anesthesia drug.

Microblading is a procedure that requires compliance with certain recommendations and rules of care after it is performed. A few days after such a cosmetology session, crusts appear on the eyebrows, which are strictly forbidden to get rid of on your own. You need to wait a while for them to disappear on their own. If you interfere with the healing process, scars may appear. Therefore, caring for eyebrows after microblading is a very important process, on which the rapid healing of wounds and the future beauty of the eyebrows depend.

Rules of care:

The result of microblading will delight not only the woman herself, but also the people around her with beauty and attractiveness. It will be possible for a long time to forget about daily used cosmetics - such as pencils, mascara. Therefore, many women are concerned about how long eyebrow microblading lasts.

Although this procedure allows you to achieve a lasting effect, it is impossible to say for sure how long the applied pigment will last. For some, it lasts 7-8 months, while others can enjoy beautiful and well-groomed eyebrows for up to a year and a half. There are many cases where microblading lasted about 2.5-3 years. The reason for this is the type of skin and its individual characteristics.

The age of the client also plays an important role in the durability of the result. It turns out that microblading lasts much longer in women who are over 40 years old.

Indications and contraindications

For most women, the microblading procedure turned out to be a “lifesaver”, and with its help, the weaker sex managed to solve many problems related to appearance, namely:

  • disguise existing scars or scars;
  • adjust the shape and color of the eyebrows;

And yet, this is a medical intervention in the human body, therefore, like any cosmetic procedure, there are some contraindications. Eyebrow microblading is strictly prohibited for people who have the following health problems:

  • poor blood clotting;
  • diabetes;
  • hepatitis;
  • HIV infection;
  • various skin diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • period of the menstrual cycle;
  • lactation;
  • infectious diseases;
  • panic attacks.

Pregnant women are also prohibited from performing this procedure.

Thus, after microblading, eyebrows will acquire unprecedented attractiveness, and eyes - unique expressiveness. The main advantage is naturalness. Whether or not to undergo microblading is a personal matter for everyone. For some, this is a pointless waste of money, while others consider such cosmetology services to be the only opportunity to add attractiveness and originality to themselves. It all depends on the woman’s personal preferences and, of course, on the skill of the specialist.

A low-molecular pigment introduced under the skin is excreted with lymph. This is the work of the immune system, which provides protection to our body. The rate of pigment removal is affected by metabolism, age, skin type and other individual characteristics of the body. The average life expectancy of microblading is from 6 months to 1.5 - 2 years.

How to retain pigment in the skin?

The only way to extend the life of microblading is to protect the pigment from fading. Be sure to use creams with a high SPF factor (above 30) in the sun and in the solarium. For everyday use, use creams with a protection level of 15-20 SPF. It is impossible to influence metabolism or change the structure and type of skin.

Will it fade away or remain forever?

Microblading may fade away. It is impossible to predict when this will happen, or whether it will happen in your case. Typically the low molecular weight dye will lighten and disappear. Sometimes microblading leaves a mark in the form of a light, barely noticeable shade of gray. But micropigmentation never remains in the form of blue tattoos!

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)


Clear, regular facial features make the image attractive and expressive. There are many ways to effectively highlight or subtly change natural lines. The microblading procedure gives the eyebrows a beautiful, well-groomed look and eliminates the need for daily adjustments using cosmetics.

What is eyebrow microblading

Biotattoo is a new salon service. Eyebrow microblading – what is it? The name translates from English as “tiny blade.” Indeed, the creation of lines occurs using microscopic technology. The dye is injected manually with a thin needle. The master draws each individual hair, controlling his movements throughout the entire process. Detailed implementation of the procedure gives natural beauty to the eyebrows.

What is the difference between microblading and tattooing?

A regular tattoo is applied with a needle and machine. What is the difference between permanent makeup and microblading? The first procedure is especially painful and has a long healing period. An old tattoo is difficult to remove. Eyebrow microblading – what is it? The adjustment is the manual work of a cosmetologist. The penetration depth of the dye is small - up to 0.5 mm. Which is better - or eyebrow microblading? The second procedure is less painful. At the same time, the eyebrows look natural. Both correction methods are approximately the same in price.